Carmelita Montoya Fox and Sly Cooper had just left the destroyed Cooper vault. Sly was faking his amnesia just so he could be with her. Carmelita doesn't know. However, life was going to be interesting from now on. In the car, Sly looked over to Carmelita. "Hey, Carmelita?"


"What's my first name? You just told me back there that I was your partner Constable Cooper."

"It's Sly. We were on a case going for the mad scientist/thief Dr.M. He was about to shoot me and you jumped in front of the fireball to save me. Next thing I saw, you lost your memory. At least you sort of recognized me. Don't worry, Sly. We'll get you back to normal soon."

"Thanks, Beautiful."

*Poor Sly. Why'd I have to tell him he was my partner? Ugg! Now I have to convince Chief Barkley to let him on the force.*

It was two hours later they got back to the police station. The two walked to the door, but Sly stopped. "Carmelita, wait a minute."

Carmelita turned around. "Yes?"

*I have to do this. If I don't tell her the truth now, she'll be mad even more. I can't let her find out on her own or it'll be worse.* He thought and took a deep breath. "I lied."

"What are you talking about, Cooper?"

"I remember everything. I remember you and I remember being a thief. All of it."

"Why did you lie to me?!"

"I know this may sound a bit stupid, but I did it for you. I don't want to be a thief anymore. When Dr.M had that monster controled, I though that was it. I was dead. Do you know what all my thoughts were of?"


"You. I couldn't think of anything except about you and how our weird relationship was. But I also knew I wasn't gonna be able to tell you the one thing I should have a long time ago. I thought since that was it, it was the one thing I'd regret not telling before. Even with our professional differences, it didn't matter to me. Now I want to tell you. I just don't want to live a lie pretending to have amnesia without you knowing."

"Your thoughts were all about me and you?" She asked in disbelief.

Sly nodded. "Yeah."

"So what is it you want to tell me that you thought you'd never be able to?"

"Carmelita Montoya Fox, I love you." He said stepping close to her.

"" She stammered tearing up in happiness.

Sly pulled her face down to his and kissed her passionately. Her eyes closed and she kissed him back. When he pulled away smiling, he whispered. "Yes, Carmelita. I do. Always have. Ever since I first layed eyes on you. I just wasn't sure how to tell you with us being on the opposite side of the law. If I didn't care for you and love you the way I did, I would have let you die a long time ago. But my life isn't complete without you in it. That's the truth."

"So why the fake amnesia?" She asked interested.

"Because I thought it would be the only way for us to be together."

"Oh, Sly. I...I...I love you too." She whispered tears streaming silently.

Sly pulled her into a tight comforting hug and just held her. "Don't cry, Carm. Everything's going to be ok. I promise. We'll make this work. I'm not letting you go. Ever."

"You really are a thief." Carmelita said through her tears.

"I'm retired now. How?"

"You stole my heart." She sobbed in happiness hugging back with her arms around his neck.

Sly chuckled and just continued to hold his love.