John groggily opened his eyes; something had woken him from his deep sleep. It had been a long day with Sherlock, running all over London, chasing down villains for Greg. He looked around his room and saw his dark haired flat mate rummaging through the drawers of his nightstand. John groaned and propped himself up with one arm.

"Sherlock," he mumbled, "What are you doing?"

"Bored John, there's nothing to do here. I need a case."

"Sherlock, you just solved one." John sighed, "Anyways, why are you in my drawers?"

"You hid my cigarettes I want them."

"Sherlock when was the last time you slept?"

Sherlock paused in his search. He bit his lip and looked away, "Seventy two hours ago."

John grabbed his flat mate's thin arm and guided him onto the bed. He wrapped his strong arms around Sherlock's chest and pulled him down next to him ignoring Sherlock's feeble resistance. Hugging him close, john rested his head back on the pillow.

"Get some rest Sherlock," John mumbled.

"I don't need to slee-"

"Shut up Sherlock." John mumbled, nuzzling his face in his curly hair. "Go to sleep your not doing yourself any favors by staying up all night. Again."

"John, I ha-"

"I said shut up and go to sleep." John growled. "You can't keep this up, all you'll do is exhaust yourself."

Sherlock wiggled around until he was facing john. He wrapped his arms around John and pulled him closer. "Okay John," he mumbled, burying his face in the crook of his neck.

John smiled slightly and kissed the top of the detectives head. It was about time they both got some rest.