Title: hush, baby

Note: Hey guys! What's up? Yeah, this is a new baby. There's probably mistakes all over the place since I have no wish to edit it. If there is please point it out so I can go back and fix it. Thanks!

Also, please please please REVIEW. I do enjoy reading them. They always encourage me to keep writing, and chances are I'll write faster. So just drop a review! :)

I found the entire thing complete bullshit.

I mean, really? Moving during my senior year? It was bullshit and I wanted to hit something. Like my mom. Did she have to take the job? Seriously. But I wouldn't do that because she's my mother and I love her.


Couldn't I have finished high school? Then they could move all they want. I missed Suna. It was cold, dumb, and smelly in Konoha.

We pulled up to the front of some two-story house. It's cute, I had to admit. But it wasn't home. And I kind of hated everyone at this point.


I will never, ever forgive my mom.

Mom looked over and smiled, "This is our new home, kiddo."

I scoffed, "Yeah, right. Suna was home.

She sighed and patted my knee gently, "Sakura, please."

I sighed, too. Mom said she was sorry a billion and one times. But it still doesn't change the fact that they ripped me away from my home. From my friends. I look at the house then back at her, "Let's get the stuff out of the car."

She nodded, smiled, and jumped out of the car. I followed suit, and looked behind us, found my dad getting out of the moving truck. I went to the back of the car and grabbed my luggage. I trudged up the front porch, unlocked the door with the spare key Mom had given to me.

When I swung open the door, I did a double take. Mom had never shown me the new house, something about "surprises". The house was beautiful. The entire first floor was open floor. And by the kitchen was a staircase. Mom came up behind me, smiling like she was on top of the world.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I nodded, because it is.

"Your rooms upstairs, second door on the left." I picked up two of my suitcases and head upstairs. When I step into the door, I cried a little. The entire room was pink.



I breathed in and out, closed my eyes, and yelled.


I heard the thud thud thud of footsteps on the stairs. Mom came into view, wide eyed and scared, "What? What's wrong?"

I stretched my arms out, "The room is pink! Pink!"

Mom sighed, shook her head and smiled tightly, "I know. But it's okay. We'll paint over it. Tomorrow. We can go first thing in the morning."

I groaned, "I don't want to paint it. I want to go home."

"Sakura," Mom's eyes were desperate. "this is your new home."

"Yeah," I mumbled. "Unfortunately."

"Tomorrow we can go buy you paint." I nodded and watched as she closed the door behind her. I looked around the spacious room. It had two large windows, a spacious closet and nothing else. But I guest I was supposed to fill in the rest. I sat on the ledge of the window, watched as the day passed. Something caught the corner of my eye and I looked over to the other window.

The other window was on the side of the house, right across someone's window. That someone was walking around, undressed, and totally oblivious to me. I walked over and stood. The person was a guy.

A really hot guy.

He had a tattoo that ran along his forearm and a saying written along his ribs. He was naked, with only a towel around his waist. Someone emerged and stood next to him by the window. She reached up, intertwined her fingers into his hair and lifted herself up. I watched as they made out, my eyes never looking away.

I couldn't.

You know when you see something really gross or disturbing and you don't wanna look but you still do? That's how I felt right now. The guy lifted the girl up, wrapped her legs around his waist and slammed her against the window and then the towels started coming out.

The something horrific happened.

The guy opened his eyes, locked his gaze with mine, and didn't look away.

I stumbled backwards, eyes wide. I tripped over my own feet and fell on my ass.

Oh for the love of God!

I scrambled up gripping the shades that were hanging on the window and pulled them down. The last thing I saw was his smirking face.

Five minutes later Dad came into the room, mattress sliding the floor. He smiled when he saw me, "Hey. You alright?"

I blinked, "Yeah... Uh, yeah I'm fine. Where's the frame?"

I watched dad grimace, "I don't really have time to set it up right now. Can it wait till tomorrow?"

I waved him off, "Just bring up the pieces and the tools. I'll put it together."

He stared at me, "Honey you're..."

"What? A women?"


Oh for fucks sake, "I'm not!"

"You're barley over five feet!"

I barred my teeth at him, "Please, just bring up the bed frame."

He sighed, "I can do it."



He disappeared and came back with my mom. They were both holding pieces of my bed frame. They made a couple more trips and I assessed all the pieces. My dad came back with one of his tool boxes and set it down next to me.

"Please be careful."

I rolled my eyes and shooed him out, "I'll be fine."

Ten minutes later I was sweating more than a marathon runner. I peeled off my sweatshirt which left me in my tank top and sports bra. I peeked out the window and saw that the guy was gone. I sighed, lifted up the blinds and opened the window.

The thick material of my sweat pants doesn't help though. I sighed, my hands found their way into my hair. I stare down at the pieces of bed frame.

Wow, this was harder than I thought. I sighed, again, and bent down.

Sixty minutes later and I had it done. But I was sweating so much it looked like I just showered. I stepped around the bed and went to the door.

"Mom?" I called from the top of the stairs.


"Can you turn on the AC?"

"Sorry honey. We won't have electricity till tomorrow."

I groaned, of course we wouldn't . This day was getting better and better.

I stepped back into my room and took out my phone. I looked at the time. It was only two. I left my room and made my way downstairs. Mom and dad where setting up the kitchen when the doorbell rang. Mom looked up, startled.

"Sakura, will you get that?"

When I opened the door I was greeted by a tall redhead. She smiled at me, her white teeth shimmering in the daylight.

"Hi, neighbor!" Before I could even get out a 'hello' I was swept into thin arms.

"Karin," there was a deep, lazy drawl coming from behind her. "no one wants you touching them."

"Shut up, you fatass!"

The arms disappeared and I stepped back. I looked behind her shoulder and there stood the guy from the window. I could feel the red creeping up onto my cheeks. I looked down at my sock clad feet, completely embarrassed. The redhead, Karin, shoved the guy. She turned back to me, her one thousand watt smile in place.

"Hi, I'm Karin. And this asshole is my cousin, Sasuke."

Okay. So to say I was shocked would be and understatement. They looked nothing alike. Karin had red hair and light brown eyes. Sasuke had black hair that was almost blue and the darkest eyes I'd ever seen.

"Hi." I don't know if I really say it, but Karin smiled. "I'm Sakura."

Karin laughed, her red hair falling over her shoulder. She was beautiful, and I was a little jealous. She smiled, again, "What a fitting name. So why is your hair pink?"

I sighed inwardly. Of course. People always questioned my hair color. "I don't know."

She looked confused, her eyebrows frowning, "What?"

I laughed a little, "My hair is natural. We just don't know why."

I heard a snort from behind her. I made eye contact with Sasuke, he looked bored. As if this entire thing was a waste of his time.

Well excuse me.

"Anyways," Karin beamed at me. "we came to welcome you to the neighborhood."

I smiled, "Thanks. Uhm, I would invite you in but the place is a mess and we don't have electricity."

Karin waved her hand in the air, dismissing my statement, "That's okay. My mom just sent us over to give you this."

She moved aside and Sasuke extended his hand. There was a basket, which reminded me a lot of Little Red Riding Hood. Which made me laugh since Karin was a red-head.

When I didn't take the basket right away, Sasuke stared at me. And at that moment my mind decided this was a good time to shut everything out and take him in. Sasuke was... Sasuke was hot. With a capitol H and a extra t.

He was tall... Which wasn't saying much since I was so short. But the guy was tall. I barley reached his shoulder. His eyes were emotionless, but they turned annoyed when I just stared at him.

Then I blushed when I realized I saw him having sex earlier. I gripped the handle of the basket and took it from him. He rolled his eyes, retreating his hand. He turned towards Karin.

"If you're not in the car in two minutes I'm leaving you here."

Then he jogged down my porch stairs and made his way across the yard in slow, long strides. Karin shook her head, her long red hair flowing around her.

"Ignore him. He can be an ass sometimes." I watched as her red lips parted and she smiled. "So how old are you?"

"Seventeen," her smile widened.

"So, you're a senior?" I nodded. And when I didn't think her smile could get any bigger it did.

"Awesome! Me too! I guess I'll see Monday?"

I smiled, "I guess you will."

She turned around, made her way down the stairs. When she was halfway across the yard she stopped. Her body turned towards me, "I really like your nose ring. And your face! Which means I really like you!"

I laughed, "You don't even know me. But, thanks."

She waggled her finger at me, "Yeah. But you and my family are neighbors!"

She turned and jogged her way towards the driveway. A '67 Chevy Impala was pulling out of the driveway. I watched as she jogged to the passengers side, but the driver begin backing out of the drive way. I watched as Karin puffed out a breath, hands on her hips.

"Sasuke! Seriously!"

My eyes darted to Sasuke. He was smirking, one hand on the steering wheel, the other was flicking Karin off. She darted towards the passengers seat, her heels clinking against the pavement. Then when she got in the car he backed out all the way. When they passed my house, Karin waved at me. But before I could wave back they were already gone.

By eleven the house was mostly done. And I was just done. I was tired and my room wasn't even a room yet. I still hadn't upacked anything yet since I wanted to wait until I had finished painting my room.

Mom promised she would let me buy paint tomorrow. And I would be. The whole room was giving me a headache. I sighed and sat on the bed. I watched, through half-lidded eyes, as headlights painted the walls of my room. I listened as the engine of a car pulled up into the neighbors driveway. I closed my eyes, ready for sleep. But then I realized I was laying in my own sweat. I groaned, getting up, only pausing long enough to watch Sasuke get out. I went over to my suitcase and opened it, grabbed a pair of cotton shorts and tank top. I tiptoed across the hall the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, because I was too tired to actually do more then quickly wash my hair and body, I was ready for bed. I listened to the steady beating of the rain. When I walked into my bedroom I shivered. The winter air was seeping onto my wet hair. I made my way to the window, ready to close it, when I saw the silhouette of someone. I squinted my eyes through the storm. My stomach clenched and I bit my bottom lip.

This was scary.

You know those stupid girl in those scary movies? They're usually the school slut, and even though I wasn't a slut I was being the stupid girl.

Lighting illuminated the dark night, making it seem day, followed loud boom of thunder cut through the quiet atmosphere. I shrieked when the face on the outside of my window was shown.

I jumped from the window. Then, two seconds later, the light came on in Sasuke's room. He was smirking, and even though our windows were at least ten feet away I could see the amusement in his eyes.

"You asshole!" I whispered, because I knew he couldn't hear me. But his smirk became a chuckle. I sneered at him and raised my middle finger. His chuckle died down and he smirked at me again.

Fine, asshole. Game on.