The Sequel to Welcome to Wool's Orphanage


Chapter 1

Harry lounged on the sofa, the book Quidditch through the Ages, the older unabridged version that is, on his lap. He watched the white ceiling above, trying to count the cracks in it, his leg thumping the sofa in rhythm to a random beat in his head.

"Studying?" a voice interrupted from his right without any warning.

"Gah!" he jumped. He recovered quickly and smoothed his robes, trying his best to seem unruffled. Beside him, he saw Tom, smirking at him smugly, an eyebrow raised.

"If you want to know, I was reflecting on the things that I've studied," he replied haughtily.

"Like that is going to fool me, Wood," came the slick reply. Tom shoved his feet off the sofa and dropped into the seat, reaching for his book. Before Harry could react, Tom was already holding the book above his reach with his other hand. "I am taller than you, Wood. So you are not getting this back, until you recite me the Principle Exceptions to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration."

"Just wait a few years Riddle, and then we'll see who is taller," retorted Harry. Sadly for him, now, Tom was a good foot and a half taller than Harry, much to his consternation. Harry's growth spurt had not yet kicked in, even that he was just fifteen years old. Tom, still fourteen as his birthday was in December, looked like he was sixteen, with his sharp, prominent bone structure, haughty attitude and greater height. Harry cursed his horrible short genes and the embarrassing incident incurred by it. A pretty barmaid had once asked him if he was Tom's kid brother. Tom being the worst friend, that he was, replied, yes, he is just thirteen years old, and then they spent the next hour talking about the woes of taking care of younger siblings, Tom using his usual charm and at the end got her to let them eat there for free. Harry sulked in his seat the entire time, which, unbeknownst to him, made him look even more like a kid. At the end, he resolved to get back at Tom for the insult, which had resulted in an impromptu prank war which is a whole different story that would take too long to even write in here.

Harry shook his head, clearing out the memories. "We were not even supposed to study Gamps Law until next week!" defended Harry, still trying to climb over Tom to reach his book. Tom took the opportunity to jump behind the sofa, still holding the book out of reach.

"It's called initiative, Wood," he replied smoothly. "Considering the poor curriculum at Hogwarts, the only way one actually learns something is of one does it by themselves. So, I'm doing you a favour. If you want the book, you have to recite to me without looking, at least the three major ones."

Harry huffed in annoyance. It was Christmas holidays. The least the Tom could do was at least pretend to enjoy free time, but no, that would be too much to ask, wouldn't it? The least that Harry could hope for was that Tom would at least remember to get him Christmas presents that did not involve more books. Having Tom Riddle as an adopted brother of sorts would make anyone groan at the sight of more books. And considering that Harry was Hermione's best friend long enough, he should theoretically be desensitized to books. Unfortunately he still got the same reaction as before whenever dusty tomes were put before him. Which was the urge to scream in a manly manner and hide under the table.

"Harry, Harry," came Tom's voice, his hand waving in front of his face. "I did not tell you to daydream. My hand might just accidentally slip and drop your book into fire."

Harry glared at Tom. Of course, Tom's habits hadn't changed in the slightest.

"The fireplace is over there," he pointed out to Tom. "You are here."

Tom got up and walked over to the fireplace, holding up the book. "How about now?"

"I hate you," came Harry's reply. Honestly, he had no idea how he even managed to live in the same place as Tom and not kill each other. Which brought back memories of how he had begun to cope with Tom in the first place.

A/N: Yeah! I posting again! Ha! you guys probably thought that I ditched this story, right! No sirreee!

To pissedoffreader: You don't need to be pissed off anymore.

That's hopefully one less pissed off reader on the fanfic.

And for you wonderful readers who are not pissed off, this will be a two chapter post!