He awoke to the feel of breathing on his neck. The Doctor's eyes fluttered open to see the face of River Song directly above him. Oh he could just look at that face all day, he thought. Well he could do if it ever stayed in the same place long enough.

"Morning sweetie," River whispered, her lips just above his nose.

He tilted his head up so her lips brushed against his.

"Morning River," the Doctor replied, lips still touching River's.

She leant into him and pressed her lips into his, cupping his face in her hands and stroking his cheekbones with her thumbs. After a few moments, she pulled away, leant up and got off the bed.

"Hmm," the Doctor began with a grin, "I'd like to be woken up like that more often."

"I bet you would," River replied.

The Doctor smiled at her before lifting himself up off the bed and walking towards the chair at the other end of the room where on which his and River's dressing gowns lay. The Doctor tossed River her cream dressing gown before scouring the floor, looking for his boxers that had been flung off the bed in the previous night's activities. After being unable to locate them after a minute, River laughed and walked over to her husband, swaying her hips as she went. When she reached the Doctor, River wrapped her arms around his waist and stood on her tiptoes, whispering into his ear.

"Sweetie, have you even looked at what I'm wearing?"

"I-no, should I have done?" The Doctor questioned, clearly confused, until he let his eyes wander over River's perfect body.

She had no make-up on and her hair was a mess, but she still looked extremely attractive. The Doctor's eyes flitted lower to her neck which had a collection of quite large, red love bites. Ah yes, the Doctor did have fun biting at his wife's neck late last night. His eyes carried on, searching lower, over her breasts and wandered on even further south until they stopped. The Doctor was expecting to see River completely naked, but instead she was covered up by a pair of TARDIS blue boxers. His TARDIS blue boxers, the ones he was wearing last night.

"I-um-River...?" the Doctor began, stammering.

"Yes sweetie?"

"You do realise that those boxers you're wearing are mine?"

"It hadn't slipped my attention."

"So why are you wearing them?" the Doctor whispered, dazed and confused.

"Sweetie, just because they're yours, why can't I wear them?"

"W-well because, erm, well I wore them last night. I was wearing them when you were sat on top of me naked!"

"And your point is?"

The Doctor glanced over his shoulder, surveying the room to make sure no one else was there, even though he knew him and River were the only ones who were able to enter it.

"They may have got slightly wet," he whispered, cheeks flushing.

"Oh sweetie, do you think I care?"

And with that, River pulled the Doctor into a kiss, licking his lips with her tongue before pushing it into his mouth before it slid along his tongue. She could hear the Doctor moan into her mouth and this made her hum with pleasure. Eventually, the Doctor's lips released hers and he gasped for breath.

"Actually sweetie, I think I prefer them a bit wet," River said with a sly grin on her face.

The Doctor groaned, feeling an erection coming on and lunged for River with his mouth, but she put her finger to his lips.

"My my, someone's eager!" she said with a wink, "But it will have to wait until later, I'm starving."

She removed her finger from the Doctor's lips and picked up her dressing gown from the floor and wrapped it around her before walking over to the chest of draws and pulled out another pair of blue boxers, identical to the ones she was wearing. She threw them at the Doctor and they landed on his head, making him scramble frantically to remove them. River giggled and watched as the Doctor clambered into the boxers before toppling over and falling onto the large bed. River snorted and the Doctor glared at her, tangled in the bedsheets.

"Come on," River laughed, "Breakfast, you."

I know it was a short chapter but it seemed like a good place to end it. More to come! I have quite a few creative ideas in mind.

Reviews would be lovely, yes thanks for offering to give me one.