Healing Pains

Chapter 1: Resurrection

Author's note: I thought of this after watching Konan's death, which greatly depressed me, and made me thought of how bitterly bad Konan's life was, and how it could've been better. This is basically how I think things should have gone after the Pain saga. This is my first fanfic, so please support. Main pairings: Konan-Yahiko (Pain), Naruto-Hinata

The dark chamber was filled with an awkward silence as Nagato contemplated Naruto's words. Konan too was speechless. Despite the horrid things they had done to him and Konoha, killing his comrades, hurting his loved ones, destroying his home, Naruto was either foolish or wise enough to believe true peace was still possible.

Nagato looked at the teen, and began to remember how he himself had been before becoming such a bastard. How war and suffering had changed him. But not Naruto. He stubbornly held to his beliefs, something even he didn't accomplish. Nagato inwardly smiled as he knew what he had to do.

"Gedou Rinne Tensei No Justsu." Nagato uttered while holding a handseal. While Naruto stood with a confused expression, Konan looked at Nagato in horror. "Nagato don't!"

Nagato looked upon the blue-haired angel with a strained, yet solemn expression. "It's okay Konan… I've chosen a new option… one we gave up on long ago…" Konan gulped down the situation. Her childhood friend was going to sacrifice himself. She was going to lose her final ally, her one connection to a time she was truly peaceful. 'Nagato must truly believe in this boy…' thought Konan.

"What's going on?" Naruto asked. Konan became very solemn. "The Rinnegan gives its owner power over all six of the unique pain techniques. Power that exists outside the worlds of the living and dead. Nagato acts as the seventh path of pain. His eye techniques give him power over life and death themselves." Konan breathed deeply then looked into Naruto's eyes. "My greatest friend is going to sacrifice his remaining chakra to revive your allies.

Naruto's eyes widened, as he took in the information. Suddenly, light began to burst from Nagato's body, rushing towards Konoha. "Naruto…dying like trash… never ending hatred… pain that never heals… that is war… Naruto… this… is what you must face… The book… and you… It's like… someone… set this all up… Or… maybe… this… is… the hand of the real God… My role is over now… Naruto… you… can really-" Nagato was cut off by blood he coughed from his mouth.

Nagato promptly turned to Konan. "There's someone we both hold dear who deserves this life more than me. I've brought that man back, so that you too can find true peace." Konan gasped as she understood his words. "Nagato, you don't mean…" Konan was cut off as she felt a chakra of a man she had thought to be long gone. "Please…" Nagato began, "help both of them." Nagato then breathed his last, and became still.

Konan looked upon her friend in a silent solace. Like so many others in her life, Nagato was gone. Konan felt a deep pit forming in her chest as she accepted the fact. Then she turned around.

At the door was the man whom had saved her from darkness so many years ago. There stood a man with orange hair, blue eyes, and a determination she had grown to admire. The man whom had inspired her, helped her, loved her.

Yahiko half walked, half stumbled into the chamber holding his head. He knew he was no longer in the realm of the dead, but held no explanation as to why he was currently alive. Or to why there was countless metal rods sticking out all over his body; some more uncomfortable than others.

Yahiko then sensed others in his presence, and looked in Naruto's and Konan's direction. He blinked a couple of times, to make sure he was seeing right.

"Konan…who is that?" Naruto asked, before turning to see a shocking sight. Etched on the ruthless Akatsuki's face was a smile, accompanied by joyful tears streaming down her face. Yahiko stood in shocked silence as he realized the situation to be true. Konan walked over to Yahiko slowly.

"Konan…." Yahiko uttered in a low stunned tone, as Konan wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight. They both then stood in serene silence, and for the first time in years, Konan felt truly peaceful.

Author's note: Hey I hoped you liked it, I'll try to make future chapters a little more comedic/happy seeing as the first one was a bit dramatic. Also, I want to stay fairly close to the plot from the anime/manga, with some adjustments.


Gedou Rinne Tensei- Outer Path: Samasara of Heavenly life.