Title: To Find the Finder

Manga: Finder Series

Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Yaoi, Mature

Summary: what happen when you suddenly woke up one day with powers so powerful that can destroy a whole city? what can you do when you know it in your very cells and heart that you can't escape from him? Aki/Asami, Yunaki/Tsumori(OC), Revised-Version

Disclaimer: The finder series belong to its rightful owner, I am doing nothing but lets my imagination run wild. In another word, however, it means that Yunaki and Tsumori belong to me.

NOTES: This is the edited/revised version. please let me know what you guys think of it.

Chapter One: The Meeting

The sky was dark all morning and ever more so in that particular afternoon. The clouds parted ways into the horizontal, creating a picture that make Akihito's ache to click his camera, when Akihito himself stepped outside of his apartment, thinking that he should go to a drugstore to get a couple of medicine for this particular headache of his. The headache that had started two nights ago and, for some reason, hasn't left for even one minutes since then. He thought that it would be gone in a couples of hours at the very least, so he didn't bother buying any medicine. Which now proved to be a very stupid choose of his.

The night before he got this headache, he remembered that he was having a nightmare.

One that didn't seems liked a nightmare at all, because it felt so right. Like a missing piece of puzzle that suddenly was found. It was scary how right the dream felt. So right and so wrong at the same time.

It was like the dream was just a prediction of what's to come. Akihito was never a person to regretted his choices, yet went the dream ended, he felt that, for the first time even since that particular accident, he knew that he would regret it, for letting the dream end. Even if Akihito himself doesn't even remembered the dream at all, it still made his tears flowed. That night alone, Akihito feel regret for the second times of his life as he let his tears silently washed away the feeling that made the aching in his chest tightening.

So all Akihito could was shut his eyes tightly and tried to fall asleep. And he did slept. For only three hours.

The next day, he woke up with the worst headache of all, yet he'd went on a mission to took some photos for his photography class at college with a headache. Thinking that the cause was probably is crying from the last night, so he totally ignored it for the class assignments. After all, he knew that choosing these particular classes of his would mean more money involved but knowing himself well enough, it didn't stop him from doing what he wanted.

Money was hard to came by but he himself has three party time jobs;at a cafe three times a week, and fives hours every week at a bar. He also got works sometimes from news agency or any photo related events that no one wanted to take. Like taking photo of good-for-nothing model and something that a college student shouldn't be involved. Akihito knew that the dangerous risks he'd took would one day catch up to him. But he didn't care either ways, life without risks just was not his style.

He was an adrenaline junky through and through.

So when Akihito got to the drugstore, he went straight to the counter where a lady in apron was reading a mystery book and asked for their strongest headache medicine ever,

"Excuse me, do you have anything that's stronger than Actron or Naproxen?" the lady was looking at Akihito like he was something with another head as he asked for those medicine. At least that was until Akihito winced when a knock of what feel like a hammer slamming into his brain make him nearly double over. The woman shook her head as she smile gently and professionally at him.

"Welcome, let me check real quick for those" Said the lady as she disappeared to the back of the counter before she came back, "I'm sorry but all we have are Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen, and other common ones. Those aren't stronger than Actron or the other ones. You will need a prescription for those. You can try one of these medicine but I don't think is strong enough for what you need, young man." The lady at the counter explain kindly as she point to the other common ones while having a worried looked on her face.

"Those are fine if is not strong enough. I just want it to tone down the headache a bit for me to be able to reach the pharmacy." Akihito reply back with a grimaced as a throbbed hit his head again, making him sweats and even more paler than before. If the lady before looked worried, now she looked like she wanted to called an ambulance.

"... well, I can tell you the nearest pharmacy that have the medicine that you need, but I'm afraid that is not the kind that you would have wanted..." she said hesitantly with a worry expressions on her face. Akihito was getting paler and paler with each seconds, making the girl scared for him.

"Thank you for your concern, If you could please..." Akihito said before paying for the medicine and ask for a bottle of water. He even tried to pay for the water bottle, but the lady smiled at him and told him to take it as a gift. She was more worried that if he didn't take the medicine soon enough, he might faint and that would be troublesome. He smiled shyly as he felt his headache throbbing in his head, reminding him to shut up and take the damn medicine.

As he open the water bottle then torned the medicine open, he nearly dropped the medicine because of his hand that were shaking now due to the throbbing headache, Akihito nearly growled out loud as he clenched his teeth. The lady wrote down the location of the pharmacy for Akihito as he pushed himself to stand on his feet. He forced three pills down his throat and swallowed the water along with it. Three pills won't be enough for him but he wasn't going to tell that to the lady.

As the lady returned back with the directions and handed him the paper, she wished him luck. He smiled at her before stepping out into the afternoon sun, which now was sparkling from the storm before, just like 'the day after a rain storm'. It seemed like the weather that morning didn't happen at all. The sky were blue and the clouds form figures that make him wanted to laughed if not for the throbbing headaches that he felt at the moment. As he followed the directions to pharmacy, he took in the scenery carefully around him, thinking that it would be great if he brought his camera with him. After all, it was Sunday and was the only day for him to rest. The scene right now was just perfect for him to take some photo but his headache was preventing it. Beside, he didn't have his camera with him.

Which was a disappointment since he rare have time for himself lately, every other days were for school jobs and his friends after all; Takato and Kou. As he walked, his thoughts went from one to another and before he notice it, he smashed into a wall, making his headache more throbbing then before. He growled as the throbbing stabbed into his head.

There are many things in this world that people never seen before, like for example, seeing first hand on how a rare limousine look like. Like this one that was was passing by right now. people's eyes are like glues that refused to move away from the black limousine car that was passing by.

For those that were in the car, it was a totally different matter. Although they're used to the attention that come with each times that they went out with a limousine, that doesn't mean that Asami didn't find it a headache each time. Ass they passed by a couple of drugs store, Asami noticed that there was one particular person whom wasn't watching them like any other people.

That person was walking on the sidewalk absentmindedly. Walking like there was nothing in front of him with a frown on his face. That face and hair colored are pretty unusual... Asami was intrigued now.

"Suoh, slow down the car for a minute" He ordered as Suoh simple slow down and park in the sideway. Suoh look at Kirishima and meet the same 'I have no clue why' look on his face. Both of them have been working for Asami Ryuichi for eighteen years and they still don't get him sometimes. Everything around their boss scream dangerous, even before he take over his grandfather's work. Properly more dangerous than a hell lord. Suoh almost smile at the thought and quickly caught himself before doing so, caughting a look from Kirishima that said 'Oh, just what are you imaging?'.

As Asami watch the young man on the sidewalk, he felt his blood rise fast for the first times since teenage age, and his manhood react so quickly that caused him to glared at his manhood in question as he silently cursed himself for his reaction for someone he didn't even know.

He watched as the boy himself walk straight into what looked like a wall. He could have avoided if he just pay attention a little bit but if seems like that wasn't on the boy's mind as he winced and one-hand clench onto his head while the other holding what Asami assume was medicine. This boy is pretty interesting, was on Asami's mind as the boy slammed his own face into the wall in front of him. Asami's smirked in amusement. So clumsy... Asami thought.

However, the next thing that happened make Asami's whole body froze and his blood raised into a whole new level that he'd thought it was impossible.

Akihito stupidly cursed himself, to be more specifically at the headache that had been forming more rapidly in the last couple of minutes. Akihito crouched down into the ground while rubbing his forehead, not noticing that someone was watching him. After a couple of what feel like forever, the pain started to feel a bit more dull and Akihito decided that it was enough for him to start walking toward the location in the map on his hand. However, looking at the maps on his hand was making his headache more severe. The throbbing pain was much worse this times, enough to caused him to leaned in the wall for support as he rode through this head, trying to lessen the pain.

After a minute or two, the pain reside enough that didn't make Akihito cry right there and then. Akihito looked up at the bright orange and yellow sunlight all the while panting hard from the pain. However, Akihito then notice that a black limousine with the darkest windows was parking about 5 meters away from him.

He blushed as he'd knew that whoever it was in the limousine had probably seen his embarrassing moment when he slammed into the wall. All the while forgetting that he had a severe headache, Akihito jerked up straight and ran like it was his life on the line while blushing madly.

When he stopped, it was because another throb of headache hit into his cranium and cranial portion skull. He could felt that his temporalis and that tiny little spot right above his occipitalis was throbbing like a drum playing a taiko, especially to the sides of his sphenoid and frontali. Making Akihito see stars in the middle of the day as the throbbing hit him again and again. When Akihito noticed that his headache was actually getting worser than before, he knew that he have to hurry to the pharmacy before he faint there and embarrassing himself. But as he actually tried to look around his surrounding, he found himself actually in front of the pharmacy that he was looking for.

Akihito felt relief that he didn't have to walk for long again as he slowly walk towards the store to prevents the vibration to his headache. He tried to breathe in regularly with deep breath to calm himself and the headache down, but was finding it difficult when cool air suddenly hit his face as the door automatically opened for him. Akihito nearly gasped out loud as the cool air calm his nerves down and made it actually easier for him to walk towards the counter, where a nurse was in front of a monitor. However, by the time that Akihito made it to the counter, his headache just throbbed to another whole new level, making him weak in the knees and his whole body sweats.

"Sir, are you alright?" A male voice that Akihito had assume was a nurse asked from behind Akihito with worried, making Akihito nearly groaned out loud because his voice make Akihito's headache throbbed again.

"I need some medicine..." Akihito said while handing the man the notes that he got from the lady at the drug store. The man looked puzzle for a spite seconds before blinking his eyes as he read the notes again and look at Akihito in shock.

"We have the medicine here but sir, can you tell me how long you have this so called headache already?" the man asked worryingly with a hint of something that Akihito identified it to be nervousness. Akihito felt that something wasn't right with this nurse, however he didn't have much time to think about it before his headache remind him that its going to get worse if he didn't do something.

"Lets see, I think it was two day ago. At the start, it wasn't this bad but as times goes go, the pain become unbearable." Akihito explain with a winced as sweats pour down like rains.

The nurse had a trouble looked on his face for a seconds before it turns into worries. Seeing the man look more worry than before, he look into the man's eyes before asking the critical questions, just to make sure that he hadn't lied to Akihito.

"Is there something wrong with me?" He asked hesitantly As he tried to read the man's expression but his headache was making it hard for him to concentrate.

"N-no, of course not. Is just that the note had state a specific medicine that was rarely used without a prescription from a doctor. In fact, this medicine really is the last reserve that anyone would ever think of or even want it.." The man explain with his eyes wides and hesitantly.

Akihito raised his brows in question as the nurse swallowed nervously. "Well, unless you're headache was to the point that you will really faint." said the man in the white lab coat.

"Well, is truth that the pain is getting unbearable. That's why I'm here. Now, can I get the medicine?" Akihito asked the man with a glared as his headache throbbed again, making his impatient.

"Eh? But you will need a prescription from a doctor for this medicines sir..." He said weakly with an hesitant air around him. Akihito narrowed his eyes at him before taking out his wallet and presents him his Insurances card that had a note from his doctors at the button, clearly stating that he really needs the strongest medicine that they had whenever he request it.

"Ah! Yes! Please sit down in the sit over there while I'll get the medicine!" The nurse nearly shout after reading the notes on his medicare card and handing back to him as he point to a couple of wooden chairs on to his left.

As Akihito sit in the chair, trying to calm down his headache, his own thoughts drift back to the man in the black limousine without his permission. For some reason that Akihito just couldn't name, Akihito found himself blushing slyly when he'd notice that he was thinking about someone he don't even know or seen before. Shockingly, his thinking of this unknown person in the limousin car had lessen the pain that his headache had brought without Akihito's knowledge.

Asami was in a shock as the cigar on his mouth nearly fell into his laps. He didn't know what to do when the boy look at him. No, he knew that the boy could only see the black windows but still, when the boy had faced toward the car, Asami could have swore that their eyes meet, causing the boy to blushed in embarrassment before running away fast. Damn, the boy sure is fast. Asami though as he watched the boy disappeared in another thirty or so meters away. Asami's body throbbed as he remember that blushing face that the boy had before springing away at his top speed. Asami stared at the spot that the boy was at a couple of wait-how long ago?

Not knowing that he had been staring at that spot for ten minutes already. Kirishima was starting to look worry as he looked questioningly at Suoh, whom for some reason was looking at the corner of the upcoming street with a frown on his face.

"Asami-sama, is something wrong?" Kirishima asked worryingly. Not knowing why his boss is acting so unlike himself. What is with everyone today? Specifically, his boss and buddy Suoh.

Asami jerked at the question. He silently cursed himself for being this distracted over a mere boy that he didn't even knew about. Asami cursed his body. Just the mere mention or thinking of that boy was enough to sends his whole body into a pit of fire so hot that he wasn't sure if it was good or bad. Is he getting bad at keeping his calm? Asami mentally asked himself.

"No. Go to Sion." He commanded as he felt the stare from Kirishima in both curios"H-hai." Kirishima said as Suoh start to drive again. Until, he notice that Suoh was looking at the spot that the young blond man used to be on. Now, what is with both of them?!.

"Suoh? You know him?" Kirishima asked quietly. Kazuma jerked in shock that he was caught looking at someone. No good, now he remember who that boy is. The one boy that he never wished to met! He really wished that the boy hadn't caught his boss attention and get caught in their world or it will be really bad for both sides of the parties. He knew that the boy was really intrigued too. Shit. Kazuma silently cursed himself. No choose then. He hope that the boy wouldn't killed him later for this.

"Yes, I know the boy." Kazuma silently wished that he didn't know him though. "His name is Takaba Akihito. His is one of my distance relative's son. it has been a while now that I barely recognized him at first but... he truly has changed" Suoh replied slowly with a frown on his face.

"...Suoh, Why are you so worried of him?" Kirishima asked as he notice the looks that the bodyguard has on his face.

Suoh looked at Kirishima from the corner of his eyes as his hands tighten on the wheel. He knew that he can't said anything about the boy to people others than the families but... damn the boy for always drawing attention to him like magnet pulling metals toward itself.

Kirishima was surprised that Suoh had shut down on him when he asked that question. It has been awhile since Suoh last kept any secrets from him.

"I'm sorry. I can't say." Kazuma replied as he tightened his hands on the wheel until it was white. Kirishima's eyes widen in surprised before shutting his eyes and concentrate on his duty instead. Suoh wanted to apology but he can't do that too since it wasn't he's secrets to told. Beside if they found out that someone outside of the family knew about Takaba Akihito, things will get ugly and fast. Especially when the boy himself will be- stop! Kazuma told himself with a internal head shake.

Asami was really tempted to command his chief of security to revealed whatever secret it was that he was keeping from him about the boy, but he didn't. If he wanted to know, then he could simply asked from Suoh, since the man himself look like he really wanted to tell someone but couldn't. Beside, he doesn't like it when a subordinate of his is keeping secrets from him. Secrets will soon leads to betrayal in his business world so he can't afford people keeping information from him. Planning on having Suoh to tell him everything later, Asami slip his hand into his trouser and took out his cancerous stick. He needs some distraction before his mind returned to that boy.

Kirishima opened the door of the limousine and Asami walk out of it with the air that made everyone within the velocity of fifty meters shivered. Kirishima smile as he took out a lighter and lit his boss cigar for him before walking beside the crime lord inside with Suoh right behind them, leaving the cars to someone else to parked. Inside, all employees and workers line up to bow to the crime lord as they walked passed by without as much of a greeting to them as they made their ways toward the private elevator to the top floor of their office.

Once inside the elevator, Asami looked from the corner of his eyes and noticed that Suoh was pretty distracted. Asami narrowed his eyes at Suoh, causing Kirishima to winced.

"...Suoh, you need to tell me something?" Asami asked coldly, causing Suoh to nearly winced in shocked that the boss notice his troubles. Suoh quickly bow an apology.

"I'm sorry for being distracted, Asami-sama. Is nothing, sir." Suoh answer firmly yet he can't help as he clenched his fists.

"Don't give me that crap. If there's nothing, someone like you would never look like that." Asami answer coldly as he glare at the Chief Security bodyguard. Asami could clearly tell that Suoh wanted to tell him everything but something was stopping him from voicing his thoughts out loud. If that's the case, then all he have to do was make him voiced it out since he could if he wanted to. He just want to let Suoh know that he have to choose to either tell him himself or have Asami found out himself, which isn't going to be pretty.

"...I'm sorry Asami-sama. I'm just worry about my relative's son." He answer finally with hesitation, Asami could clearly see that. Suoh rarely hesitated, for him to be his troubled, Asami's eyes narrowed.

"Sooner or later, you will have to tell me." Asami remind Suoh with a cold glared that cause both Kirishima and Suoh to shuddered in coldness. However, before Suoh could reply back to the crime lord, the elevator's door has opened with a soft beep sound.

The elevator opened and Asami exist without waiting for Kirishima nor Suoh, causing them both Kirishima and Suoh to nearly cursed out loud before walking fast after their boss. Asami must be really curious to asked Suoh such a question since he usually don't look into his subordinate's personally life. When they both caught up with Asami, he was already inside his office and lighting a cigar on his own.

"I heard everything in the car. Now, are you going to go more in detail or do I have to make Kirishima find out himself?" Asami asked coldly as glint in his eyes clearly warned Suoh the consequence of lying to him. Suoh hesitated before a stubborn look entered his eyes that make Asami remembered why he like Suoh from the moment that they'd met.

"Asami-sama, I am sorry however, I can not say any about this topic. Please understand." He asked as he bow lowly and shut his eyes in hope that his boss would let the topic slide.

"Fine, but don't think that I'm letting it slide. You will tell me everything in three days. You can have that times off and think about it" Asami command coldly as his glare at his bodyguard. The room was silent for a minute before Suoh answer a simple "Hai" was heard and the door opened then closed behind him.

Not liking the answer. He watched as Suoh away turned away and the door close behind him. Asami though shift back to the blond young man, noticing that his manhood is throbbing again. Only this times more tightly and he nearly groan in frustrations.

"I will know anything that I want to know, Suoh" he said to the silent room as he inhale in the cigar and glare at the door. Outside the room, Suoh suddenly got a chill and cold sweats form in his head. Silently he walks to the elevator to leave the day, felting lost as he thought back to what his boss had said. He know that the times that he get will be use for thinking about what the boss had command. Outside of the elevator stood Kirishima with a small frown on his face as he wait for Suoh to come near him before asking him the question that been on his mind for a bit now.

"Kirishima-san, the boss want me on leave for three days. So, please have someone guard him for that times being." He told Kirishima, noticing that Kirishima wanted to asked something. Suoh quickly and simple shake his head, stopping Kirishima before he could asking anything as Suoh step into the elevator.

"Fine, but you are going to explain everything later" He said before Suoh could disappear behind the close elevator's door. As he walk to his boss office, he wanted to sighed out loud. Knowing full well what is going to happen once his in his boss's office.


This is the edited version of chapter one... I hope that this one is easier to understand the the previous one. If there's any error, please let me know via PM or Comments and I will change it as best as I could.

Total Words count: 4500s words totally.