So, this whole trip was for nothing.

This whole time, Merlin could've got out himself, and the only reason he stayed was to protect Arthur.

That seemed so backwards. Arthur had come here because he thought it was his duty to protect his friend, when all along Merlin was the one protecting him.

That thought ran through his mind over and over, until he was slightly numb from the shock and realization. Merlin. Protecting Arthur. Merlin, his idiot manservant who wasn't really a manservant, but a powerful sorcerer.

What in the world had Morgana been talking about? Why had she called him Emrys? Was Merlin even his real name?

He had even lied about his name.

He kept on thinking about how Merlin looked (Emrys?) when he had faced Morgana and the two dozen bandits. He had looked determined, but also resigned. Like he didn't want to fight them, but he knew he had no choice.

Why did Merlin, a sorcerer, care about his well being? Was that another lie? Did Merlin just want to kill him in revenge for magic like so many other sorcerers had tried before?

His head hurt. Questions and theories, running running running through his head and he could feel himself swaying and stumbling as they walked.

Merlin appeared next to him.

Without a word, he wrapped Arthurs arm around his shoulders, taking his weight to help him walk.

Arthur just stared. He was too tired, and his head hurt too much to deal with this right now. He knew that Merlin was hurt too, his face was bruised and he was limping, a gash on his head openly bleeding, but he was helping Arthur.

A sorcerer was helping Arthur.

They soon got to the tree line and Gwaine led the way back to their camp- a cheerful smile on his face but not saying a word.

How could Gwaine be so cheerful about this? Merlin, one of his best friends, was a sorcerer. He had been lying- for how long?

Merlin was bandaging his head and shoulder, carefully avoiding his eyes.

He didn't get it.

This man looked like Merlin, acted like Merlin, sounded like Merlin, but… he had lied. How can someone lie for that long? How had he hid it from Arthur, when they had spent almost every single hour of the day in each other's company? How many other things had Merlin lied about?

He finally found his voice.

"So, it was all a lie?" Merlin froze. He had been bandaging a few of Arthur's ribs, which had cracked from all of the times Morgana had thrown him to the ground.

"Were you ever really my servant, or did you just pretend to be so that you could get close to the throne? Did you finish all of your chores with magic? How many times have you lied to me?" his voice was a little shaky from anger and hurt.

Merlin looked down. "Why do you always assume that?"


"That people only want to take the throne. I understand a little bit, because of Aggravaine and Morgana, and all the others who have tried to harm you to get revenge or get the throne. But there are countless other people in Camelot and outside of Camelot, who don't want to harm you. You're focusing on the bad people. Why not focus on the good?"

He was a little stunned from that statement.

"Magic doesn't have to be used for evil. You only see it like that because that's what your father taught you, and you've never seen it used for good because just the mere thought of magic got people executed. The druids use their magic for good, save people's lives. Why is it so hard to believe that others can do that too?"

What was he supposed to say to that? He was hurt- betrayed by another friend because of magic. But it's not like he could say because everyone I know that has touched magic, has turned against me, because that would just be proving Merlin's point, and that just wouldn't be acceptable. So instead, he just took to staring at him again, trying to see any difference.

He couldn't find one.

How was it that Merlin with magic didn't look any different, when Morgana with magic was filled with rage and a frozen heart?

"I have only ever used my magic for you Arthur. To protect you. That has been my whole life, the whole reason I came to Camelot in the first place. It's my destiny." His voice sounded a little desperate now, begging Arthur to understand.

He couldn't deal with this right now. Couldn't make any decisions with his head and shoulder pounding like this. So, instead of replying he turned his back on his friend, curling up and closing his eyes.

He didn't fall asleep for hours.


Well, that could've gone much worse, he supposed.

Arthur could have yelled at him, banished him or executed him on the spot.

Instead he had barely said a word, just staring at him in that unnerving way of his, causing him to talk fast and stumble over his words because of the pressure in his gaze.

He hated the look of betrayal and confusion in his eyes.

Thankfully the knights hadn't over heard their conversation- they were busy setting up camp, getting firewood, tending the horses, purposely avoiding them when they sensed the tension. When he had started making supper, they had come and sat by the fire.

His stomach was back to grumbling, begging him for food, but he didn't eat. He had to tend the knights' wounds first, and he had lost his appetite when he thought about how many people he had hurt today with his magic.

When he was finished bandaging Gwaine's arm, standing up to tend to Percival, he was stopped by a hand on his wrist. Gwaine tugged him back down, looking him in the eye for a second.

"You should tend to your own wounds, Percival's can wait."

When he tried to stand back up, mumbling something about them needing it more than he did, he was stopped again.

"If you don't let us help you, and your injuries get worse, than you won't be able to help anyone," when he shook his head, Gwaine groaned. "C'mon, Merlin. You're hurt! You were in their captivity for four days. You need to let someone else help you for a change."

Percival nodded. "It's okay, Merlin. The whole point of this trip was to help you. If we return to Camelot with you dead, Gaius won't be very happy."

Merlin sighed thinly at their reasoning. They were right- if he returned home with uncared for injuries, Gaius would give him a good scolding and make him clean the leech tank.

His face pinched. That was going to happen anyway, when Gaius found out that four more people knew of his magic.

He really didn't want to clean the leech tank any more than he already had to.

When he had taken off his shirt, and Gwaine had seen the bruises and cuts, his eyebrows had creased in worry. He started bandaging them, with a gentleness he hadn't known the knight possessed.

Why were they helping him, when he had lied to them?

"Merlin," Gwaine said, "just because you have magic doesn't mean I'm going to automatically hate you. Sure, I'm a little hurt you didn't tell me, but I get why you did it. I've seen quite a few things in my travels, and I have no idea why you would come to Camelot of all places, but I'm okay with it. Just, next time you have a secret that could get you killed, tell me, alright?"

Did he say that out loud?


But he nodded anyway, slightly relieved. At least he still had one friend.

Percival nodded in agreement, and Leon studied him for a second before nodding also.

"You have a lot of bravery, Merlin, and you've saved Arthur's life so many times that I find it hard to believe you have ever had any ill intent. Just be careful, alright?"

He managed a grin. "When have I ever not acted with the utmost carefulness?"

"Considering how clumsy you are, I'm just surprised that you haven't accidentally used magic and gotten caught before."

He grinned sheepishly. "That's happened a couple of times, actually. Lancelot accidentally found out that way, and Gaius." It was so strange, talking about his magic openly. But it was also, in a strange way, really nice.

When he found the knights staring at him, waiting for him to explain, he felt his cheeks heat up slightly. "It really isn't all that interesting of a story."

And then Gwaine was asking question after question, barely letting Merlin finish before asking the next, and Leon and Percival were watching him as he tried to make his adventures sound less terrifying and difficult than they actually were. He knew Arthur was listening too, because when Arthur was asleep he had a nice steady breathing pattern, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, and now they were real deep.

He only hoped that all of these tales didn't make Arthur hate him more.


He was starting to really hate being confused.

There had been way too much of it in the past few days, in his opinion.

So, apparently, Merlin was a lying, powerful sorcerer and he had spent all this time in Camelot protecting him. And also, he was born with magic.

How was that possible? Didn't you have to study magic; choose it?

Everything that his father had taught him and everything Merlin had said was whirling through his mind.

Is it possible, though? Was it possible to have magic, power, and not be corrupted by it?

He hoped so, because he really didn't want to lose Merlin.

Yes, he had just admitted it. Merlin had been his first true friend, and God knows what kind of king he would be without him. He had stood by his side for so long, and now that he thought of it, the magic thing made sense. It made all of the things he had wondered about his friend fall into place.

And besides, Arthur had power, right? He had been born into royalty, with no choice in the matter. Was it the same kind of situation with Merlin?

When Merlin had taken his shirt off so Gwaine could tend to his wounds, Arthur had risked opening his eyes a little. He had been shocked. Merlin had gone through all of that… for him?

Why was Merlin so selfless? He had refused to eat, giving all of the food to Arthur and the knights, even though he probably hadn't eaten in days. He had tried to tend to everyone's wounds first before Gwaine stopped him, even though his were much worse. And now, he was trying to be modest about all he had done for Camelot. His words sang in his ears.

I have only used my magic for you, Arthur. To protect you. It has been my whole life. My destiny.

So the only reason he had come to Camelot was for destiny? Was he even really his friend? Try as he might, it was really hard to believe that all of the laughs, smiles, jokes they had shared had been fake.

The next day, when they stopped at midday to rest and eat, Arthur looked at Merlin. He looked as he always did, even if his smiles were a little smaller and he kept glancing over at Arthur, like he was afraid.

That hit him like a blow to the stomach.

Was Merlin afraid of him?

That almost hurt more than the lies.

He looked closer. No, they were cautious looks, like he was afraid Arthur would suddenly start yelling at him.

Walking over to Merlin, he allowed himself one question.

"You were born with magic?"

Merlin looked a little surprised, "Yes, I was condemned to death the moment I took my first breath."

Well, that was more of a blunt answer than he expected.

He tried to process that, allowing himself one more question before walking back to his horse. "What did Morgana mean, when she called you Emrys?"

"The druids call me that. It's a name of prophecy- a prophecy that says that I will help the once and future king unite the land of Albion, and magic would be free once more." He looked a little wary as he answered.

He stopped mid-stroke, and his horse looked at him questioningly.

I will help the once and future king unite the land of Albion. Did that make him the once and future king?

"Merlin," he called, and once Merlin was standing next to him, he ordered, "show me."

He looked so confused; Arthur would've laughed if he wasn't being so serious. When realization dawned on his face, and then hope, Arthur allowed himself to be a little curious.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Show me how magic can be used for good."

Merlin smiled, looking down as he cupped his hands, and blew into them. When he opened them again, a blue butterfly flew out- more pure and beautiful than he had ever seen, and so innocently Merlin that he didn't even flinch when it landed on his nose. A warmth filled him, unlike any he'd ever felt before, and his head cleared.

Did that little butterfly, the one that Merlin conjured out of thin air, just heal him?

Merlin was still smiling that smile, the one that radiated hope and happiness.

Arthur looked at him. "Have you healed me with magic before?"

Merlin nodded, smile turning a little sheepish. "When you were poisoned, and I've healed you of love spells, if that counts."

He got on his horse, motioning for everyone else to do the same, and when Merlin stumbled over a root as he was walking to the one they had brought for him, Arthur's brow creased. Was Merlin's clumsiness a lie, or was he just a natural at looking like an idiot?

Most likely a natural idiot.

The rest of the day was spent listening to Gwaine and Merlin talking, with Leon and Percival interjecting to add to a tease at Gwaine's expense every once in awhile.

How did they accept it so easily? Was he over thinking this?

So Merlin was Merlin. And he had been a sorcerer all of his life, without any control over it. He thought back to what Morgana had said- you don't understand, how it feels to be rejected and lied to by your own father- to have to lie and hide who you are because if anyone knew, you would burned. To be sentenced to death because of something you can't control.

How come Merlin used his magic for good, when he was in the exact same situation as Morgana?

He has a good heart.

That was something Gwen had told him, long ago. Could that be it? Maybe magic was like a sword, and the person wielding it had the choice what to use it for. Merlin had just given him an example of good magic, hadn't he?

So couldn't that mean that Merlin wasn't corrupted by magic like Morgana?


It was dark, they had finally coaxed Merlin to eat something (watching with amusement as he practically inhaled the food), and they were all lying by the fire, asleep. Well, everyone but Merlin and Arthur, that is.

"Why did you lie to me?" Arthur asked. As much as he hated to admit it, he had already gotten over the fact that Merlin had magic.

"I didn't want you to have to choose between me and Camelot, or me and your father. And, it just never seemed like the right time. I've never actually told anyone, most just find out by mistake."

He thought about that. "I want you to tell me everything. No more lies, please."


Merlin's mind was reeling. Arthur had asked nicely! Said please!

Arthur must be really hurt, and desperate.

His throat tightened at the thought. He had never wanted to hurt Arthur, only help- but here he was, Arthur finally knows, and he had hurt him.

A half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole.

He clung to this statement, desperately hoping that it was true.

"I promise. Anything you want to know." Arthur's show of curiosity, even though it was backed by hurt, showed that he had begun to accept him. Hopefully, after he had told Arthur the full truth, he would accept that Merlin had only lied to help him. To help Camelot.

And, hopefully, they could have a true friendship, one that wasn't shadowed by his secret now that is was revealed.

The once and future king- to unite the land of Albion with the most powerful sorcerer in all creation by his side.

He smiled at the thought.

So, there you go- the last chapter. Thanks for all of your support! I might post another short story, about what happens when they get back to Camelot and their struggles in keeping his secret and stuff. By the way, the thing where Gwen says he has a good heart, that's just something I added. I don't think she actually said that in the show… maybe I'll make a fic about that. Thank you for reading!