A/N: Hey y'all. There are a few things you need to know before you read this. In this story, Damon doesn't come to Mystic Falls in S1. I will not be including any of the story lines from the show such as the originals, the Lockwoods being werewolves or the doppelganger stuff. As far as the timeline goes, Jeremy is in his senior year and Elena, Stefan and Bonnie are away at college. Aunt Jenna and Alaric are obviously present in my story, because I like them both and need them. Elena and Stefan kept Jeremy in the dark about vampires and all the supernatural stuff, so Jeremy is oblivious. Anna never happened and Vicki never became a vampire. The Katherine thing happened, but Jeremy didn't know about it or Damon. Damon came to Mystic Falls to see the tomb opened and when he saw Katherine wasn't there, he left. Sorry, it's such a long note. But, I wanted to make sure I explained how my timeline is working. I've always wanted to write a Daremy and they are my favorite slash pairing aside from Dalaric. So, I hope you read and review! Also, if anyone has any ideas for the supernatural things Alaric asked Damon to investigate, let me know, as long as it isn't something we've seen on the show.

It's the first day of my senior year and I couldn't be less excited. The past three years haven't been very eventful. I'm known as the kid brother of golden girl, Elena Gilbert. She was popular and liked by everyone. Things did get a little shaken up when our parents died when I was sixteen. Elena stopped smiling and I turned to drugs. But, then things changed when Stefan Salvatore came to our school.

He broke Elena out of her depression and it jump started her to pull me out of my drug haze. She didn't give up on me when it would've been so easy. I'm lucky to have a sister who didn't take the meaning of family lightly. With her and Stefan's support, I was able to get back to normal. I even dated Elena's friend, Bonnie. But, it didn't last. Bonnie made me happy for a while, but it just didn't feel right. It was like she was a security blanket for me to cling to, rather than a significant other. That's when I knew I had to let her go and stand on my own. Elena, Stefan and Bonnie went off to college and are staying on campus.

So, I will be on my own in the figurative and literal sense. But, it will be a good thing. I won't be in Elena's shadow and people will have to see me for me. The house is so quiet without Elena, Stefan and their friends always running in and out in a frenzy. Now, it's just Aunt Jenna and I in the house. Except for the times that Jenna's boyfriend, Alaric, stays the night. He is my history teacher and has been a father figure to me. I needed that with everything I went through. Jenna tries hard, but Alaric related to me in a different way. It's nice to have him around, since Stefan and Elena are gone.

For my eighteenth birthday, Ric pitched in to get me a truck. A sleek, black Chevy z71 became my new baby. Before, I always had to ride with Elena to school or walk. But, now I can drive myself and it adds to my being on my own. The temperature outside is a blazing ninety two degrees. I decide to wear a blue t shirt with the sleeves cut off and jeans. After fixing my hair, I descend the stair and go into the kitchen. Aunt Jenna is sitting at the island with a cup of coffee.

"Morning, Jer. You ready for your first last day of school?"

"As ready as I can be. I think I have Ric for first period," I say, pouring coffee into a to go cup.

"Yeah, he's already at school getting everything prepared. You want me to cook you breakfast?" she asks, getting out of her chair.

"No, that's ok. I'll just take my coffee with me. If I don't leave now, I'll be late."

"Ok, here's some money for lunch. Have a good day, Jer," she says, handing me a twenty dollar bill.

"Thanks, Aunt Jenna," I say, taking the money and giving her a hug.

Then, I grab my book bag and go outside to get in my truck. Just seeing the black beauty puts a smile on my face. I hop in and put in one of my mix CD's before backing out of the driveway. Traffic is thick as people are heading to work and school. It bugs me to have to go slow, when I have a v8 engine just waiting to blast down the road. After what feels like forever, I'm pulling into the parking lot. Students are still catching up with each other in the parking lot. A lot of them are staring at me and I hit the gas to show off my pipes, before pulling into a parking space.

I'm confident as I grab my bag, keys and coffee before hopping out of my truck. The bell rings and everyone starts to head into school. I follow and wonder if this year will be dull or exciting. It won't be dull if I don't let it. I promise myself to make my last year count. This is the only time I'll be a senior and I'm going to make the best of it. Before, I go through the doors, I see a light blue Camaro in the staff parking lot. The windows are tinted so I can't see who's inside it. But, it's a super nice car and I'm a sucker for Chevys. I tear my eyes away and go into school. Before I know it, I'm standing outside Ric's classroom. The room is full and of course the only seat remaining is in the front.

I take a deep breath, knowing they will stare at me as I walk in. Fuck it. They can stare at me all the want. I straighten up and go to the seat in the front. Ric smiles at me, as I sit down in the seat. I smile back and hear a whisper from the back of the room.

"Of course, he can get by with strolling in late anytime he wants. It's because Mr. Saltzman is fucking his aunt. "

I turn around and see the two jocks still whispering. There is no way anyone will be walking all over me this year.

"If you aren't going to say it to my face, then I suggest you fuck off," I say, not caring if the whole class heard me.

"Johnson, Webster, cut it out. It's too early in the school year for you to be instigating fights," says Ric.

I unclench my fists and settle into my seat.

"First, I want to welcome you back for senior history. There will be a few changes this year. Not only will I be teaching, but we will have a student teacher teaching as well," says Ric, standing up and going to the chalk board.

Streams of whispers erupt as the guys are hoping for a hot girl and the girls are hoping for a hot guy. It doesn't matter to me either way. Then, there was an intake of breaths and gasps as the mystery student teacher enters the room. I turn around and see a man clad in a black button down shirt, tight dark jeans and black boots. Black hair falls over his glacier blue eyes and his jaw line is well defined. The way he walks up to the front is with well-practiced confidence. I can hear the female part of the room swooning over his looks. There is definitely an air of mystery surrounding him, which is intriguing.

"Here he is, this is our student teacher, Damon Salvatore," introduces Ric.

Salvatore? Is he any relation to Stefan? I never heard Stefan talk much about his family.

"Call me Damon," he says in a smooth tone, as one side of his lip quirks up in a smile.

I have no idea why, but my heart starts to race from looking at him. His piercing blue gaze lands on me and I can't move or turn away from him. The front seat I had to sit in, doesn't seem so bad now. Five minutes, into the school year and things are already heating up.