This is the sequel to Brothers lost read that first, set just after memoriam still being co-written with I Heart Reid 23.

Reid drove to the parking lot in the FBI headquarters. The parking was underground and was 6 floors under the BAU. He looked over to where he had recently started meeting Rossi and Hotch and saw that they were not there. Reid thought he was late but he was sure he left his apartment early this morning. There had been a little traffic on his commute to work but nothing really substantial. Reid looked at his watch .It was 8:20. He was about 5 minutes late but Reid knew Hotch and Rossi would wait at least 10 minutes for him. He looked round the car park to see their cars. 'They must have already gone to the office and forgotten to wait for me,' Reid thought disappointedly. He didn't think much of it. Rossi and Hotch had forgotten to meet him before. He just turned around, locked his car, and ran to the elevator and went inside.

Reid got out of the elevator and walked into the BAU and got his usual sweet milky coffee. Then he sat at his desk. He looked around but couldn't see Hotch or Rossi. He looked at their offices but both were dark and empty. Reid swivelled his chair to face Emily who was the only one in the bull pen. Reid asked "Hey Emily, have you seen Hotch or Rossi this morning?"

She looked at Reid puzzled and shook her head slowly. "No, I thought they would be with you. Maybe they are both ill so aren't going in. The flu has been going around so maybe they have both caught that. Or maybe they are just running late but that's weird for Hotch to be late. He's usually the first to get to here!" She said looking back towards her paperwork.

"I think they were in today because I saw their cars in the car park. It's weird though, I haven't seen them. If they were ill there would be at least one car gone." He said trying to work it out. It was so weird. There was no likely reason why both of their cars would be in the car park but they weren't in the office. It was odd but he didn't want to think of all the bad things that could have happened to them. Reid thought too often of how his remaining family would be taken away from him! He needed to think positive even though that would be very hard to do.

"I'll ask Garcia and Todd if they've seen them," Prentiss said as she got up from her desk and headed to Garcia's office.

Reid continued to think about where Rossi and Hotch could have gone without attracting attention. But all he could think was that something awful had happened to them. He just hoped they were at a local coffee shop or something. Reid hoped Garcia could locate them and reduce his worry.