A/N: FINALLY! Finally I am able to post chapter 3! Man, endings are hard, specially when you try to tie things up in a nice little bow. But I did it! I finished this sucker! I now have time to finish stories so, hooray! Hopefully you guys enjoy this last final piece of Addiction.

NOTHING BELONGS TO ME, except the plot, that's all me, sorry.

Chapter 3:

"I don't understand. I thought…" small hands tried to wipe away tears. Her voice was breaking every time she spoke and her body trembled. "When I told you I love you. You… you…" emerald eyes widened as the realization set in. Her mouth widened a few seconds later and her hand, again, hit hard against Sasuke's cheek. "After all this time… Not once have you ever said you love me."

Sasuke said nothing as he continued to let Sakura speak, anger evident in her tone. His eyes scanned the living room only to realize that someone was missing. Dark eyes looked down to look at the pink haired woman, his eyes were narrowed and cold. "Where's Naruto?" Sakura frowned and glared as she looked at Sasuke's eyes.

"Of course you'd ask for him." Her statement came out in a low hush. "The both of you disgust me." Sasuke's glare intensified as he grabbed his wife's arms and held them tightly. Sakura winced slightly at his grip but said nothing.

"Where is he?!" Sakura's eyes began to water once again as she looked at his eyes. There was so much hurt etched on her face.

Seconds passed before he heard the echo of a ring. Sasuke ignored it as his gaze became slightly blurry. The sound of the ring became much louder and clearer as Sakura's face become more and more unclear. He blinked once, twice, but all he was met with was darkness and the sound of the ringing. He opened his eyes only to see darkness, the sound of the ringing coming from his cellphone.

His arm lifted to get the phone and answered with a tired voice. "Hello?" he slowly sat up and rubbed at his eyes, a yawn escaping as he stretched his stiff muscles. His brain was fuzzy from sleep and was already forgetting the dream he just had, piece by piece. He focused on the voice on the other line as the words "papers due" and "meeting" was said. The last thing Sasuke caught from the other line was "We need your opinion now." he sighed and hung up the phone with an affirmative grunt. He got up from the bed seconds later and made his way to his closet to look for his work clothes.

His room was bigger than before, the place was much more silent than it was four years ago and there was no scent of cherry blossoms anywhere. His family didn't visit as much as before, except for his elder brother.

He still didn't know how to feel about that.

At first, he felt like the black sheep of the family- shunned by his father's hard gaze and scowling expression. However, as time passed, he brushed off the disapproving stare of his father and ignored the hushed whispers of his other family members.

"Apologies for making you come so early in the morning" It was the first thing he heard once he stepped out of the second floor doors. Beside was his co-worker, Neji. A tall pale skinned man with long brunette hair tied in a high ponytail as bangs cascaded down his chiseled face. Sasuke had known the man for years and had helped him even more the past four years, he trusted this man.

"It can't be helped, it gives me something to do." Neji frowned but said nothing as he continued to walk alongside the Uchiha. They made their way toward a room that was used for meetings and contract signings. Both sat down on opposite ends as Neji looked inside his satchel and handed the Uchiha a thick manila folder. Sasuke arched a brow at the folder "What is this?"

"It's your divorce papers." Sasuke sighed and rubbed at his eyes with his thumb and forefinger.

"I thought I was done with all the legal paperwork months ago."

"She wants half the assets of the company." Sasuke chuckled and pushed the manila folder away from him. "I'll take that as a no, then."

"Her name isn't even anywhere near the company name. It has been four years since she ordered for divorce, that matter is done." Neji nodded and handed him another pile of papers, Sasuke looked at the papers with little to no interest. "And this?"

"This is the information of the new company we're working alongside with." Sasuke pulled the papers closer to him, reading the company name- Fang. He continued reading the profile of the company owner, Kiba Inuzuka and flipped through the papers even more. "We'll be meeting the owner and their staff in two hours." Sasuke nodded and stood.

"It would be wise to bring Kakashi as well. The man may be full of it but he's a smart man and very convincing when it suits him" Neji nodded and was about to take note on his cell phone only for Sasuke to speak again. "I'm on my way to see him, I'll tell him" Neji nodded once more and walked behind Sasuke.

"Will you be taking your breakfast to your office?" Sasuke made sound of approval only for Neji to depart seconds later. As Sasuke made his way to Kakashi's office, he pondered slightly about his dream. It was fuzzy and still unclear as to what he dreamt of, but he could remember seeing Sakura's face. He frowned, he hadn't thought of Sakura since she declared for divorce four years ago. All the hatred she held for him after the bitter battle didn't faze him one bit, because all he could think about was Naruto.

Sakura never said what happened between her and Naruto, however, he had an idea of what could have gone down that day. She could have bickered with him and told him to leave the house before he woke up or the blond could have left before Sakura had woken up. Sakura never said what happened before he woke up that morning. Sasuke had tried to look for Naruto and even after the four years that passed, he still didn't know what happened to the blond. It's as if Naruto had disappeared from the face of the earth.

"If it isn't my favorite person in the world, what can I do for you?" the man in front of him wore a large black scarf, hiding half his face. The only thing to be visible of the man was his black eyes.


Kakashi seemed to smile, if the way his eyes curved gave any indication. "Talkative as always, I see." Sasuke's eyes narrowed slightly, Kakashi chuckled. "Again, what do I owe this little visit?"

"We have a meeting today with the new company named Fang, we need you to convince them to trust us with your persuasion." Kakashi chuckled once more and raised a brow at the Uchiha. Sasuke's brow twitched.

"Sasuke, you don't need my help, one look at you and the staff will swoon." Sasuke sat on the chair in front of Kakashi, he crossed his legs and sighed. "You're still young and have been single for the past four years." Sasuke said nothing but looked away from the man, glaring at the wall he was staring at. Kakashi sighed and rubbed his temple. "Sasuke, you need to let him go. It's been four years and there hasn't been any contact from him." Sasuke glared as his gaze turned toward Kakashi.



"No, I can't let him go." Sasuke brushed his hair back and sighed in exasperation. "He… he left that day without saying a word to me. I will find him.

"Sasuke, I've tried to find him for the past four years." Sasuke looked at the silver haired man with a small frown. Kakashi Hatake was more than an advisor of the company, he was Sasuke's only family member that he could trust. Although Kakashi wasn't blood, he was still his uncle and he knew that Kakashi could help him with whatever he asked for. "I went to talk to Minato, not even he knows where his son is."

"He can't just disappear! I have to find him." Kakashi stared at him for some time before making a sound of defeat and looking down at his large stack of papers.

"I've tried my best looking for Naruto Namikaze but there isn't anything. I'll keep searching, but you also have to be patient. He won't just show up out of nowhere after four years."

Sasuke looked away for a brief moment, his eyes saddening as he looked at his hands. He clenched them and immediately got up, he walked to the door and opened it. Before he left, he looked back at Kakashi with a determined look in his eyes. "Keep looking."

Two hours passed much more quickly than he had expected. He had eaten breakfast in his office and stayed there as he looked through the paperwork of said company that they were going to meet. Before he knew it, Neji was at his door announcing that the staff of Fang was already in the meeting room.

"How many people are we looking at?" Both walked leisurely as female workers shyly greeted them, a rosy hue adorning their cheeks. Both ignored the greetings as they made their way to the elevators.

"We're looking at a total of 11, a ratio of 8:3, the majority being men, not including the president of the company." Sasuke raised a brow at the mention of the man.

"And? Does he look difficult to handle?" Neji smirked which made Sasuke narrow his eyes at the brunette. "What are you hiding?"

"The president, is well, he's different from what we thought." Sasuke stared, an indication for Neji to continue. "His manner of speaking is different from the business setting. He's lively and loud."

"Hn. I can handle him." Neji said nothing at Sasuke's comment but merely smirked.

Once they reached the large glass room, they were greeted with a table full of new faces staring at them. Sasuke maintained his professional face as he looked around the room. He noticed how most of them looked at him with a look of surprise and awe. All 11 of them were there, Sasuke furrowed his brows. Where was this Kiba Inuzuka? Before he could turn around to question Neji about it, he felt a large pat on the back, Sasuke tensed at the unfamiliar gesture and turned. "Ah, Sasuke Uchiha, am I right? You're much taller than I expected."

Sasuke frowned and stepped away from the man's hold. Kiba did not seem to be fazed by the action. He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. The man was about his height, however, Kiba was much more built than he was. He had two, red upside-down triangular tattoos and what seemed to be sharp-like teeth.

"Apologies, I keep forgetting that many aren't so keen to my way of greeting." Sasuke only stared as Kiba extended his hand. "Kiba Inuzuka." Sasuke returned the hand shake.

"Shall we begin?" Kiba half smiled as he looked at the Uchiha with slight uncertainty.

"Actually, I'm still missing one of my own, my partner in crime." Kiba gave a wide grin, showing off those sharp teeth.

"I suppose we can wait for him. Would five minutes be sufficient time?" Kiba was about to respond only for the door to slam open. Kiba's grin only widened as amusement gave off in his eyes.

"No need, seems like my partner just made it." Sasuke arched a brow as he turned to see this so called partner.

One look at the man in front of him made Sasuke freeze.

He looked the same as he did four years ago. That blond hair was still messy and untamed as before, sun-kissed skin and those bright blue eyes staring at him with slight shock. "Just in time Uzumaki, thought you were coming late!" at the sound of Kiba's voice, Naruto's gaze turned to the man behind Sasuke. A smile slowly spread on Naruto's face.

"And let you have all the fun? What kind of partner would I be?"

Sasuke was seething. As soon as they all sat down to start their meeting, Sasuke couldn't help but to stare at Naruto. He couldn't so much focus on what Kiba was talking about for the life of him. All he could do was stare at the blond. Naruto, however, avoided his gaze completely, not so much as a small glimpse, it was getting on Sasuke's nerve.

"With our company working side by side, it would be best to know what our intentions are for the company." Neji was speaking as he handed everyone the paperwork. "As you can see Phoenix has increased its profits 70% since we first started. The same kind of profit can be applied to your company." Sasuke watched Kiba as the brunette took hold of the papers and swayed on his chair with a gleeful look in his eyes. To Sasuke, Kiba looked more like an overgrown man child than a respectful business man.

"When was the company at its peak? Although there is a 70% profit, you did not mention the benefits or the downside of this 70%. Was there an increase in work activity? A decrease in pay roll?" it was Naruto who had spoken with such firmness in his tone. He was in control and he wanted everyone to know that. His blue eyes were fixated on Sasuke especially. "What do we gain if we join with you and how long before we're screwed over?"

Everyone in the room looked shocked except for Kiba and Sasuke. Kiba was grinning like a maniac, trying hard not to laugh out loud. Sasuke, on the other hand, merely raised a brow. He knew that Naruto was demanding when he wanted to be ad that was another trait that attracted him to the blond. After so long, having those blue eyes look at him made Sasuke's body react. Never had Naruto looked at him with such intensity. The Uchiha was thinking of saying something to have the last word, but what could-

"My, it seems I'm rather late for this meeting. Dear me, I blame the broken clock in my office" Everyone turned to look at the man that just came in. Sasuke simply glared at the silver haired man, knowing full well that he did not have a broken clock in his office. Kakashi's eyes curved, a gesture of smiling underneath that appalling black scarf. "Ladies, gentlemen, pleased to meet you all. My name is Kakashi Hatake." Kiba smiled widely and shook the man's hand, making Kakashi look slightly surprised.

"And here I thought Uzumaki was bad at timing." Kiba pointed to Naruto, who was by his side. The blond glared slightly with a slight rouge hue on his cheeks. Kakashi raised a brow at the blond man, Naruto only smiled sheepishly and shook the man's hand.

"Naruto Uzumaki. Nice to me you, sir."

"Uzumaki, huh?" Kakashi mumbled it under his breath, no one seemed to have heard. The silver haired man sat down to Sasuke's other side as he kept looking at the blond. "Sneaky, should have searched for the maiden name instead." This time, Kakashi said it low enough for Sasuke to hear.

"Normally speaking, there would have been an increase of overtime for our workers, however, that was not the case with our company. Sasuke is very apt with what needs to be done and how things work around here. He's also a very understandable man, he's compassionate with the workers. Our work his honest and hardworking. Therefore, no, we will not "screw you over" at all."

Kiba's chuckled made Sasuke raise a brow and look at the brunette. "Easy there, Uzumaki. Don't get your panties in a knot." Naruto looked away, making Kiba stare at Neji with a wide grin on his face. "Pardon my partner, he's an idiot." Naruto glared at Kiba, said brunette ignored it. Kiba whispered to the blond making Naruto frown and sigh before whispering the words "Alright". Kiba's brown eyes turned to look at Sasuke, who only raised a brow in question. "We accept." Kiba extended his hand toward Sasuke "Partner." Sasuke's eyes gazed toward the blond for a small second only to see those blue eyes glaring at him. Sasuke looked back at Kiba and returned the hand. If being partners with Kiba Inuzuka meant being able to see Naruto around, then so be it.

Kiba was an easygoing partner, he was overly friendly and rumbustious. When he came in to meetings or just in general, he would make a big scene of it. He was a smart man, Sasuke admitted that, but he was also someone he wasn't so used to, it was rather nerve-wrecking for him. "Our productivity is going better than I imagined, kudos Uchiha. And awesome job people, I like what I'm seeing." That was the cue for all the workers in the room to pack up and leave. As everyone left, the only ones to be in the room was Sasuke, Kiba and Naruto. Sasuke's eyes narrowed at the two men that were laughing and talking so easily, he glared at the sight. Sasuke noticed quite quickly how close Naruto and Kiba's relationship was, both joined at the hip. It made Sasuke's mood sour whenever he saw the two together. "Well Sasuke, if nothing else is needed, I'll be going." Sasuke's eyes locked at the smiling man in front of him, the Uchiha smirked after a couple of seconds.

"If it's not too much trouble, I still need your help going over the finance of our company and to check that the prototypes work correctly and efficiently." Kiba frowned slightly and made a face as if pondering about it.

"Hmm, I wish I could but I already have a hot date." Sasuke nodded without complaint, however, his eyes immediately landed on the blond next to Kiba.

"Mr. Uzumaki would do fine as well." Kiba smiled widely, Naruto's eyes widened in slight shock and then glared at the Uchiha.

"Perfect! Naruto, go along with Sasuke and fill me in tomorrow, yeah?"


"No excuses, Blondie, you owe me." Before Naruto could say anything else, Kiba was already by the door with a wide smile on his face. "Keep me posted, Uzumaki!" The two were left in silence. The only sound to be heard was the sound of the clock ticking as the seconds went by. Sasuke said nothing as his eyes wandered to the papers in front of him.

"Come closer." Naruto's gaze had lifted from the tabletop to look at him with wide eyes. Naruto's cheeks were tinted with a slight red hue as his blue eyes stared at his own noir. "We need to discuss this, it's better for you to sit next to me." Naruto frowned but stood either way as he awkwardly walked to sit next to the Uchiha. As soon as Naruto sat, Sasuke's body moved closer toward Naruto's warmth, his knee brushing against Naruto's. "This certain type of contract was written by one of your own." Sasuke pushed the large stack of papers toward the blond. Naruto's hand reached to take the papers only for his fingertips to brush Sasuke's hand.

Naruto pulled his hand away as if burned from the simple touch. Sasuke's eyes narrowed as he watched Naruto look away, his hand being held closely to his chest.

"Naruto." Sasuke watched as Naruto tensed at calling out his name. He wanted to reach out to the blond, to touch him. His hand moved on its own accord as his hand came closer to Naruto's shoulder.

"Don't!" Naruto's voice was harsh and enraged. Sasuke said nothing as he stared at Naruto's tense body, however, as the seconds passed, Naruto's glare zeroed in on Sasuke. His eyes were ice cold, only demonstrating pure distaste. "Just don't." Sasuke's eyes search the blond in front of him. His eyes were closed off, unemotional; it was different from the bright, honest eyes he had last seen four years ago. "The only reason to why I'm here is because of Kiba. Other than that, I could care less about you." Sasuke frowned and glared at the mention of Kiba's name.

"Hn, and yet you can't look at me in the eyes." Sasuke smirked in satisfaction as he saw Naruto's cheeks redden and his eyes widen as if being caught lying. Sasuke moved closer as he looked into those blue eyes. "You pull away whenever I get close." Sasuke came closer, his hand ghosting over Naruto's warm, red cheek. Sasuke smirked as he looked at the blond with satisfaction in his eyes. "You can't say you don't care when your body says differently." His hand rested on top of Naruto's cheek, the blond leaned in against his touch making Sasuke's body flare with heat. His heart beat increased as he watched Naruto's breath hitch at his touch. "You still remember, don't you?" His face came closer to Naruto's own face, his hot breath tickling Naruto, Sasuke smirked at feeling Naruto shiver against his touch. "The way I touched you." His hand moved from Naruto's cheek only to travel downward to touch the blonde's chest.

Naruto was panting quietly as his eyes became hazy. A hand immediately pushed the Uchiha away. "No." Sasuke raised a brow at the glare Naruto was giving him. "I'm not falling for this again, Sasuke. We might have had something four years ago, but that was four years ago." Naruto stood from the table and headed to the door. Before Naruto could leave, Sasuke spoke out.

"Did you love me?" Naruto stopped, his back facing Sasuke. Sasuke continued talking without Naruto responding. "I know I never said it, but after these four years, I realized that I did… still do." Sasuke heard Naruto's hand touch the door handle, he still did not look up at the blond but sighed. "Sakura and I had a divorce after she found out about us." Naruto scoffed. "What is it?" Naruto finally turned only to give Sasuke a cynical smile.

"Do you know how she found out about us?"

"She saw us that night in the guest room."

"You knew…" Naruto walked hurriedly toward the dark haired man and lifted him up by the collar, Sasuke said nothing as he looked into Naruto's angered blue eyes. "You knew that she saw us fucking and you didn't stop? You didn't say a fucking word!"

"Naruto, she was going to find out sooner or later."

"No, she… Sakura didn't deserve to find out like that. She loved you more than you could ever imagine." Sasuke looked down.

"I know. I know how she felt for me since our second year of college. I saw it in her eyes every single day, but I just couldn't. I just couldn't love her, Naruto, not the way I do for you."

Naruto stared at his eyes, He didn't know what else to say, he really couldn't apologize about Sakura, not anymore. "Why did you marry her if you didn't love her? Why did you lead her on knowing how she felt?"

"I didn't." Naruto let go of him as his eyes widened slightly. "My father and her uncle knew each other for some time, they started to talk about us getting married when we were 14. I was studying in private school during that time and my father never said anything about their plan until I was in college. Sakura knew right away and at first, she confessed to me during our first year of college but I rejected her feelings. When she told me that she was already my fiancé, my father gave me no other choice." Naruto stood silent as Sasuke continued to look anywhere beside Naruto's face.

"Even so, you two were married, you slept with her." Sasuke chuckled and eventually, began to laugh. It was simply absurd to see that that was what mattered to the blond.

"I couldn't tell her I loved her, let alone sleep with her. She wasn't you, I only wanted you, Naruto." Sasuke's eyes turned to look at Naruto who was covering his face with his hand. Even with his hand, Sasuke could see that the blonde's cheeks were tinted red, his eyes looking away from Sasuke's strong gaze. "Four years has made me realize how I feel about you… I need to know." Sasuke had gotten closer, his lips brushing Naruto's, he just needed a small push. "I need to know if you feel the same." Naruto only breathed out, as his eyes began to slowly close. Sasuke's lips pressed against Naruto's and at that one moment, it felt as if a heavy weight lifted from Sasuke's chest. Sasuke didn't know how much he missed feeling Sasuke's lips against his until he felt Naruto kiss him back. As if by instinct, Sasuke pressed his whole body so much closer toward Naruto's, the blonde's arms wrapping themselves around his neck. Yes, he missed this so much more than he had thought. It was like being off an addiction and just going back to it, it was both familiar and different from the last time. Naruto was not as compliant as he remembered, he initiated the first move, feeling Naruto's tongue push against his, heard Naruto growl and push him against the wall. It surprised him at first, however, after a second, it aroused him even more.

He opened his mouth as he felt Naruto's tongue push in against his own, his hands touched and even pulled the blond closer, wanting to feel that heat. Naruto pressed his hips against Sasuke's, feeling Naruto's arousal press against him and that just made Sasuke moan.

"You've gotten more dominant." He smirked satisfactorily and saw Naruto lick his lips.

"Is that a problem?" Sasuke merely scoffed.

"It wasn't a complaint, idiot." Sasuke smirked, Naruto only huffed in laughter. "I just didn't expect this."

"Four years changes a person." Before Sasuke could say anything else, Naruto kissed him once more. All this time, Sasuke had missed Naruto's warmth pressed against his, feeling those golden locks with his fingers, looking at his blue eyes. Naruto parted from him and looked at him with a small frown. Sasuke stared at the blond questioningly only for Naruto to sigh and look away. "I can't."

Sasuke frowned and glared. "For god sakes Naruto! What is it going to take?!" Naruto continued to look away from Sasuke's stare, it only angered Sasuke even more. "I tell you I still have feelings for you but apparently that's not enough!"


"No, you know what, Naruto, save it! Get back to me when you've made up your mind." With that, Sasuke left. The Uchiha closed the door behind him only to be met with brown colored eyes. Sasuke narrowed his eyes at the brunette in front of him. "I thought you had a date, or was that a lie to not do any work?"

"Walk with me, we need to talk, we can get to know each other." Sasuke scoffed.

"I don't have time for this" he didn't want to deal with this man right now, knowing that his mood always turned sour whenever he was with this man. Sasuke made his way to get away from the brunette.

"It's about Naruto." Sasuke froze on the spot. He turned and looked at the man with an intense gaze. "I know your relationship with him." Sasuke's gaze narrowed. The brunette man gave a small knowing smirk. "We've been friends since our first year of university, I'd be bound to know a little something about him, don't you think?" there was a pause. Kiba signaled with his head. "Come, let's take a walk." Kiba had turned to walk, assuming Sasuke would follow. As much as he hated it, Sasuke swallowed his pride and followed behind.

As they walked, Sasuke began to ponder, if Kiba knew what was or had been going on between him and Naruto, then what else did he know about? Exactly how much did this man know? Kiba continued to walk, reaching the elevators and getting in, Sasuke raised a brow at the action and stood on the other side of the doors. Kiba sighed and held the door open.

"Look, do you want to know about Naruto or not?" Sasuke made a face of aggravation but walked in either way. Kiba smirked with pride, it irritated Sasuke's mood even more. "Yeah, I thought so."

Sasuke stood next to the brunette man and frowned "What are you, 18?" Kiba smiled wickedly.

"Why, I feel offended, Sasuke! I'm 27! Though, mentally speaking, I'm 19." Sasuke looked at Kiba with a look of annoyance, Kiba beamed as if Sasuke's annoyance was a delightful plate of dessert and Kiba was just savoring the deliciousness.

"Joy, I'll remember to tell Neji to set up nap time as well." Kiba laughed.

"I knew I liked you for a reason."

"Hn." As both men made their way out the building, many of the secretaries- all females- smiled and greeted them. Sasuke ignore them like he always did, Kiba on the other hand, gave them easygoing smiles. Sasuke watched with slight interest at the bright smile Kiba offered to everyone. "How can you two smile so easily?"

Kiba made a face of confusion, he stared at Sasuke and tilted his head slightly. "What?" they reached a small park that was close to the area, it was fairly unoccupied, leaving room for privacy for them both.

"You and Naruto, you two are able to smile so easily to anyone." Kiba merely laughs at this comment.

"Well that's because we don't have a pole shoved deep in our ass." Sasuke glared at the brunette man, Kiba made a gesture with his hand as if to forget the comment. "Well, personally, I've had a pretty normal life. To tell the truth, I'm more surprised at Naruto's ability to smile so easily." Sasuke raised a brow at that, Kiba looked at the Uchiha with a look that said you-know. After figuring that Sasuke actually 'did not know' Kiba's expression changed to one of disbelief. "Wait, so you're telling me that you seriously don't know anything about Naruto?"

Sasuke looked away with a small frown. He had to admit, the past four years were very hard for him. He tried to look for Naruto, had tried to learn everything about Naruto after finding out that he was the son of Minato Namikaze but he never truly found anything about the blond. Whenever he searched for Minato Namikaze, the only thing that would come up was Naruto's name and another name- Karu. It made Sasuke come to the horrible realization that he truly didn't know anything about Naruto when they would have their little meetings. Had it not been for that day when Sakura told him that he was the heir of Minato Namikaze, he probably wouldn't have known who Naruto was.

Kiba's sigh made Sasuke come back from his thoughts. "Dude, this is why he can't say it back." Sasuke looks at Kiba suspiciously, after a couple of seconds Kiba raises his hands up in defense, "Alright, I left you two alone on purpose and I eavesdropped, so sue me." Sasuke said nothing, Kiba sighed. "Do you know why Naruto worked as a stripper in the first place?"

"He told me it was to pay for his tuition at N University."

Kiba made a slight expression of agreement. "That's part of it, yeah."

Sasuke stopped walking, they had reached small picnic tables. Kiba looked back only to see that Sasuke was glaring at him. "I don't know Naruto well, and I regret that I let him get away. I know that after these past four years… I know that I still want him in my life. If you're so close to him, then tell me- tell me everything about him."

Kiba smirked, a glint shining brightly in Kiba's brown eyes. "I knew I liked you for a reason."

"Naruto has an older brother named Karu Namikaze. His mother's name was Kushina Uzumaki, she passed away when Naruto was 10 and he was really hurt by it because he was close to her the most. He was never really one to get into the whole family business of hotels, saying that he wanted to pursue a career involving finance and accounting. His dad let him do it but Naruto didn't want the help of his family name, he told me he was hated in middle school and high school because of it. He had to change surname to Uzumaki and get a job as a stripper to pay for his college tuition. He told me he hated it and was going to quit… until he met you.

"He said that you looked really closed off and seemed really out of place when you came in. When anyone else tried to talk to you, you brushed them off real easily, so he was curious about you. He started talking a lot about you, he didn't know your name but he always described you with a sort of fondness in his eyes. I knew that look better than him but he always denied it, even after you two became intimate, Naruto ignored his feelings because he thought you'd never feel the same. He told me that Sakura threatened him after finding out about the two of you. She told him that she was pregnant with your child. She told him to stay away and never come back and he was devastated."

"Even so, you married her, you slept with her"

Sasuke watched as the blue eyed man conversed with another worker. Kiba's words still echoed in his mind. Sakura had told him the same thing four years ago. After sobbing and yelling at him she began saying that she hated him. He had left before she could say anything else. He didn't come back till night time only to find the house a total mess. There was glass shattered everywhere, his clothes were in a pile along with cupboards and cabinets opened, Sakura was nowhere to be found. He didn't hear from his wife until three days later. The phone rang and the caller ID was from the Yamanaka's. He answered it, assuming Ino would question where Sakura was, however, the voice on the other line was not Ino but Sakura. He didn't speak the whole time Sakura was on the line. All he could hear from his wife was the half choked breathing as she tried to form words.

"I... I... Sasuke, I'm pregnant." before Sasuke could say anything else, Sakura hung up the phone, all he heard was a deadline. He knew she was lying, knew that even if she were pregnant, that it wasn't his. He could never really sleep with her, not when every time he looked at her emerald green eyes, he tried to look for those clear blue. She couldn't be pregnant with his child, he knew that.

"We need you to look over these. Naruto already approved on behalf of Kiba, all we need is your word." Sasuke was bought back from his train of thought only to see that Neji was staring at him expectantly with a large stack of files. His eyes went back to Naruto only for his eyes to lock with blue.

"He couldn't focus on his school work, he began drinking and just being this cold person toward everyone. He didn't want to talk to anyone, didn't even want to leave the apartment. He was just broken. His dad was worried but he promised Naruto to give him space when he'd start college, so he really didn't know what was going on. We got into a fight one day when I told him to admit that he was in love with you. Of course, again, he denied it and I kicked his ass. After the fight, he admitted it."

"Hn." Sasuke grabbed the large stack of files and nodded. "I'll look through them during my lunch." Neji nodded and made way for the door. Sasuke turned to look at Naruto once more only to notice that they were, once again, the only two in the room. A strong silence fell between them both as the seconds passed by. "It would have been better if Kiba approved of them instead. Then again, he likes to wander off and slack, it can't be helped." Sasuke grabbed his belongings and made way toward the door. "Good work, Naruto."

"Sasuke" a pale hand settled on the doorknob. His heart immediately began to speed up in beat, though he did not show it. "I'm sorry for not saying goodbye."

"I'm sorry for not saying that I love you." Naruto was silent for the longest time. Sasuke could imagine a lonely Naruto in an apartment so vividly. He could imagine how he felt as he was being yelled at by Sakura. "I tried looking for you only to realize that I knew nothing about you."

"The how can you say you love me if we don't know anything about each other?!" finally Sasuke turned only to see the blond in front of him glare with a frown on his face. On instinct, Sasuke walked toward the blond as he locked eyes with azure blue.

"Because when I look at you, I want to touch you, I want to kiss you."

"That's not love, that's sexual attraction. I know nothing about you."

The sound of papers hitting the floor was heard as well as his footsteps. Seconds later, there was a body being pushed to the wall. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I have a mother, a father and an older brother. I was born July 23rd, I'm blood type AB, 168 cm, 52.2 kg. I like to take long walks because it helps me think. My favorite foods are anything involving tomatoes or anything spicy. My least favorite is anything sweet. I don't like losing and I'm uncooperative because I prefer doing things on my own. I'm a pyromaniac and I am, without a doubt, in love with you, Naruto Uzumaki."

There was silence for the longest moment in Sasuke's entire life. Naruto did nothing but stare at his onyx colored eyes, studying his facial features to see if he was lying, or to see a sort of doubt in his eyes. He had finally said it, finally felt that weight on his chest and said how he felt and meant it. Sasuke looked at Naruto's wide blue eyes, his hands reached for Naruto's. Naruto's hands were shaking but his gaze remained strong. Sasuke would have chuckled at Naruto's reaction, but merely pressed his forehead against the blonde's.

"Don't… Don't make me wait too long." Naruto sighed as his eyes lowered to look at their intertwined hands. Sasuke gave Naruto's hand one last squeeze before letting go and closing the door behind him.

Naruto was left pressed against the wall as he watched Sasuke leave. His eyes were wide and his heart was pounding hard against his chest. He needed to breathe, so very much. He hit his head against the wall softly and sighed. He thought he had his emotions under control, he thought that he could just work alongside Sasuke and he'd be fine. He thought that these feelings were done and gone the minute he was pounded to the floor my Kiba four years ago, but then he saw those surprised onyx eyes staring at him and everything just came flooding down like water to a broken dam. It was like a relapse, and Sasuke was just too damn addicting.

The door opened only to be met with a smiling brunette. Naruto stared with dead as Kiba closed the door and huffed in pride. "Have you two reconciled your love yet?" his stomach sank even more, however, at that very moment, everything seemed to click in his head.

"You?!" Kiba raised a brow. Naruto glared as anger began to surge throughout his body. "You're the reason why he's gotten bolder, isn't it?!"

Kiba feigned innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Bullshit, Inuzuka. You know damn well what I'm talking about. I've told you everything that's been going on in my life involving him, hell, you beat it out of me to know! It's not a damn coincidence that he's stepping up his game and that you're always leaving me with him because you have 'things to do' whenever there's a meeting between you two!" Naruto's glare was strong. Kiba tried to maintain face for as long as he could but he knew that if she kept staring at the brunette long enough, he would crack easily.

"Dude, you need something good in your life, and the way he looks at you- that's grade A devotion right there."

"You got to stop meddling in my life." Kiba only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. Naruto looked at Kiba and ruffled his hair back. "Kiba, you can't just… I was fine without him trying to start something with me."

"Really? You were fine? Because if drinking yourself to sleep and locking yourself from the world is your definition of fine, then damn Uzumaki, I don't want to know your definition of what heartbroken is." Naruto frowned as he saw how angry Kiba really was. In general, he knew that Kiba was always joking around and tried to lighten things up, however, when he was mad, he was not a force to be messed with. "When your brother would call and ask where you were, I would lie for you because that's what friends do- they look out for one another, and right the fuck now, what you need is Sasuke."


"No, Uzumaki, you know I'm right. You look at me in the eyes and you tell me that you don't love him." Naruto swallowed hard and looked at Kiba dead in the eyes.

"I don't love him." Kiba frowned, glared and scoffed with a mocking smile all in that order.

"See, now that's what I call bullshit. You know why? Because you avoid him like he's the plague because you know that you're going to say something you might not want to admit." Kiba sighed as he pushed his hair back with a small smile. "When you think no one is looking, you look at him the way I do when I'm with Hinata." Hinata was Kiba's wife of 11 plus years, they were high school sweethearts and were still happily in love. So having Kiba compare his feelings for Sasuke with him and Hinata, it made Naruto realize something and he needed to voice them to Sasuke.

Sasuke grunted and rubbed his eyes as he re-read the previous paragraph that he had been on for the past 5 minutes. His mind would drift every 10 seconds and would end up thinking of wide blue eyes looking at him. God, he his mind would not focus whenever it came to Naruto. It seemed that Naruto would just overcome his thoughts and just make himself a corner there and nestle there. He wanted Naruto and not just for the sex, no. it wasn't about the sex anymore, but the intimacy, the way he wanted Naruto by his side, to not be alone and feel lonely without him.

There was a knock on his office door, it could be Neji- checking to see if he finished the reading through the contract or not. He pushed his body back against his chair, making it lean back a little. He placed a pale hand on his eyes to block out the light and sighed. The knocking continued, "Come in." Sasuke heard the door open and close softly. Sasuke did not move from his current position but commented on Neji's presence. "I haven't been able to read much of the contract, I know it's unprofessional and it's affecting my work, but damn it, he's been in my mind since I saw him. Kakashi told me to give up on him" Sasuke gave a small chuckle and shook his head. "Imagine that, giving up on him? Spending four years looking for him, wanting to see him, to talk to him only to give up?"

"Why didn't you?" his eyes opened but he did not move to look at him. His heart immediately began to speed and at the same time, it began to slow.

"Did you want me to?" there was a prolonged silence, no one said anything, Sasuke held his breath as the seconds went by. "Do you want me to give up on you?" just saying those words made his throat swell. He didn't want Naruto to leave his life, not completely, but he also knew that Naruto needed time. He didn't want to pressure the blond into something so fast. Naruto still said nothing but he could hear light footsteps moving closer toward him. A hand touched his own, the one that was resting on his stomach. He breathed out the air he had been holding on to and entangled his hand with the other. "If you do, then I'll stop or at least try my hardest to stop because when I look at you…"

Blue eyes stared directly at his own he could see the small frown that was on the blonde's face.

"Last time, I didn't give you an option and that was wrong. Naruto, I'm giving you an option now and this time, if you want, I will stop." He hands grab his shirt and pull him in to a harsh kiss. Sasuke was more than surprised at feeling Naruto's lips press against his, Naruto's tongue pushed for entrance, Sasuke accepted without hesitation. Sasuke pulled Naruto closer, practically making the blonde ride on top of him. The kiss was desperate and messy but Sasuke didn't care not when he had Naruto pressed against him.

Finally, Naruto pulled away from Sasuke. They both panted for breath, Naruto's cheeks were flushed and his eyes were slightly glassy. His eyes were looking at Naruto's, searching for an answer. "I want you." Naruto looked down and gave a small laugh "God, you don't know how badly I want to be with you. I've wanted to be with you for so long."

"Four years ago that was my fault and I was stupid. I'm sorry for not telling you. But now, there's no obstacle, what's stopping you now?"

"I… What if you find someone else? What if you leave me like you left her? Having to let you go a second time… I can't handle that, Sasuke."

"Just one chance. That's all I need, one chance." Naruto looked away with a small frown and huffed out a shaky breath. Sasuke squeezed the tan hand that still held his. "When it comes to you, I can't seem to get enough of you, it's as if you're-"

"An addiction that you can't stop." Blue eyes locked with black and all that ran through Sasuke's mind was to feel those lips pressed against his once more.

"I love you, so stay with me."

After what seemed forever to Sasuke, Naruto nodded slowly. Sasuke felt thousand times lighter at that very moment, everything felt right with the world.

A smirk was placed perfectly on his lips, a hand covering his mouth as his noir eyes followed the man that was in front of him. He was talking about the profit rates and what the marginal for another year or so of their profit will be. He couldn't keep his eyes off that blond, the manner in which his eyes brightened up and how passionately he talked as he demonstrated the PowerPoint with such enthusiasm. It had been three month since he had finally convinced Naruto to stay with him and he was truly happy. After the second month together, the blond had agreed to move in with him, he was glad, Kiba had cheered.

"The consumer rate is looking good, it seems that if we continue this, we can aim for a higher profit rate and for higher productivity." There was a slam heard from the table, everyone looked behind them to see Kiba smirking.

"That's what I like to hear! Awesome, Uzumaki!" Naruto huffed, trying to contain his laughter. Everyone clapped at the end of Naruto's PowerPoint and seconds later, left the room, chattering to themselves of the weekend to come and of what was to come after working hours. Sasuke nodded goodbye to those who bid him farewell and eventually was left alone with Naruto.

Naruto was clearing up his belongings, piling his papers in order and placing his flash drive inside his messenger bag. Sasuke got up from his seat and walked toward the blond, wrapping his arms around the blonde's torso and placing his head on the crook of Naruto's neck, inhaling the sweet scent of Naruto. "I liked your speech, you ready to go home?"

Naruto laughed "Impatient, huh?" Sasuke merely smiled.

"You did promise me a private dance tonight." Again, Naruto smiled and moved his head so that Naruto could meet his eyes.

"Can't resist me, can you?" Naruto smirked slyly, Sasuke only scoffed but smiled either way. He looked into those big eyes and kissed the blond lightly.

"Absolutely not. You're just too addicting." Sasuke could see the smile on Naruto's face, wanting to treasure that look for as long as he could. That joyful yet peaceful expression on his blonde's face suited him. He wanted his blond to always be happy like this, not only because he couldn't get enough of Naruto, but because he loved him more than he could ever express it.
