Hey guys!

First of all, I'm sorry for the fake-out, but this isn't an update, at least not with the story.

Basically, I started writing this forever ago and pretty much thought I sucked at it, so I kind of lost interest in it. However, recently, I started writing again at the encouragement of a friend (who has no idea that this fic exists, or that I've tried writing before) and decided to give it a shot. I've written two oneshots at the point, and both have received a huge support of positive feedback over on AO3.

So I logged back in over here, figuring I might as well post them here since I have an account, and I realized that I completely forgot about this fic. Needless to say I was shocked by all the positive feedback, as well as the number of followers and comments saying they would love for me to continue.

And I will.

Truthfully, I'll probably end up re-writing this entire thing, which shouldn't take too long. It almost makes me cringe looking back on it. I plan to change the perspective, but the plot will remain the same. Avatar still holds a very special place as my all-time favorite, and I definitely want to try writing more for the fandom.

I have several other ideas on the backburner, but hopefully I can get around to this one soon, at the very least re-writing and posting the first three chapters.

Thank you all so much for the support! If you're interested, I'm on ArchiveOfOurOwn as SIFU_HOTMAN (I love Avatar so much) and I'll definitely be seeing you guys around. Soon, hopefully!