Chp 21

Jane tapped her fingers impatiently. "Jane, relax. Act normal as if we're on a date", said Khan.

"I wish we were", said Jane. Khan grabbed her hand and ran his thumb on her knuckles.

"When this is over, I'll take you out", said Khan.

"If Federation get to you first?", asked Jane.

Khan leaned over her ear and whispered, "Well, we'll just have to make the best of it before they get me then". His voice caused her spine to shiver.

"They're watching", she whispered back.

"As I said, act normal", said Khan as he began placing little kisses from her neck to her earlobe before biting it.

"Behave yourself, Mr. Khan", they could hear Kirk from their earpieces.

"Copy that, captain", said Khan, sounded irritated.

Jane gave him a peck to his cheek and said, "Behave, and I'll reward you".

"I'll look forward to it", Khan whispered.

Then, Uhura came through the communication, "Target in-sight. Heading northwest from you are, Jane".

"Copy that, we see her", Jane reply.

Jean was coming out from her usual hangout, walking as if nothing is going to happen. Jane and Khan got up and followed her. From the roof of a few stories flat, they could see Sulu and Chekov from there. Jane gave a nod and Sulu and Chekov followed them discreetly via hover boards.

"Slow down guys, we don't want to spook her", said Kirk, "Scotty, are you done?".

"Not yet!", Scotty communicated with angry whispers.

"Well hurry up. Uhura said Jean has left and on her way back to the main house. Her parents haven't left yet and my ass is killing me", said Kirk.

"Give us a sec, you mad bastard!", Scotty whispered angrily.

"Well, captain, it is obviously you are not sitting properly", said Spock through the intercom.

"Spock, seriously, shut up", said Kirk.

"You're not even human to understand that, Spock", said Bones.

As Jane giggled at their small bickering and Khan sighing annoyingly, they stopped dead track because Jean was turning around to see whether she was being followed. Before Jean could turn her head and noticed them, Khan pulled Jane in the alleyway and kissed her. Jane took in the moment so people would just assumed that they're just like any normal everyday couple in the alleyway; making out.

"Jane? Khan? Jean is moving", said Sulu.

"One second", said Jane, breaking off the kiss and combing her hair with her fingers. Then, she pulled an annoyed Khan back to the streets.

They followed them till they reached a tall building. The Scarletts' lived at the top floor penthouse. "Scotty, are you done? Jean just went passed the doorman", said Jane.

"I'm trying to get Keenser here through the fire escape", said Scotty, "I told you not to eat too many of those peanuts!".

"Hurry up, Scotty. Mum and dad are on their way home now", said Bones.

"Got it! Alright, we're coming down from the fire escape. The system should work in a minute", said Scotty.

Jane and Khan hid behind a building and saw Jane's adoptive parents arrived. They got out of the car and their driver drove off to park the car. Behind them were Bones, Kirk and Spock in a car and they parked a few meters from the building. "Is it working, captain?", asked Jane.

"Transmission is coming in. We got a clear view of the inside of the house", said Kirk. Suddenly they heard loud ringing, which were annoying to everyone as they groaned, and Kirk said, "Your sister sure have a loud taste in music".

"She's not my sister, captain. She's just the daughter of the people who murdered my parents and threatened my family", said Jane.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it", said Kirk and he pause awkwardly before continuing, "Audio is working just fine, if I can just find a mute button for Jean's room. Alright, people, pack it up! See you guys tomorrow morning".

"Can't we just continue off tonight, captain?", asked Spock.

"Spock, our asses are on fire. Let's just called it for the night and besides, Carol will be recording the live feed and we can just watch it tomorrow ok?", said Kirk.

Khan and Jane walked away for a few blocks before heading back to their transporter and headed back to their flat at the outskirt of the town. After locking the door, Khan pulled Jane into his arms and took off their earpieces before tossing them aside. "Time for my reward since I behaved", he said.

"No you didn't", said Jane, teasingly and Khan raised his eyebrow, curiously. "Remember the alleyway? Remember when you bit my earlobe?", said Jane as she gave his chaste kisses nearby his lips.

"Stop teasing me, Jane", said Khan.

"Make me", Jane whispered, seductively and that caused Khan to pick her up and put her on his shoulder. He carried her to bed like that as Jane giggled on his shoulder before being tossed and continued where they have left off from the alleyway.

Jane slept well whenever Khan is with her. Khan earned his temporary freedom when he agreed to help Starfleet to take down the Scarletts'; in condition, he has to wear a monitoring anklet. He can simply disable it and placed it on any people, but he decided not to. Whenever she is near him, Khan felt weaker; felt almost human. She changed him and he gradually changed her into the way she was suppose to be – an Augment. Every morning, Khan helped her in her training and boosted her Augment genes that were lying dormant for years. Jane was getting stronger and can feel the changes within her. They completed each other and as Khan looked at her sleeping form, he wondered how long will moments like these last?