I'm back, just like I promised. I won't be able to post anything for the next few days, but I can answer questions (Gram doesn't have internet but my phone does). And here we go. I do not own Transformers: Prime...Only my OC's and the Realm of Cybres

Chapter 1


Jack/Ultimus Prime POV

Tears ran down my face as Michael gave a single heartbreaking scream. He held Dusk close to his chest, rocking back and forth and sobbing uncontrollably.

To have a family member, a daughter, be lost for many years, then come back…and die three days later…

There are no words to describe the agony he had be going through.

Michael sat there for I don't know how many minutes, unmoving. He finally looked up at us, tears streaming.

We came over to him and put a comforting hand on him.

I looked down at my sister's body.

Her eyes…I'd always seen them a brilliant sapphire blue, sometimes black. Never grey. They stared lifelessly past me and I couldn't bare it.

I brushed my fingers over her eyes, closing them. Her skin was icy to the touch, so cold it burned.

But she looked like she were just sleeping.

I looked up at the planet and immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Shouldn't Cybres be revived by now?" I asked, softly.

Cybretron had been instantly revived when we put the cybermatter straight into Primus' spark.

Everyone looked up, despair painted on their faces.

"Too little, too late," Michael murmured, tears rolling down his fair cheeks again as he held Dusk's head to his own, "We were too late,"

I bowed my head, looking into the glyph-like cracks that etched themselves deep into Cybres' crust.

Maybe all the way down to the core.

A pale flicker caught my eye. I bent down and looked deep into the rift next to me.

There it was again!

A bright, electric blue glow that came closer and closer.

"Guys…" I started, "It worked,"

Ben and Wheeler knelt down next to me and I pointed down into the rift…

Right as bright blue energa welled from the glyph, spilling over the ground. More glyphs burned blue as energa spilled from the cracks, immediately flooding the area and if Michael said the whole planet had these rifts…the planet was flooding too!

But it kept getting higher.

Now it was up to our knees.

Michael's head shot up as he realized what was going on.

"Jack, get Ben into the air, NOW!" he barked.

"I can't," Wheeler said, "I can't shift when I'm hurt like this, I'll crash into the ground,"

Michael then turned to me.

"Get him as high as you can, try to make it out of the atmosphere,"

"Why?" I asked as I transformed, "Is somethi…"

"DO IT!" Michael ordered before putting a hand to his comm., "Silver, get the humans off the ground, hurry!"

There was a long pause.

"Cybres is flooding," he said, "They'll drown from lack of oxygen."

Another pause.

"Hurry!" he finally said as I collapsed into my alt and Ben put a foot in the cockpit, "We don't have much t…"

And the Well pretty much exploded, the energa washing over our heads.

Ben was swept from the cockpit and I transformed, looking for him. I found him lying on the ground, unconscious.

I picked him up and transformed around him, waiting out the flood.

As the energa swept over my frame…I felt old scars and dents being erased, I felt…new.

Silver POV

We didn't even have time to get Amber to high ground before the flood came for us. I made a little pocket of air that covered Amber's nose and mouth so that she could breathe, but that was all.

I meant to cover her completely…but I didn't have time.

I relaxed as the energa pulsed around my frame, easing my fear and my sorrow. But not erasing it.

Authoress POV

Within moments the planet was engulfed in an electric blue tide. From space, the dull grey surface of Cybres was a shimmering, undulating blue that continued to get brighter and brighter until it became blindingly bright…

The planet pulsed once brightly, and a shockwave of brilliant blue screamed away from it before dissipating and leaving behind a shining silver and blue planet.


When I woke up, the flood had just suddenly disappeared. Jack let me out and I hit the ground right as both Wheeler and Michael yelled to the sky.

"Delivera!" the both cried, "Delivera!"

Sean POV

Honestly, I don't know how I survived that, Jackie had me in his alt as far as I could tell…when he let me out, the Autaris and Soruns around us lifted up a shout.

"Delivera! Delivera!"

June POV

As soon as the flood receded, Amber woke up.

"What happened?" she asked.

"You were hurt very badly," I said, "You need to…"

"What do you mean hurt badly?" Amber demanded, "I feel great! Better than I have in years!"

"Your shoulder," I replied, pulling down her sleeve…and I stopped.

Amber's wound was gone.

I heard Cybreian voices raising up in the distance, but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

Amber hopped off the berth.

"Why are they saying delivered?" she asked, looking at me, "Whoa! Hey, I understood that!"

She broke into a grin.

"I can't wait to tell Dusk!" she started, "Where is she?"

I didn't say anything.


"We have to get her back to Iadail," Michael said, standing with Dusk's body in his arms, "She…she deserves a hero's burial,"

I closed my eyes, still not believing she was dead.

She was my world.

"C'mon," Jack whispered, "Michael? Do you think Healer would give us a Bridge?"

He nodded mutely and Wheeler made the call instead.

"Hey," I started, "Wheeler, your leg…it's fixed!"

The Ivorra looked down at it and gave a short laugh.

"Guess the resurrection of Cybres heals our wounds too," he started, "Darby's armor doesn't look so dinged up anymore,"

"If it heals…" I started, hope rising in me, "Then Dusk should live too!"

I walked over and placed a hand on her pale shoulder, shaking it.

"Dusk, wake up Sweetspark," I said, smiling.

She didn't move.



She didn't even open her eyes.

My hands shook and I laid my head on her still, unmoving chest, hoping to hear a faint note of her song…


Fragging nothing!

She was gone.

Really, really gone.

Well, that's it for now. Next is Dusk's return to Iadail and her funeral...and Ben gets to have a little "chat" with a certain Autari Ivorra. Any guesses?

Song in title: Deliverance by City of the Fallen

Anyway, hope you liked it. If you did, please R&R! :)

Qui vállë tóquetë, ván tecë (If no review comes from y'all; no story comes from me)

Máriessë ar mára tecië

Farewell and fair writing

Elhini Prime signing off.