Daria the Unicorn

The Cynical Duo were walking to school as per the script when Jane turned to her bitter friend and asked out of the blue, "Say Daria, what was the most embarrassing thing you ever did to your parents?"

"Hmm..." Daria mused before seeming to remember and went, "Oh I remember now."


Well at any rate here is what she thunk up.

*fades to flashback*

In the Morgendorffer's old home in Highland Texas, part-time paralegal and law student Helen Morgendorffer is hosting a small get-together with her and her husband's friends.

"...And I told Abby that if she wanted those files by tomorrow she would have to..." Helen said to a friend but trailed off as she felt someone tapping her shoulder.

She turned and saw her husband with a worried expression, but ignored it and said, "Not now Jake."

She also ignored his further attempts at getting her attention, bad move Helen.

But she did clue in to a growing hush in the crowd and zeroed in on what it was.

Then she managed a very weak croak of a protest.

In the center of the living room in her Gem PJs was her eight year old daughter, Daria, and strapped to her head was... was...

"Lookie everyone," she said in her dull monotone, "I'm a unicorn!"

There was a heavy thud as her husband passed out.

Then one of the guests asked the obvious question.

"Whe-Where did you get that sweetie?"

Without missing a beat the little girl replied, "Under mommie and daddies bed, but it smells funny."

*back to the present*

"...It was worth being grounded for ten months." Daria assured her friend, who looked like she was about to explode.

That one sentence proved to be the straw that broke the camels back.

They were late for school that day since it took Jane nearly twenty minutes to stop laughing.

The End
