A/N: I've been working on this story for a while. I will get back to Playing In The Shadows eventually. This is a crazy and possibly funny crackfic that will see our Warehouse team in alot of outrageous scenarios. It all came about as I wondered what would happen if HG was to discover a ballpit. There will be atleast a dozen chapters. I'm in need of 2 Scavenger Hunt ideas, open to any suggestions. I hope you enjoy.

It was early on Friday evening and the entire warehouse team were seated around the dining room table enjoying dessert when Artie announced that he had something important to share with them. He waited until they were all silent before speaking.

"I've been informed by Mrs Frederic that you are all in need of a little vacation time."

"Alright!" Pete exclaimed as Claudia leaned across the table and high-fived him.

"When do we leave?"

"Where are we going?"

They all started talking over each other, enthusiastic at the idea of a little time away from the warehouse.

"Enough!" Artie yelled, frustrated by the interruption. Everyone stopped talking immediately and looked at him. "As I was saying, she has insisted that you all take a one week vacation away from the Warehouse but not all at once. Artifacts never rest, so you can't all take the time off together."

Pete went to speak but Artie raised his hand to silence him. "Over the next three weeks you will all take a vacation. We can only spare two of you at a time. Decide amongst yourselves who goes first. Two of you will leave Sunday." He stood from the table and walked towards the kitchen.

Noise erupted in the room as everyone started talking over each other again. After several minutes of bickering Pete whistled loudly causing everyone to look at him.

"Obviously we aren't going to agree who gets the first week, so how about a competition that will be fair for everyone?"

"What do you suggest?" Myka asked intrigued.

"A scavenger hunt! He exclaimed excited. "We split into pairs and everyone gets to suggest things for us to do, the harder the challenge the higher the points."

Everyone took a moment to think it over.

"This won't be a kiddy hunt with us finding maps and napkins right?" Steve asked as he thought of potential challenges.

"Hell no! We are going all out! Potential felony challenges." Pete smiled as he pictured the scenarios.

"I don't know Pete, it could go badly." Myka said being the voice of reason and responsibility. She knew if anyone was going to get blamed by Artie for allowing this, it would be her.

"Where's your sense of adventure darling?" Helena purred next to her.

"Yeah Mykes, let loose and have some fun for once."

"I have fun." She insisted.

"Well then what do you say? You up for it?" Pete asked and everyone looked towards her pleadingly.

"Fine! But if we get scolded by Artie you will tell him that I tried to stop you all."


"Some of those are extreme! Can we please erase a few of those?" Myka asked an hour later as she looked over the list of suggested ideas.

"No way! Those are amazing!" Claudia insisted.

"We cannot do all of those in one day. We have to narrow down the list." Steve said as he read over the list of fifty suggestions, many of which would likely result in being arrested.

"I don't want to get rid of any of them." Claudia said and Pete agreed.

"He's right though, we cannot complete even half of those in one day." Abigail said as she re-entered the room holding a tray of drinks. "We could achieve twenty of them."

"What twenty though?" Myka asked.

"I can create a program that will select twenty at random. I'll activate it in the morning before we leave." Claudia suggested.

"Wait! How about we split it again?" Pete raised his hand to stop any protesting. "Hear me out. We get ten challenges in the morning and the other ten halfway through the day. The final five will be ones that we will have to be together for. Can you write a program for that Claude?"

"Piece of cake!" She said confidently as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Settled! We'll do that in the morning after we draw teams. Rest up everyone, you'll need it if you want to beat me." He grabbed a drink from the tray and walked towards the kitchen.

Helena followed his lead and stood from the table to head to her room. She stood in the doorway leading to the foyer and waited for Myka to approach.

"I do hope we are fortunate enough to be on the same team darling. I believe you would look ravishing in a bikini." Helena whispered to Myka before turning away and walking up the stairs. Myka stood frozen to the spot as she tried to recover from the feelings that Helena had stirred deep inside her yet again. They had always flirted with each other but it had become more frequent over the past few months. She knew what she felt for Helena and was sure that Helena had feelings other than friendship for her; she was just waiting for a confirmation before acting on her feelings.

"Are you two ever going to get a room?" Steve asked as he walked through the doorway snapping Myka out of her thoughts. He laughed quietly as he noticed the blush on her cheeks spread.

"Uh.. goodnight Steve." Myka smiled at him and quickly made her way up the stairs.

"Are they together?" Abigail asked as she and Claudia followed Steve towards the living room.

"We're not sure." Claudia said as she grabbed the TV remote before sitting in the recliner.

"All I know for sure is that there is definitely something there and it is not just friendship."

"I certainly see that." Abigail agreed.

Myka was the last person to enter the dining room a little after 7am the following morning. She yawned as she took her seat next to Helena.

"Good morning darling."

Myka leaned into Helena and rested her head on her shoulder. "It's too early to be up on my day off." She felt Helena chuckle and smiled.

"Well you best win the vacation so you can sleep in for the next week."

"Alright, now that we are all here we can determine the teams." Pete said as he stood from his seat. He grabbed six straws and arranged them so they were displaying equal heights. "Everyone grab a straw, those who pick the three longest straws will choose the names of those with the shorter straws, out of this hat." He held out a baseball hat. "Alright, everyone pick your straw."

Pete, Myka and Claudia selected the longer straws and had chosen a remaining name from the hat.

"So it's settled, Claudia and Abigail, Myka and Steve and H.G and myself. Now we just need the list. Do it Claude." Pete instructed. Everyone except Myka stood around Claudia as she ran the program to select the first ten tasks. A few sighs and groans were heard.

"No complaining. Rules are as follow. You must get proof of the completion of each task. No proof, no points. They can be completed in any order. Oh and try not to get arrested. Everyone get ready, we leave for Sioux Falls in five minutes." Pete announced and left the room to gather anything he thought he may need. Steve, Claudia and Abigail followed, leaving Myka and Helena alone.

"It is a shame that we are not on the same team together but i'd be glad to offer my assistance for a few tasks." Helena said quietly as she grabbed Myka's hand and pulled her to her feet.

"Really, which ones?" Myka asked curiously, she had yet to see the final list but knew that Helena was being genuine.

"Tasks 2 and 3." She smiled mischievously as she dashed from the room, leaving Myka speechless as she looked over the list in front of her.

'Task #2 - Get a kiss from anyone. -25 points per person' 'Task #3 - Get a date. -30 points per date'

Alright so that's the intro chapter out of the way. It will get better (hopefully). Just a tease of what to expect in coming chapters.

Helena discovers a sex shop for the first time, Claudia dressed as Angelica Pickles from Rugrats, possible nipple piercings for certain team members, Bering and Wells in a ballpit, hints of a relationship between Claudia and Abigail, Steve flirting with a male officer, Myka caught with a Blow-Up Doll's head in her lap (this one made me giggle writing it) and possibly having a couple of them arrested for creating chaos in a department store.