Hey reader so I guess I decided to make yet another story b/c it was stuck in my head...Ya old news right! Well i just love the guardians so much that i cant stop with the stories. Hopefully you love this as much as the others, and dont worry they wont be forgotten...i hope * bites nails nervously*

Disclaimer: i do not own ROTG or any of its characters, that belongs to dream works. I do however have some small rights to this story, to the plot and to any and all OCs

so ya thats it...(nothing else to say)... ENJOY!

Bunny tapped his foot impatiently, "when is that bloody snowflake going to get here?!"

As soon as his name was uttered (or at least his nickname), said winter spirit came bursting through the window closest to the pooka in a gust of cold wind.

"Jack your here!" Tooth squealed as she grabbed the boy in a tight hug before blushing and letting go just as quick.

The sprite rubbed the back of his neck, " ya sorry I'm late everyone. Decided to give Jamie and the others a huge snow day before I had to leave and I guess I just lost track of time."

" Ya should be sorry", Bunny mumbled under his breath. Jack however caught the words and smiled, " I didn't know you worried so much kangaroo."

The guardian of hope glared at the teasing guardian of fun, " how many times I gotta tell ya...I ain't a kangaroo!"

Jack simply rolled his eyes and looked toward a round yellow ball. He nodded his chin in his direction with a smile," hey Sandy." The sandman smiled back with a small wave.

'This is odd', Jack thought, ' usually by now I would be crushed by Norths huge embrace.'

"Uh guys...wheres North?" The other three guardians simultaneously pointed there finger to the middle of the room. It would have been a creepy gesture had Jack not been fully aware of the threes nature. Otherwise it would have looked much like something from one of those horror flicks Jamie had forced the winter spirit to watch.

Shaking himself away from his thoughts, Jack looked over to where the all too famous Santa Clause stood to see that he was paying Jacks entrance little attention. Instead he was staring at the moon, the reason they had all gathered today.

Noticing the big guy being completely oblivious, Bunny stepped in, " so now that we're all here, let's get this meeting started why don't we mate?" A furry arm was placed over a broad shoulder bringing the guardian of wonder into the real world. Snapping back to his senses the man looked around the room quickly and caught a blue blur. He focused his attention on it and placed his hands on his hips and a huge grin grew on his large face. " Ah Jack my boy, when did you get here?", he asked innocently. All the other guardians were ready to do a face palm right then and there. Instead Jack decided to spare the man an explanation and the humilation, "uhh just...right now,errr but never mind that. Why did MIM call us all here?"

A bright light shone on the floor of the globe room. " Ask and you shall be answered Jackson", a voice that sounded wiser and older than anyone you could imagine echoed in each guardians head.

"Funny I don't remember you being so generous with responding," Jack mumbled earning him a shove from Sandy.

An exhausted sigh escaped the wise mans lips, " we've been over this my dear guardian, and I do not wish to repeat myself. Besides theres more important matters to discuss." Jack sighed in defeat. MIM was right, he always was.

"Mannie why did you call us here," the winged tooth collector interupted, hoping to change the topic, " has Pitch become a threat yet again?!" The three mini fairies that accompanied her began to chirp rapidly in a panic.

"No no no my dear Toothiana, Pitch won't be returning for quite some time." At this news, the small fairies relaxed and went to rest on a certain winter spirits brilliant white hair.

" Actually I have called you here today for a far...stranger...task."

Sandy looked up at the moon with a questioning gaze. He added onto his curiosity by making a question mark of sand appear above his head.

"What is it you ask?" The Sandman nodded his head, grateful that Mannie never ignored him like his comrades so frequently did.

" Well you see there is a young girl, 15 years old to be exact, who is being bullied and therefore her belief is waning..."

"Oh my! The poor dear!", Tooth cried through her cupped hands.

"...poor girl indeed", MIM continued, " she lives with her older brother and sister, as her parents died not to long ago, putting her in the care of her siblings..."

Bunny decided to interrupt, " thats sad and all mate but why does it affect us, why this child specifically? There are probably thousands of children around the world that are bullied and come from a bad living situation. I ain't saying we don't help, but why the sudden interest?"

North spoke before the man in the moon had a chance to answer, " Mannie has reason, he always does. But what could it be?" North looked up at the moon with big eyes full of wonder, waiting for the elder guardian to put his curiosity to rest.

"Yes I just so happen to have a very good reason North, you see my guardians this young girl is not from around here, but here belief was so strong that it broke some kind of barrier allowing me too see into her world. And what I saw was a shock to even someone who has lived as long as me. And I think its best if you witness it for yourselves as well."

Jack casually pointed his staff up towards the moon, " okay so many...many questions arise from your little explanation there but I think the one that has me most confused is you saying 'shes not from around here', so where exactly is there?"

Mannie let out a small chuckle, "you caught on to that huh Jackson."

Jack smiled proudly towards the night sky, earning a humph from Bunny along with some mumblings about a show pony and such.

"Well you see guardians, this girl is from another dimension..."

"That can't be possible! You are joking, yes?"

"I am not Nicholas", MIM said in a very serious tone, " she lives in another world, separate from our own where we, guardians, do not technically exist. But this young girls belief in us gives us strength in this world so she deserves our protection just as much as any other child."

Sandy started to fiercely nod his head at the powerful words but then paused and suddenly two golden worlds appeared above his head along with sand guardians which were dragged from one globe to the next. The detailed image was quickly followed with a question mark. "Sandy's right", the guardian of memories began, " how are we supposed to get to another world anyway?"

"I shall provide transportation you need not worry, however I have tried to go to the world once on my own already and noticed I can not speak freely in that world but I can however observe, so basically upon arrival I cannot be of assistance except for a safe return home. This will be extremely dangerous as I do not know what will happen to all of you upon arrival...and there are not many things I do not know as you are all well aware."

All the guardians slowly bobbed their heads in deep though as they absorbed the information they were given so suddenly.

"So guardians, protectors of children, are you up for the challenge?"

The group slowly glanced at each other before all giving a small nod in Norths direction. The leader took a step toward the shining moon, " yes we will help little girl."

" I am glad to hear it, let us be off then." And with that the guardians were whisked away in a spiral of colours.

So sorry for all the mistakes, I did this at 2 am on my phone give me a break guys, but I did review it and fixed it with some minor add ons. Ill review it again once I gain possession of my laptop. Sorry for all the misspells *hides under rock*

Oh well thats all for now...even more excitement in next chapter... I just wanna see how well this story does so ya anyway you know what to do: press that little review button to your little hearts content!
