A/N: You know what?

I just... I can't...

...I don't know what I'm doing any more.

Me no own. You no sue.

Liar, Liar.

Original MentallyDatingGrayFullbuster fanfiction story.

. . .

They had both known it was dangerous – yet he had gone anyway.

They both knew what the inevitable was – yet he had gone anyway.

They both knew, whether one of them had said it out loud or not, there was a chance that he wouldn't make it back…

Yet he had gone anyway.

. . .

"I need to do this."



"You don't need to do anything but stay here. Be with me."


. . .

He had seen the news report. Hundreds of soldiers died during the war that year.

Levi probably would have lost count if it wasn't for the number beside the name showing one by one on his television screen.

267 – Petra Ral.

268 – Hanji Zoe.

269 – Erd Gin

And the list went on.

749 – Auruo Bossard

750 – Annie Leonhardt

Went it neared the end of the list, he realized his breathing pattern was off. He had been holding his breath countless times, just hoping that one name wouldn't show.

But… even hope can be a bitch.

1659 – Eren Jaéger.

. . .

He couldn't bring it in himself to cry - it just wasn't his style.

On the rare occasion, though, in his lonely home – he'd catch himself sitting in the old chair near the door, by the window. The years have, of course, taken its toll on the old thing – now being covered in dust and creaking.

Although, Levi never once bothered to clean it.

He'd just sit there and stare out the window.

. . .

"I'll come back to you, I swear it."

At the time he had almost believed him. Almost.

"You fucking lying brat."

. . .

A/N: This happened completely by accident and now my feels hurt.

Please excuse me now while I go and cry in a corner T.T