From At What Price: Tim noticed Ducky and his Grandmother Maisie taking quick glances at each other, with something like surprise and shock on Ducky's face. He didn't know Gram Maisie well enough yet to know her expressions, but shock would be his guess for her as well. Now, as he sits in the chair in front of the graves, out of the corner of his eye he sees Ducky and Maisie walking together amongst the tombstones and there is some emotion there. As far as he knows they had only met on the trip out here, or had they? He shakes his head, another question for another day.

Eight weeks later

Tim smiled at his Gram Maisie as she opened the front door. It was a Saturday with no work and Rob, Sarah, Tim and Ziva were invited to a barbecue with their newly reclaimed family. The former McGee, now Gibbs and David group was a bit early but wanted to offer their help. Ziva brought a salad she'd made with all kinds of interesting things in it, Rob made his brother's favorite yellow-cake corn bread, Tim and Sarah brought chips, a fresh vegetable platter and dip.

Although each of them had seen their Uncle Jim, Aunt Claire, or Gram Maisie on an individual basis since the re-interment service two months ago, this was the first opportunity for a full Hubbard family gathering since then. Liz Crane, Claire, Maisie and the children had been at the courthouse a few weeks ago when Sarah and Rob's adoption by Gibbs was approved, immediately followed by Tim's name change. He was still "Special Agent McGee" at work, but everywhere else, he was a very proud Gibbs. He'd kept McGee as his middle name, honoring the late Commander and his little brother Patrick. His uncle and godfather had been away on a float, just recently returning and now it was time for the family party they'd been planning since that day in the conference room at NCIS.

Tim's dad had also been invited today and would be arriving a bit late. Gibbs was working on a project at the mission shelter in Bayopolis and would join them when he was done there. All three of the siblings were touched and amused that Gibbs was so involved volunteering at the shelter and camp where they'd spent their childhood. Gibbs wasn't the only one, Ziva told Tim earlier that Tony was joining Gibbs today. He'd grinned as he knew his dad had been in for another surprise today and hoped he reacted with good grace. Ducky and Jimmy's weekend clinic would be open soon; they had persuaded a young local doctor, Hannah Chesney, daughter of Dr. Kelly from the clinic years ago, to join them and, with Director Vance's approval they were now working out schedules so that both the clinic and NCIS Autopsy would have coverage.

Each of the new arrivals bent and kissed their grandmother on the cheek. She was in her early 70s with beautiful white hair and a lovely smile. She was still apt to be overcome with emotion when seeing her long lost grandchildren and today was no exception. She beamed at them with tears in her eyes and then held her arms open. The four of them gladly entered her embrace.

Having grandparents was very new to them and they were thoroughly enjoying it. Between Jackson selling his business and preparing to move closer to his new family, their grandmother Penny descending upon them with various treats and words of wisdom, and grandmother Maisie's open arms, they were experiencing a level of love and warmth not previously found in their lives. Add Gibbs' enveloping parental love and eagerness to be with them as much as possible and the four of them were having the time of their lives.

Ziva remembered times when her mother, sister, aunts and uncles were still alive but she'd never met her grandparents. Sarah and Rob were used to a family life of three or four, having always had Tim as their 'parental/older brother' figure along with Geordie whenever he was home. But Tim had always been the one 'in charge'. Since the murder of his adoptive father and to an extent before that he'd never had anyone older to turn to or not that he remembered being able to do. Not someone that he could trust and always count on to be there for him. Now he had this large family and loving it if he was sometimes a bit overwhelmed.

Uncle Jim found them, still held in his mother's arms and grinning, snagged first Tim, then Rob from her. "Sorry Mum, I need their help! See you girls!" The two young men looked questions at their uncle as he led them out to the patio.

"She's feeling a bit overwhelmed with things today, boys. Claire has been trying to get her to open up all day, but she said it was too soon. I'm hoping Sarah and Ziva will have more success."

"Too soon for what, Uncle Jim? Has she been ill, is there something wrong?"

"No Robbie, she's not ill but there's definitely been something on her mind - ever since we took that plane trip."

Tim suddenly remembered his pondering about Gram Maisie meeting Ducky on that trip but he didn't mention it, figuring it wasn't his business.

"I know that was a tough trip, Uncle, especially for Gram. Seeing the grave-site for the first time and the re-interment, that was hard on all of us, I can't imagine what it must have felt like for her, the reminders of her losses. My mom, Patrick, even the Commander."

"I suppose that could be it Tim, but this feels more like something else, maybe something new. Now, I really do need your help. Your aunt decided this morning that we needed a new and larger picnic table, so I went, I bought and now Callum and I are stuck. The instructions aren't clear and furniture assembly was a class I must have missed at Annapolis. I'm hoping enough of your dad's building expertise has rubbed off on you two."

Rob chuckled, "I helped him with some wood work a couple of weeks ago, Uncle, but that's about it. Although Sarah, Tim and I did put together big Bro's furniture when he first bought it."

Tim shook his head, "It can't be that hard, it's a table. Come on, Rob, let's show the Hubbard boys what the Gibbs boys can do!"

As they reached the patio, they caught a glimpse of young Callum's head under a very unstable tabletop. Tim and Rob caught the unwieldy thing just as it threatened to collapse on their cousin.

"What, oh thanks guys! Hey Dad, I think we're doing this wrong!"

Tim laughed, saying, "Ok Callum let's see what we've got. Rob, how about you two gather all the fasteners, check them against the list on the instructions and separate them. Cal, maybe you could get a few storage containers or bowls from your mom to put all those in?"

Callum nodded and went off while Rob started separating. As he'd said earlier, they'd been through this before. With his uncle, Tim took the wood pieces and separated them into legs, long tabletop, supports. He was studying the instructions, trying to decipher the definitely not 'consumer friendly' words, when he gave up, looked at the picture and decided that would be easiest. "Guys, we're just going with the picture, these idiots didn't bother to check their translation from whatever language those instructions were originally written in."

Tim and Rob shared a love of puzzles so they put things together, telling Callum and their uncle what to find and attach where. They had the table assembled on sturdy legs within a half hour and were greeted with applause from the ladies and Gibbs, who had arrived mid-assembly and had been enjoying watching them figure it out, along with a cold drink.

Now he called out, "That's great Hubbard, good thing you have some Gibbs' influence in this family or we'd be eating off our knees!" Behind him, Ziva and Sarah snorted back their laughter, feeling they could have put that table together in half the time. Uncle Jim laughed, he and Gibbs were beginning to find some form of friendship and he enjoyed the tease.

Additional cold drinks were distributed, chairs and benches were drawn up and everyone relaxed for awhile, chatting with each other. When Gibbs gave his son a soft head slap Ainsley gasped while Tim and the others laughed.

"It's ok, Ainsley, I don't know what this one is for. Sometimes it's for something good, at work it can be if I've sassed him – he is my boss you know - and sometimes it's to refocus me - point me in the right direction."

The young teen nodded, understanding that neither her new uncle nor cousin were upset with each other. Gibbs smirked at his kid and noticed a twinkle in Ziva's eye. "Or when I'm so proud of him I could burst but I don't want to embarrass him by kissing him. That was a good thing you did Timson, I'm grateful, proud of you and I don't even know what else to say."

Tim blushed and Ziva giggled, holding his hand.

"And what did our boy do, Jethro?"

"Admiral, I can only tell you part of the story because it's…"

Ziva and the 3 siblings chorused, "Classified."

"Yeah, it's classified. Do you two remember the day you met Tim I asked you to go easy on him because he'd been involved in a classified case all week?"

Jim replied, "I was kind of in a fog, but I remember the word being spoken, yes."

"We sometimes work closely with the FBI and usually with one specific team, led by Tobias Fornell. Fornell and I go way back, nearly twenty years now, been through some rough times but up until recently, we've always managed to hang onto our friendship. However, the 'classified' case that involved Tim was instigated by the FBI and Fornell brought it to us at NCIS or rather he threw us into it. About all I can tell you is that it was the biggest pack of lies and innuendos with absolutely no supporting evidence that I've seen in my years in the Marines and NCIS and it was all put forth by Fornell and his team. By the time we'd broken his case for him, there was enough bad feeling on the side of NCIS that the Director ordered Fornell and his team out of the NCIS Headquarters building. Now Tim had been under the gun with them all week…sorry kids, I didn't mean that literally, I meant it was like he was under a microscope," Gibbs shook his head, he was going to have to get used to these two young ones, the Hubbard kids, and watch what and how he said things. Seeing Claire's slight nod, he continued, "For no reason and they were particularly nasty about it. And I know nasty because I'm very good at that myself." He smirked at his snickering kids, all four of them, pointing at his two agents."And so are you, Officer David, Special Agent McGee!" They quieted down. "It ruined the friendship. Tim talked to me a few times about Fornell, but I was still too angry with the situation they caused and I didn't want to make the first move. Or any move."

He paused and had a sip of his lemonade, yes, lemonade. "I get to the mission today to work on the project, I expected DiNozzo, so no surprise there, but who pulls in after him but Tobias Fornell." Tim just smiled at him. "And DiNozzo knew, so Ziva, you must have known and told him so he wouldn't have his usual fit." Ziva just grinned.

"Why would he do that, Uncle Jethro?"

"Because Ainsley, the FBI has been very bad to Agent DiNozzo a couple of times in the past and he isn't very fond of Fornell. But he puts it away when we have to work together and that's all I can ask of him."

"You have to work with people you don't like?"

Tim stepped in, "Yes, we do, Ainsley; but mostly we don't like them on a professional – or work – level. Sometimes, as my dad is saying, we do like those same people outside of work."

"So Tony handled it ok?"

"Yeah, think he was more worried about me."


"Fornell said he contacted you to see if you would speak to him – and to see how you were doing and you told him about all of us," Gibbs, grinning now, made a circle with his hand including the whole family, "When he asked if the two of you would be able to work together again, you told him not until he settled things with me and that he could start by working on the project with me."


"Geesh, what are you, an interrogator?"

"Yes, taught by the best, Boss and you're deflecting."

Gibbs' grin just got wider, "I gave him all the uh…crummy jobs. When I left, he was scraping the kitchen floor with a butter knife!" Admiral Crane and Commander Hubbard both barked with laughter, that was a typical basic training punishment.

Tim rolled his eyes at his father, "Are you speaking?"

"Not yet, Tim, not personally. One day of enforced volunteering isn't even close to enough for what they tried to do to you, for the grief they did put you through. And the fact that we solved not only his case for him, but all the others as well, gave closure to those…you know and gained all these wonderful people is not his doing."

"But you will work things out with him?"

"Will you?"

"Told you, they've lost my trust but I can work with them. Just don't ever pair me up alone with either one."

"I don't think our Director is going to let them back in the building much less allow them to dump a case on us anytime soon. So yeah, that works."

"So, Dad, why don't you tell everyone about your project?"

Gibbs leaned over and ruffled Rob's curly hair. "Ok, kiddo. We're building a separate room in the mission for 'quiet time' or studying, so the kids can do their homework, help each other if needed and not be distracted."

"There was extra room?"

"No, we're pushing into the back parking lot, don't need more than a few spaces back there anyway. Started out as a small project but the city took notice and since the labor is all donated, they're chipping in for the materials, which the local home centers are discounting. And we were able to get more equipment donations, thanks to our kids here," and the proud papa indicated the three siblings and Ziva, "so now we're moving the kitchen to the new room in the back, with newer appliances, then the 'quiet' room will be in the old kitchen area."

"That sounds like a monster project!"

"It sounds like it but Tim got a local contractor and former resident of the shelter on board, so he's acting as the general and keeps it going. I'm working on parts of it, I call him and tell him I'm bringing 2 or 3 people with me to help on what day and he gives me the go-ahead and tells me what to work on."

That generated more talk with Claire wanting to know what else would be needed; Sarah pulled a list out of her pocket. At some point, Jim fired up the barbecue and soon the burgers and hot dogs were ready, along with all the treats the others had brought.

Tim was keeping an eye on his grandmother, she had been listening but there was something a little off about her today, not that he was any expert after such a short acquaintance.

When Maisie suddenly got up and went into the house without saying a word, Jim started to get up. Tim gestured for him to sit and followed his grandmother into the house and into her bedroom. He hesitated at the threshold; he hadn't been here before and felt like he should wait to be invited. Maisie was at her dresser, holding what looked like a photo.

When she heard him, she turned and gave a deep sigh when she saw her grandson. "Oh Timothy, I'm glad it's you!"

"What is it, Gram? Are you feeling all right? "

"Yes, dear, I'm fine; I'm just being a ninny about something."

"Anything I can help you with?"

"I don't think so, dear boy." The older woman looked up with a smile, "It's really just a silly thing."

"Do you want to go back outside?"

"Well…no. I don't know. Not right away. " She paused, "Tell me Timmy, is Jethro very close to Donald?"

"You mean Ducky?" At her nod, he continued, "Yes, they're very close friends."

"Oh dear, well, then."

"Gram, are you sure you're all right? You don't seem very…settled."

Maisie patted his cheek, "I'll be fine, I'm not ill, sweetheart."

Sarah wandered into the room, "Hi Gram, everyone's wondering if you're ok and if either of you are coming back out to the party."

"Yes, I'm all right and I suppose we will now, darling girl."

When Maisie walked off ahead of them, Sarah poked Tim, "What was that all about?" He shrugged, "I don't know, she said she isn't ill, that it's something silly and she's just being a ninny. Reminded me of you when you were 10 and had a crush on that redheaded kid." Sarah started to sass back and then a thoughtful look settled on her face.

"Sarah? Sarah, come on, even if it was a man, she wouldn't act like this at her age, would she?"

"How would we know, Tim, neither of us has spent a lot of time around 70 year old women, now have we?"

"We should just leave it alone." Sarah nodded in agreement and they stepped back outside to the party. Their dad and uncle were having a wonderful time one-upping each other with their stories; Rob's head was bobbing back and forth as if he were watching a tennis tournament. The two siblings sat down just in time for dessert. Later as they were helping clean up, Tim heard his Gram tell Ziva that the two of them were lucky they worked with such wonderful people. She mentioned his dad, which didn't surprise him, he knew she was growing fond of him, but the second name had his mind whirling again. She said Donald Mallard. Tim again scolded himself; it was not any of his business.

Ziva brought it up on the way home after they'd dropped Rob and Sarah off, thinking it was sweet that Maisie had taken such a shine to their friend. Tim chewed on his lip until Ziva knowing something was up, poked him. "Ow Zee, that hurt. Ok, yeah there's something, I don't know what it is and it's none of our business." He told her what he'd noticed on the plane and at the cemetery and how Maisie acted that evening in her room. He ended his tale by repeating, "It isn't any of our business. If Ducky and Maisie are attracted to each other, want to …um, date, that's…" He stopped. "I can't think of it, Zee. I love Ducky and I love Gram, but I can't…" he shuddered.

Ziva laughed at him, "You never had to deal with facing the fact that your parents had sex?" He looked at her, one eyebrow nearly to the top of his skull. She gasped, putting her hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh, "Oh Tim, I did not think. I meant Lily and Dan."

"Oh! Didn't even think of them," he laughed and shook his head, "I guess I would have had to deal with that if the Commander had lived, but since I didn't remember Lily…"

"I see, well the point I wanted to make is that most children go through that stage where they deny that their parents could ever have had sex. And that is what you sounded like when you were thinking about Ducky and Maisie."

"Ah, now that makes sense. Yeah, uh, I just don't even want to think about it." "

But from what you said, it looked like they had known each other before?"


"A mystery we may never know."

Tim nodded, he thought he could live with that, he was used to living with mysteries. Especially when it concerned family!

Once they reached home, he was distracted and forgot all about the mystery of Ducky and Maisie. However the next morning as he and Ziva returned from their run, he received a call from Ducky wanting to meet them for lunch, saying he needed to talk with Tim about something. Since they already had plans, they instead arranged to stop by Ducky's home for tea in the late afternoon.

In the meantime, Tim and Ziva had a brunch date with Tony and Wendy. While things seemed to be progressing well, Tony was still feeling a bit unsure, so they'd set this date up to give him additional support. Before they left, they received a text from Tony: 'Wendy's kid is sick, she's home with him, I'm not allowed over there, brunch still please?'

Tim showed the text to Ziva who shook her head, "He will have to get used to that, she is a mother first."

"Let's just go anyway, Zee, we need to get out and have some fun. Maybe afterward we could do something."

"Such as?"

"Let's ask Tony!" He answered Tony that brunch was still on and they should do something fun afterward. Tony's reply was 'miniature golf?'. Ziva smiled at that, she had played before and enjoyed whacking that little ball through the dragon's jaws and the windmill. She nodded, smiling again. "That will be fun. Fresh air and hitting balls; I will bet against the two of you!"

"That's not a bet, that's just taking our money, Zee!"

"And I will enjoy it!"

"Good, you need fun after spending the day at a family barbecue."

"Timothy, be glad you have family."

He leaned in for a long kiss, "I am, sweetstuff and we have family, Ziva, what's mine is yours." Then he grabbed her, "Come on, we have time for a joint shower."