A/N: Well... it's been a while, hasn't it? I won't bore you with the reasons why; if you're interested, you can read my profile. I hope you enjoy reading these silly little 200 word drabbles as much as I've enjoyed writing them.

I, of course, own no Turtles save for my dear pet Kame (Kah-may), and our latest addition, Squirt. Since Nick has been spreading mutagen around willy-nilly, I had high hopes for them, but so far they remain ordinary turtles.

Many thanks to the gals and guys of Fanfic Legit, a Facebook group, for your support, and also the members of Turtle Talk, who provide me with enough Turtle love to keep me sane. :)


"So, who's gonna tell him?"

"Not me. You did it. You tell him, Chucklehead."

"Nuh-uh. You pushed me. It wasn't my fault!"

"Well, if you two hadn't been messing around in my lab in the first place, it wouldn't have happened!"

"And if you had kept the door closed, they wouldn't have been in your lab."

"Yeah! You know how much I like shiny things!"

"Oh, so this is my fault now?"

"We don't call ya 'Genius' fer nothing!"

"No. It's not your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. It was an accident. But somebody has to tell Sensei."

"Why don't you tell him, Fearless? You're the leader."

"Oh sure, I'm your leader now. Why don't you tell him? You started it."

"I did not!"

"You pushed me!"

"You were bein' a chucklehead! Besides, I was just gettin' ya away from that button. You could've blown up the whole Lair!"

"I would not. That button wouldn't blow up the Lair…"

"Which button? And why were you pushing buttons in my lab, anyway?"

"The big red one by the desk."

"That's the alarm system."


"So, who's gonna tell him?"

"My sons?"

"Oh! Hi, Sensei. We, um… have something to tell you."