I apologize, I have no excuse for the lateness. Just, life. It sucks, full of distractions, and I'll be honest, I was suffering from a lack of inspiration.

Again, sorry, and feel free to scold me in the comments.

Also, chapter 7 of Not So Identical will be coming soon, so, chill out.

Haha! See what I did there? Cause, it's Jack, and, rather cold, and, yeah.


Jack: You just gave us all another reason to scold you. That pun was pretty bad.

Me: Pfft, was not! You think it was genius too, you're just too jealous of my boss pun skillz to acknowledge them.

Jack: Um, no, it really was bad...

Me: You could say this chapter is very cool.

Jack: Izane-

Me: Just gives you the chills at how amazing my pun skillz are.

Jack: Really, Izane...

Me: Aw, come on, Jack! Just let it go-

Jack: No. I draw the line at the Frozen reference.

Me: Hmph. Fine. Here you go, my amazing readers! Le next chapter awaits!

Disclaimer: I do not own Rise of the Guardians or The Chronicles of Narnia. (Pfft, reality.)


"Thank you, Jack Frost." Jack turned around, finding that Diana was awake. He smiled.

"No problem." He said, turning back towards the window. Stepping on the edge of it, he leaned his head over, feeling the cool breeze. Calling the wind, he jumped over the edge and flew away, ready to spread some more winter and fun.

That's when he saw the lights.

As soon as North summoned them, he regretted it. It wasn't that big of a deal, and he could just solve it by himself, but something told him that this was much bigger than he made it out to be. He could feel it.

In his belly.

And his belly was never wrong.

One by one, the Guardians arrived. Bunny was first, followed by Tooth and Sandy. They asked what he called them for, but North refused to say anything until Jack arrived.

He was late, as always. The window bursting open, followed by a cool breeze, announced the arrival of the youngest Guardian.

"Hey guys." He greeted them, grinning like he just had two spoonfuls of sugar. Everybody except North was quick to greet him.

He sat down on the edge of the nearest sofa arm. Looking at North curiously, he and the rest of the Guardians waited patiently for him to tell them what he had called them in for.

What should I say, what should I say? Maybe- no, that's too blunt. Perhaps I could ease into the topic..? No, no, that wouldn't work either.

He twiddled his fingers, looking quite nervous.

Maybe I just shouldn't mention my suspicions. Just, tell them the truth. Tell them of the storm, of how I think that something should be done about it. I can trust Jack. If he's involved, I can trust him to tell us. He's a good kid. And good Guardian. I can trust all of them.

Finally, he took a deep breath, and turned to the people that they all see as family.

"There is extremely worrying problem, in different realm, that has been going on for long time. To be exact, been going on for hundred years. There's been a storm, a big storm, that will not allow me to come through to deliver Christmas." That got the rest of the Guardian's complete attention. Jack looked among the most worried, getting serious when he heard the word, 'storm'. North felt a little relief at that. If he is worried about this as well, then he must not be the cause.

"What are we going to do?" Tooth asked.

"And why did ya wait a hundred years to tell us this, North?" Bunny added. North sighed.

"I only waited because, well, time between this dimension and the other is confusing. Every portal to that dimension goes to a different time. Something is messing them up, changing the time, making things confusing. I couldn't be sure of the exact amount of time it had been since I'd last been there. Now that I know..." he shook his head. "This is extremely serious."

"And as to what we are going to do..." his face grew hard with seriousness. "The source of the problem has to be coming from inside the dimension. If we are going to find out what is causing it, and stop it, then we need to send somebody in, scout around, find out what's going on."

There was a pause as everybody mulled over this information.

"I'll go." Jack spoke up.

"What?" Bunny exclaimed.

"Jack, no! It could be dangerous." Tooth said.

Exclamation marks hovered over Sandy's head.

"You heard North yourselves," he explained, "Not even he could get past the storm. Seeing as I'm a seasonal spirit, I would have a better chance at getting through." The Guardians rifled through their minds for a decent argument, determined to not let their newest addition to the group go off on a dangerous mission.

"Well, what if it isn't a snow storm, Frostbite? It would barely make a difference." Bunny protested.

"Is a snow storm." North proclaimed, striking down his preposition. Bunny stuttered.

"I think it is good idea that Jack goes. He is very capable of handling himself, and seeing our current situation, he would fit in most." Jack smiled at North, happy that someone was backing him up.

"Um, what exactly is this dimension called?" Tooth asked.

North considered the question for a while. "It is called, Narnia." he said, somewhat wistfully, as if it holds lots of meaning and importance.

Nobody really reacted to it.

Well, from what they could see.

Jack could of sworn he had heard that name somewhere. It sounded familiar, like the memories were just out of reach. Where had he heard of that place before? And, a name, there was a name that went with it. An important name, oh so important. Was it, what was it? He couldn't remember. Didn't it start with an 'A'?

"Well, it is decided. Jack, you will be sent in to look for the cause." North announced, breaking him from his previous thoughts. "My portal has been completely blocked, but there is one more."

"Well then, lets go find it and get this over with." Bunny said, getting up from his position by the fireplace.

"It is not that simple." North interrupted. Bunny slumped back into his seat, groaning.

"The only other portal left was destroyed after World War 2. If Jack is to go into Narnia, then he will have to go into the past."

The winter spirit in question raised his eyebrows. "The past?" he repeated. "You mean, like time travel?" he looked around at the others, to see if any of them would start laughing.

Their faces were just as confused as his.

A series of images went over Sandy's head, including many clocks and question marks, then finally a hooded man and another question mark.

"Yes, Sandy, we will have to talk to Father Time."

Lucy Pevensie jolted awake with the sound of bombs dropping, fires, explosions, and planes overhead. She was scared, terrified, calling out for her mother, hoping she would come.

Indeed, Lucy Pevensie was truly terrified. But, through all of those scary, nasty things that could scare a grown adult, she couldn't help but think...

And I was having a good dream, too.

Just then, her sister, Susan, came rushing into the room.

"Lucy, come on!" She grabbed her sister out of bed, dragging her outside to the bomb shelter. Peter went after Edmund, who had bolted back into the house, and dragged him back into the bomb shelter, holding a shattered picture frame that held their father.

Peter shut the door exasperated, after a remark of, "You could've been killed!".

Lucy wasn't paying much attention, she was still trying to hold onto that amazing dream she had before being rudely interrupted by the bombers overhead.

"Mum, I was having an amazing dream-" she was saying, but her mum cut her off.

"Not now honey, just be quiet, I know you're scared, just keep quiet." her mum reassured, as Susan held her, both hoping to calm the fear that was only vaguely there.

"But, it really was amazing, I really wanted to tell you it..." her mum just shook her head. Not now, her gesture said. Lucy humphed in annoyance.

Trying to ignore everything, she focused again on her dream, hoping she would never forget it, that she would always remember that dream of flying.

Yes, she was flying, flying over a thick, pinewood forest, the sun shining in the hot, summer air. Summer, yet she felt cool.

And a boy, a boy with white hair...

No matter. The dream didn't seem to be fading, not now, anyways. She hoped it never did.

'Sup, again! :D

Again, thank you so much everybody for still reading this, and for not giving up on me, even with the extensible time space between this update and the last.

Time travel in the TARDIS, am I right? ;D

I'm gonna try my hardest with getting back on schedule, and I will never, ever, ever, a million times ever give up on any of my stories! I will finish these fanfictions if it is the last thing I do!

Me: You could say my schedule is a bit of a fixer-uper.

Jack: Izane-

Me: for the first time in forever, this chapter will be uploaded!

Jack: Okay, really, stop it-

Me: Cause I'm a happy snowman!

Jack: Izane, seriously..?


Jack: That's it. *chases after me*

Me: Well, somebody isn't a happy snowman today.

*Jack chases me around, throwing snowballs at me and freezing the ground beneath my feet*

Me: Wait, Jack, just calm down! Love is an open doo-

*giant snow pile falls on top of me, burying me in it. Jack turn back to you*

Jack: Anyways, please review, tell us what you think of the chapter, and if there is anything we can do to make it better, more higher quality, or if you have any ideas on what should come next, tell us!

Also, we're open to friendly, helpful criticism, any tips to help this hopeless writer who couldn't pass an English class if her life depended on it-

*I pop out of the snow pile*

Me: Hey, I totally passed with an A-. And the only reason it's super hard is cause they test you on the names of different parts in writing, and all we ever do are boring argumentative essays. I have been doing argumentative essays since sixth grade, you'd think the curriculum would let teachers teach us something other than how to construct a valid argument on a piece of paper, like that's gonna help with my career as a creative writer who writes stories for the entertainment of others!

Jack: *sighs* here she goes again.

Me: I pay my taxes, I mow the lawn, I WANNA TELL MY SECRET!

Jack: o_O

Me: virtual cookies to anybody who knows where that quote is from. :D

Jack: ...


Random word of the day: Pineapples (Psych quote :D)

Jack: o_o