A/N: This story follows the life of Sara Jane. Later I will do POV's but not yet methinks lol
I hope you will enjoy it. Chapter 1 will be uploaded soon, I promise lol :)
xxx WickedlyElphaba


Sara Jane grew up in a big house with everything a girl would want.

Her parents where important people in England so her family threatened her as a true princess.
She did whine a lot for stuff when the family, the two brothers and the two parents, where on the market.
But only to give it at the children who where begging for money or food.
The children loved her and she made great friends whom she played with.
Sara was the best in making stories and every child in their neighborhood wanted to hear them.
And to be honest, many children who where from the parents where also rich where jealous of Sara.
She had everything and had the talent to right those beautiful and almost real looking stories. Her life was like a fairytale.

But when she was about nine, her two brothers, the two who where her best friends, died in an accident. Then everything went the wrong way.
She did not came outside as much as she used to and the children who where her friends asked her what had happened.
Why didn't she came play with them anymore? And why didn't she made stories anymore?
She just answered with ''the story doesn't know a happy ending like most of them has. It would hurt you if you knew the answer.''
They, no matter what she had answered them, kept asking but she didn't answered them anymore.
Little she knew that the thoughst thing was about to happen when she was about fifeteen. Her parents died.
They had talked many times about how the death of their two oldest childeren had killed them inside.
They died from sadness. Poor Sara was left behind and alone in the big world.
She took the most valuebal pieces with her, a teddy whom her brother Kai had given to her when she was six,
a unicorn whom she got from her parents and a necklace with her fathers name Etienne, her mothers name Christine,
her oldest brothers name Ewan (A/N: read Jewan) and her youngest brother Kai in it.
Sara refused to stay with her aunt Arlene, so she left to the beautiful city Paris, where she hoped to start a new life without pain.

And so Sara's life went on. Turning her back against England, turning her head towards Paris.

I know it was short but its only the prologue yet! Like I said Chapter 1 will be online soon I hope :)
Reviews please?

