Disclaimer: I own none of the WWE Superstars in this story, only the OC Characters and my story idea.

A/N: So I've had this idea for a while after hearing the rumours about Seth and Roman's heat on them backstage after they got in an argument with some other talent. Rumour was that some egos have gotten a little inflated and I thought I'd spin a story around this idea. This probably won't be a long fic. It's just a filler while I get more ideas for my other two major fics. Enjoy!

Monday Night Raw - 19th August, 2013

"So I was thinking-"

"That can't possibly be a good thing."

CM Punk grinned from his spot perched on the end of the medical table, "Oh I like you already."

Lita looked heavenward from her chair next to the table, "Why I choose to deal with this, I don't know."

Chloe Palmer bit back a smile, "Could you try and keep still while I check if you have a concussion, Punk?" The former WWE Champion stilled, but his grin was still in place on his face much to his girlfriend and Chloe's amusement. After shining the light in his eyes, she stepped back, a smile on her face, "You're fine, Punk. No concussion but if you start feeling sick-"

"Yeah, yeah I know. I'll get my woman to drive me to the hospital."

Lita raised an eyebrow, unamused, before remarking drily, "At this rate, your woman is going to smother you in your sleep with a pillow."

"Gosh, you're kinky today."

The former women's champion groaned, rubbing her temples. She looked at Chloe, pleading, "Tell me there's somewhere I can take him for overnight observation...forever?"

Chloe laughed, signing off on Punk's form that he was cleared to wrestle the next day, "Unfortunately, no." She turned to Punk, passing him the form for him to also sign, "Try and stay out of this office for a few days, won't you?" The straight-edge wrestler had been spending quite a considerable amount of time in the medics area over the past few weeks due to his storyline with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Even during the live events, Punk had somehow to always injure himself and end up in the back area, much to his girlfriend Lita's displeasure.

"Sick of my pretty face?"

"Jesus," breathed Lita, grabbing her jacket to put it on, "I wish he actually had a concussion that I could blame this all on, but he doesn't." She tugged at his arm, pulling him off the table, "C'mon Batman, let's go home." Chloe waved bye to the duo, stifling a giggle as Punk waved to her, cheeky wink and all. She shook her head at the man's antics, glancing over at the head medic, Michael Sampson, who rolled his eyes at CM Punk also.

"Good work, Palmer," said the head doctor, his arms folded across his chest. "You're doing really well and I like your rapport that you've got with some of them."

Chloe grinned, removing her gloves to replace them with a new pair of disposable ones. Chloe Palmer had only started in the last few weeks at the WWE as part of the medical team and she was only just recently given the go-ahead to look at the wrestlers on her own. Michael Sampson, the head doctor, had a lot of faith in her and observed all her interactions with the wrestlers. She was only fresh out of med school and being part of the WWE had always been a dream of hers. Dr Sampson had told her that her extensive knowledge of the wrestlers, movesets and related injuries was what got her the job in the first place despite the fact she was only just graduated. The young woman had only met part of the roster during her first few weeks there and she was still excited to meet the rest of them, especially the men that she considered her heros and idols. She leant back against the bench with Michael as he showed her on his iPad some gruesome photos of injuries that he'd seen previously on the road. Whilst they glanced through the photos, the door swung open and three men came stumbling through, with another man trailing behind them, clutching the back of his neck.

Michael moved quickly first, helping the two men lift the middle man they were carrying up onto the table. The fourth man helped himself to an icepack and threw himself onto a stool with wheels, sliding across the room to sit next to the medical table. Chloe had barely moved from her spot, her eyes wide at the men that had appeared. Daniel Bryan was sitting on the stool, his head bent forward with an ice pack on his neck. Standing by the table was Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns, and on the table was Seth Rollins. Chloe had met both Dean and Daniel previously and was pleasantly surprised by the difference in their on screen characters and their off screen personalities. But Seth and Roman, she hadn't had the pleasure of meeting yet. Her heart was thundering in her chest at the sight of Seth Rollins. The Tag Team Champion had been a favourite of hers from when he was in ROH as Tyler Black. Her train of thought was interrupted by Michael calling her over to inspect Seth. Shaking her head, she smiled sheepishly and stepped forward to begin her inspection of Seth.

"So what's happened?"

Seth glared at her, his dark eyes hard with anger, "I hurt my fucking knee, what do you think?"

Dean punched him in the shoulder, "Be nice."

"Not my fault she's an idiot."

Chloe swallowed, biting back the urge to snap at the young man, "Fine. Now can you extend your leg out for me?"

Her hands were wrapped around the knee as Seth extended his leg slightly, before yelling in protest, his knee dropping back down to hang over the edge of the table, "That's all I can do."

Her brow furrowed, her eyes intent on inspecting the injured knee. Her hands massaged the area of the knee, testing to see what muscles might be pulled or strained. She couldn't hear a click as he raised it so she was sure it wasn't dislocated or anything. Chloe also couldn't feel a tear in the muscle so it wasn't too badly damaged- "What the fuck is taking you so long?"

Chloe's head snapped up and she stared wide eyed at the angry wrestler, "Excuse me?"

He looked over her shoulder at Dr Sampson, "Seriously, can't you inspect it? The fan girl looks like she's trying to get off feeling around my knee."

The young medic removed her hands quickly from his knee, her eyes staring downwards. She didn't want them to see the tears welling up in them, so she turned quickly to remove her gloves over the bin, "There's no tears or breaks so it looks just a little bruised and twisted. Just put some ice on it and do some stretches and you'll be fine. Take it easy for a few days even.

"I don't have a few days to take it easy. I've got Main Event filming tomorrow," snapped Seth, rolling his eyes, "Mike, can you just double check? I don't trust her."

"Fuck, stop being a prick, Rollins. What the hell is wrong with you?"

Seth glared at the bearded wrester, sitting beside him, "Fuck off, man. I'm tired and injured and the last thing I need is this shit."

The head medic shook his head, his voice quiet, "She's just a kid, Rollins. She's only new, give her a break."

"Just look at my knee already, doc."

Dean shook his head at the antics of his young stablemate. He shared a look with Roman Reigns. The other tag team champion shook his head as well at Seth, disgust on his face at the way his friend was acting. They had been noticing the change in their friend over the past few weeks and they had no idea where it came from. Dean didn't want to admit it, but he was pretty sure that the ego of Seth Rollins had expanded greatly over the past few weeks, especially because they were dominating Champions in the tag team division. It also didn't help that they were personal favourites of the McMahons and tonight on Raw, they had been booked for two matches and were the personal security for the McMahon storyline. Their television exposure was growing and unfortunately, so was Rollins' attitude. The US Champion cast a glance over at the young girl who had previously looked at Seth's knee and he sighed, noticing that despite the fact she was looking like she was reading through reports, he could see the tears welling up in her eyes. While Sampson kept Seth's attention, Dean moved over to the young woman, his hand reaching out to touch her hand lightly, "You okay, Sunshine?"

Chloe glanced up at the sudden intrusion, the surprise evident on her face. She reached up and wiped her eyes, sending Dean a watery smile, "I'm fine, thanks Dean."

Dean had met Chloe a few times and he was starting to enjoy his trips to the medical area, just so he could have a few minutes of chatting to her. She had come out of her shell finally and he enjoyed bickering with her over stupid things and also, he loved stirring her with his flirting. He patted her arm gently, "I'm sorry about him,"

She shook her head, "It's fine Dean, I promise. He's upset and injured. I totally understand how he's feeling."

As her eyes flickered over to look at Seth Rollins as he spoke with the doctor, Dean's heart dropped slightly at his realisation.

Chloe Palmer was a fan of Seth Rollins.

He scratched the back of his head, a frustrated sigh leaving his lips. The poor girl had just met her idol and he'd been an absolute dick to her and she hadn't deserved it at all. Dean didn't even know what to say right now but he knew that someone needed to talk to Seth soon, because one day he was going to snap at a fan and it was going to be the end of them all. They were a cohesive unit. As soon as one goes down, they would all end up in major heat together.

"Dean, let's go," called Roman as he hooked Seth's arm over his neck. Dean sighed, before winking at Chloe and sending her a small smile. He grabbed Seth's other arm and hooked it over his own neck, before helping the young man out the door.

Chloe watched as the three men disappeared, with not even one bit of acknowledgement for her work from Seth Rollins. She looked over at Daniel Bryan, who had also stood up from his seat. He smiled apologetically at the young medic, "We don't know what's gotten into him lately, but don't take it to heart, okay?" Chloe nodded, trying to smile reassuringly at the man, "Alright, thanks guys. See you tomorrow maybe."

As the former Champion left the room, Dr Sampson turned to Chloe, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips, "I am so sorry, Chloe. He's not normally like that.. Well lately, he has been, but yeah I'm so sorry."

She shook her head, a stray dark strand swinging across her face, "Like I said to Dean, it's fine. He's tired, angry and injured. I think others probably would've acted similar to that." She glanced at her watch, "Shall we wait another twenty before packing up?"

At Michael's nod, she turned back to the reports she was reading and tried to forget about the incident. Trust her to be a fan of the biggest asshole she'd ever met in her life. But like she had said to the others, maybe he was just upset and tired. She honestly hoped that was the reason, otherwise she was in for a rude shock about her supposed hero.

23rd August, 2013

"Did I mention how much I love your new job?"

"It is way too early in the morning to deal with your hyperactivity."

Ben Palmer grinned at his sister, his plate balanced in one hand as he filled it with eggs and bacon, "Don't act like you don't miss me."

Chloe rolled her eyes, "This is very real right now, Ben."

The 21 year old pouted, "I'm telling Mum."

An exasperated look was sent his way, "How old exactly are you?"

Ben puffed out his chest, a look of glee on his face, "Officially legal in all 53 states of America."

Chloe snorted at his ridiculousness, "There's only 50, you moron." She laughed as she watched him storm off from her towards an empty table in the buffet area of the hotel they were staying in. The WWE had travelled to Fresno, California for the first of the house shows for the week. Since they were close to Los Angeles, Chloe had organised for her brother to come up from the UCLA campus the night before so he could come to the show with her. She hadn't seen her brother in ages since she started on the road and he had gone off to college. Ben was a nerd in respect to his wrestling. The boy had grown up on it and refused to follow many other sports besides wrestling and soccer. As she sat down at the table he had thrown himself at, she glanced over at the wrestlers that were making their way to breakfast. Her eyes met Dean Ambrose's and she offered the man a smile. He grinned sleepily at her and sent her a wink much to her amusement. Chloe had managed to not run into any of the Shield members after Monday Night Raw. They didn't manage to get injured during the taping of Main Event and Smackdown on Tuesday night so she'd avoided them, in particular Seth Rollins.

"Dude, is Dean Ambrose walking over here?"

Chloe snapped out of her thoughts at her brother's words and she looked up to see Dean standing beside their table, "Hey Dean."

The US Champion smiled, "Morning Sunshine."

As Dean looked questioningly over at Ben, Chloe cleared her throat, "Oh sorry, this is my brother Ben. Ben, this is Dean Ambrose." Much to Chloe's amusement, her brother had become mute and only offered a weak smile at Dean. She rolled her eyes, "Sorry, he's a bit star struck."

Dean laughed, "I don't blame him." He noticed that Ben was now rummaging in his backpack so he used the distraction to lean down to whisper in Chloe's ear, "You alright?"

She nodded, touched at the concern from the wrestler, "Dean, I promise I'm okay."

He relaxed slightly, standing upright again, "I just wanted to make sure."

Chloe reached up and squeezed his arm in thanks, "Thank you, I appreciate it." She looked over at her brother, a smile curling her lips at the childlike excitement on his face and the photo that was clasped tightly in his hands. "Oh Jesus," she groaned, laughing at him.

Ben's voice was quiet as he held out the small poster gingerly to the US Champion, "Could I maybe get an autograph, please?"

The tall wrestler grinned, reaching over to grab the poster and sign it with Ben's permanent marker, "No worries kid. You coming to the show tonight?"

"Yeah, but I'll be with Chloe in the medical area."

"Look, Roman and Seth will be here soon. When they get here, come on over and I'll get them to sign that photo for you as well." He grinned at the complete look of delight on the shy kid's face and he winked at Chloe, "See you tonight, Chlo'"

As he walked off to his table, Chloe couldn't help but laugh loudly at her brother, "You are such a goof." She watched as he tried to form sentences, but ended up gaping like a fish, "Oh boy, I think you're in love."

Ben looked horrified, clutching the photo to his chest, "Do not confuse a man's admiration for love!"

Chloe rolled her eyes at his antics, but inside she was pleased that Dean had been so nice with her brother. When he had mentioned that Ben should come over to their table when the rest of them got there, she was a little worried considering Seth's attitude on Monday night. But like she had thought previously, she only wished that it was because he was injured. Not because he was actually an asshole.

The two were content to eat their breakfast, trading stories about college life and road life. Ben couldn't be more pleased that Chloe had gotten a job in a world that they had only dreamed about being a part of when they were younger. Chloe realised she had lost Ben's attention halfway through a story when she noticed him staring over her shoulder. She raised an eyebrow, "What is wrong with you?"

"The Shield," breathed Ben, his eyes wide. Despite the fact that he knew his sister was part of the company, he was still in awe of seeing that she was a part of the WWE. He grabbed his photo and marker, his hands shaking and he glanced worried at his sister. "Should I go?" he asked, his voice quiet.

Chloe couldn't believe that the sight of wrestlers had reduced her brother back to his shy self. She grinned at him, slapping his shoulder, "Go. Dean said it was fine." She looked over her shoulder and saw Dean wave at Ben, "See, go. He wants you to go over there."

Within seconds of her brother walking over there, Chloe turned her chair to face the interaction that she knew would be hilarious if her brother's previous antics with Dean were anything to go by. She watched as he handed the photo to Roman, who signed it whilst talking to her brother. Her brow furrowed, however, as Seth barely looked up from his breakfast at the photo that was slid across the table towards him.

"Yo, Seth, sign the photo for the kid."

Seth looked up, unamused by the intrusion to his breakfast, "For who?"

"This is Ben," introduced Dean, patting Ben on the shoulder as the young boy took a seat next to him, "He's Chloe's brother."

"Am I supposed to know who Chloe is?"

Roman buried his face in his palm, "Fuck, Rollins. Just sign the photo for the kid."

"Is he mute? Can't he ask for himself?"

Ben looked at Dean, who nodded to him, and the young boy spoke, his voice still shaky with nerves at meeting his idols, "Sorry, I'm just a bit.. you know, nervous. I'm Ben. I've been a huge fan of you guys for ages. Even before when you were in Ring Of Honor. My sister and I watched it all the time and then when you were in FCW-"

Seth held up a hand, "Okay, I know my life story, relax. Anyway, here you go kid, have a nice day."

He slid the photo over to Ben, who picked it up and stood up quickly, thanking them for the opportunity. Chloe watched as her brother made her way over to her table, his eyes staring at his photo in joy. Her heart stopped as the look on his face faded instantly and she could see the tears welling up in the 21 year old's eyes. Ben sat next to her, his head downcast and he slammed the photo face down on the table. He grabbed his backpack, hurridly, "Can we go?"

Chloe looked confused, "What happened? Ben, what's wrong?"

He shook his head, his hand reaching up to wipe at his eyes, "It's stupid. Let's just go. No, don't!" He made a grab for the photo but Chloe grabbed it for him and she stared at the photo, her heart breaking for her brother. There on the picture of the Shield were three signatures. Dean had written, 'Nice to meet you Ben. Dean Ambrose.'. Roman had signed it with his name and drawn some wierd stick figure. And then there was Seth's signature next to a message of 'To Peter, Seth Rollins.'. Ben looked at his sister fearfully as she stood up, the photo clutched tightly in her hands, "Where are you going?"

Chloe ignored her brother, even as he stumbled after her, trying in vain to stop her. She reached the table where the Shield were sitting and she slammed the photo down on the table, staring hard at Rollins, "His name is Ben."

Seth leaned back in his seat, an eyebrow raised, "Excuse me?"

"His name is Ben. Not Peter. Not anything else. It's Ben. And I know you were introduced to him, so don't act like you didn't know."

Roman's eyes widened at the tone of the young medic and he leaned over to look at the photo, a groan escaping his lips at the message written by Seth, "Fucking hell, Rollins. Really?"

Dean looked over as well and shook his head, a glare sent towards his friend, "You're a dickhead. He's just a kid."

Seth Rollins shrugged, "I'm sorry. It's first thing in the morning. I'm half asleep and didn't know I would be harassed by fans this early."

"You weren't harrassed," snapped Dean, sending an apologetic look towards Ben.

Chloe wasn't sure if she was angry or disappointed. She cast a look at her brother, who looked so crestfallen at the fact that his hero as well hadn't turned out the way he'd hoped. She shook her head, realising that anger wasn't going to solve anything right now, especially since she was new. She reached out an arm and wrapped it around her brother's shoulders, handing him back his photo. "C'mon Benny. Dad was right. Meeting your hero will only end in disappointment." The young medic pushed him gently towards the exit, her arm still tight around the young boy's shoulders.

Seth Rollins stared after the medic, her words actually stinging as she said them. He shook his head, telling himself not to worry about her, and he turned his attention back to his breakfast. He was startled by a chair pushing back harshly and he frowned as Dean got up, chasing after the brother and sister that had just left their table. Seth rolled his eyes, "What's his problem?"

To say Roman Reigns was horrified was an understatement. He and Dean had spoken the day after Raw about his behaviour and they had been meaning to have a talk to him if his behaviour got more out of control. And right now, Roman knew that the talk was way overdue. He slammed his hands down on the table and stood up, looking stonily at his friend, "I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but if you don't remove your head from your ass, you're going to put us all in a difficult position. Grow up and stop thinking you are better than everyone else. I will not be held accountable for your actions. You do not treat people that way. Ever!" Roman grabbed his jumper, throwing it on, and he walked away from the table. He paused, however, and looked over his shoulder at the young wrestler.

"You've become an asshole, Rollins, and I don't know how much more Dean and I can take."

A/N: Review and let me know what you all think!

Disclaimer: I own none of the WWE Superstars in this story, only the OC Characters and my story idea.