Thanks as always for your reviews, follows and favorites! Thanks also to my beta, harmonfreak1.

Chapter Three

"Hi you two! Ziva, ready to go?"

"Yes Tim; Ducky has a question for you first."

"I thought I would drop in on your father tomorrow, Timothy, while Maisie is at lunch with Rob and Sarah. I didn't know if you'd said anything to him."

"No, Ducky, figured that was your business. I know he likes Maisie though and he's going to be happy for you."

"All right, dear boy, thank you. Now go on home before you get called out again!"

"Ducky, wait, are you going to see Gram at all this weekend?"

"As a matter of fact, we're having dinner tomorrow night."

"Great, if you need help with reservations, let me know, Mr. Gemcity would be happy to throw his name around."

"Thank you Timothy, but I am cooking for Maisie at home."

Tim smiled and nodded. "All right then. Well, if you ever …"

"I will, thank you."

Ziva and Tim turned toward the front elevators while Ducky turned back toward the elevator that would take him to his lair.

Gibbs saw his son and oh heck just say it, daughter-in-law finally heading for the elevator, looking up just in time to see his Tim sketch his little salute to him. Since that first day, it had become a little routine with them, trading off that little salute.

They had plans for dinner on Sunday, provided they hadn't spent the entire weekend at work. Now that the others were gone, he decided to talk with Tony, who was still apparently struggling with his report. Walking over, he stood still in front of the man's desk and when DiNozzo finally looked up, he saw the tired eyes. "DiNozzo, the report's done, isn't it?"

Tony sighed and twisted in his chair. "Yeah Boss, here." He handed over the paper copy, having sent his electronic copy to Gibbs. It would sit in the Team Leader's electronic Inbox until he'd read all the paper ones, then he'd sign off and send them all to Vance.

Gibbs perched on the edge of the desk. "Want to tell me what's going on?"

"Nothing Boss. Why, did I do something wrong?"

"No, son, you just seem tired and not as…DiNozzo-y as you usually are. Tell you what, why don't you come over, have dinner and we'll hang out, been a while."

"It's only been three weeks, Boss, but that's ok, I'd like that." They gathered up their belongings and headed out and it wasn't until Tony was pulling into Gibbs' driveway that he realized Gibbs had not asked him if he had a date tonight or anything about Wendy. He grabbed his jacket and walked up the stairs to the front door, thinking how much of a relief it was to be here and that someone else knew.

As Tim pulled out of the parking garage, Ziva commented, "Tony has not mentioned Wendy all week."

"Yeah, I caught that and I think Dad did too."

"That is good, he will be more comfortable talking with him than with either of us, yes?"

"Yeah, that's probably true." He paused. "That was a big step for him, trying things with her again. Going to be tough on him if it hasn't worked out."

"Will it help if the three of us spend some time together again?"

Tim winced. While it would be good because the three of them were close, it would probably feel like sandpaper on an open wound to have boyfriend Tim and girlfriend Ziva in his face. He tried to explain it to Ziva who luckily understood.

"That is fine, then perhaps the two of you can spend some time together."

"Maybe, I'll have to think of some things we both like; it's kind of a short list."

"You could be his wing man."

"What? Ziva, I'm not going to a bar without you!"

"Tim, I trust you and if it would help Tony, it would be acceptable."

Tim grumbled to himself and Ziva changed the subject. They reached home and did what chores they'd missed during the week, knowing they might not have a chance over the weekend. Tim cooked dinner, occasionally asking Ziva a question, but doing most of the preparation himself. The result was a tasty meal and Ziva made sure she showed him her appreciation.

They slept late, waking to mid-morning light streaming into their bedroom, happily surprised to have not been called in. Tim had to resist the urge to call his dad to double check. With no call out, the two had a leisurely breakfast and decided to run some quick errands around town. They usually didn't stray too far from home when they were on call. When they got home, still with no calls, Tim called his uncle to chat and Ziva settled down to an IM conversation with her friend Monique.

Line Break

When Rob pulled up to Sarah's apartment, he looked at his watch. He was just on time and Sarah was notorious for being late. He was pleasantly surprised when she answered the door right away. "Hey Sis, you're ready, I thought I might have to wait a bit."

"Thanks so much, 'lil bro, and here I thought you were the nice one." They both laughed at the old joke.

"Gram said she has something she wants to talk with us about; sounded kind of important."

"Yeah, I'm curious about that too."

"Think Tim knows already, whatever 'it' is?"

"I talked with him the other night, he was kind of on the run, I could hear Dad yelling in the background, but he said that he'd talked to Gram and she was going to talk to us."

During their conversation, they'd moved to the car and Rob turned out of the lot toward their uncle's home. When they reached it, he parked in the driveway and then hopped out, opening Sarah's door so she could change from the front to back seat. Letting her get settled in, he headed for the front door and rang the bell. His uncle opened it, smiling and giving him a quick hug.

"Hi Robbie, good to see you! Mum will be right out, she was just changing handbags."

"Sarah's in the car, maybe I should tell her so she's not left out there…" Rob paused, smiling as his grandmother entered the doorway, kissing her grandson hello and her son goodbye, then took Rob's arm. "No need, Robbie dear, I'm all ready, let's go!" Waving goodbye to his uncle, Rob carefully escorted Gram Maisie to the car, privately amusing her, and got her settled in the front seat. Although it was an older model car, it was in excellent condition and quite comfortable. She must be sure to let Mr. Gemcity know she approved.

They entered the restaurant, Maisie impressed again with the impeccable manners of her grandchildren. When she thought of Tim taking the time to teach his young charges manners while he was struggling to feed and clothe them, she wanted to cry. While she would be eternally grateful to whatever guardian angels had seen them through their years of poverty she also hadn't been able to shake off the guilt, knowing that not questioning Natalie, believing her lies, was the reason the children had been ultimately abandoned and homeless. She resolutely put those thoughts behind her, she hoped this would be a fun time with these two youngsters, a chance for her to get to know them a little better and to give them a little bit of her history.

Once seated and their drink orders taken, the trio settled in, chatting a bit about their weeks before they looked at their menus. After they had reviewed the menus and ordered their meals, Sarah, ever the impulsive one, dove right in. "Gram, you said you have something you wanted to talk about with us. Forgive me for just jumping in, but we're a little worried something's wrong."

Rob had to resist the temptation to roll his eyes, oh that was so Sarah! Instead he smiled at his Gram as she patted Sarah's hand. "No dear, nothing's wrong, just wanted to let you know what's been happening with me and tell you a little bit of my history."

Seeing their eyes light up she continued with her story, telling them her point of view of the story Ducky had related to Tim and Ziva. "You see, when I was just a young thing, I moved from Scotland to London for a job. And while I was there…" as she told them of her first love. When she called the man Donald, Sarah gasped, "Gram, is that a Donald we know?"

Rob frowned, what Donald did they know, oh yeah, Ducky's first name was.. OH. He perked up as their grandmother confirmed that yes, her first love had been Donald Mallard. She completed the story, telling of their parting and of their discovery of each other after nearly 50 years, on the plane to California.

When Maisie paused to take a sip of her iced tea, Sarah asked, "So are you and Ducky, I mean Donald, going to be seeing each other again? Besides the family gatherings?"

"Yes love, and I hope you two will forgive me, but I told Donald he needed to tell your brother about us and ask his permission for us to date."

Rob was surprised, "Gram, why do you want us to forgive you and why did Ducky need Tim's permission?"

"The permission is a tradition, darling boy and the forgiveness is because I should have been the one to tell the three of you. However, I felt that because Timothy and Donald work so closely together, it would be best if Donald told him, and Ziva, of our history and the current situation. As it was, your brother saw us recognize each other on the plane."

Rob smiled, of course he had. "That's our big bro, Gram, a trained observer and investigator."

"So I'm beginning to understand. Now, I have a question for you, my lad. When am I allowed to brag about my grandson the Doctor? Not that I'm not already bragging about my granddaughter the writer and my grandson the medical student."

"Not for awhile, Gram, I still have my internship and residency to do."

"Well, my friends won't know that, will they?"

Rob laughed, "I guess not!"

Their food arrived shortly after and they dug in, amused to see Maisie tucking into her salad. She told them her Donald was making her dinner this evening so she didn't want to spoil her appetite.

Ducky rose a little earlier than usual that Saturday and knowing Jethro would be staying close to home, decided to drop in on him. As he turned onto the street where his friend lived, he spotted what he thought was young Anthony's car driving away. Frowning, he hoped all was well there, he continued on, turning into Jethro's driveway. As he exited the car, he saw his friend leaning against his open front door. "Hey Duck."

"Hello Jethro."

"You come over to tell me whatever's been on your mind recently?"

"Yes, my friend I have."

Entering the house, Jethro turned toward the kitchen, "I'll put some water on for tea."

"Thank you Jethro. Ahh, was that Anthony's car I saw leaving?"

Gibbs nodded. "Yeah, he's had a tough week, besides the case, so he came for dinner and stayed over."

"I'm sure that did him a world of good, Jethro, you are a good parent to him. Are he and Wendy still seeing each other?"

"Wendy and her son, yeah."

"Oh dear, problems."

Gibbs just nodded. "Details are his to tell. Just looking at the picture will tell you something though: divorced Wendy with son old enough to resent both parents for the divorce and anyone else who tries to get in the picture. Enter old boyfriend Tony and it's going to be a rough ride."

"And Anthony just dipping his toe back into the deep scary pool of commitment, oh dear, yes I can see he needed you."

"Needs us all, just not going to open up to everyone."

"Yes, dear boy, I'll keep that in mind." The water was hot enough, so Ducky pulled it off the stove and poured it into the teacup he kept there, along with a box of his favorite tea. He joined Jethro at his kitchen table and the two sat for a few minutes, enjoying their hot beverages.

He finally put his cup down, "Jethro, I told Timothy and Ziva my story earlier in the week so I'm here to tell you now. It's something that happened in London, the year I was in medical school there…" Gibbs nodded, he remembered his friend had won an award for the year in London. Ducky told him the story and Gibbs listened intently. When Ducky told him of the "Dear Donald" letter, Gibbs shook his head, having had a "Dear Jethro" letter himself, he knew how painful they were.

From several things he'd seen and heard, he'd already guessed who Ducky's angel was and when the man confirmed it, he grinned and clapped him on the back. "That's Gram Maisie, Duck, that's good news, isn't it? You are going to try to win her back, aren't you?"

"Yes Jethro. In fact that's why I told Timothy; Maisie insisted I ask his permission."

"Good for her. And I'm sure he said yes."

"He was rather old fashioned about it, asked me a few questions and then gave his blessing. I believe he may have been channeling you."

"That's my boy! What about the kids? Is Tim telling them?" He frowned as he asked, that wasn't right.

"No, Maisie is having lunch with Sarah and Rob today and telling them. She felt Tim should be the one to deal with me because of our working relationship but that she should tell the younger ones."

Gibbs perked up again, "Good, I'm glad. Have you spoken with Jim or Claire at all?"

"I wasn't sure I should, but I also thought it wouldn't hurt, so last night I spoke with James. Maisie had already told both Claire and him, so there wasn't a problem. He said he was learning new things about his family every day and as long as his mother was happy, he would be too. Very much in line with what Timothy said."

"Wish you the best of luck, my friend."

"Thank you, I feel I've had a very great deal of luck, unfortunately it is due to the children's problems."

Gibbs put an arm around his shoulders, "Duck, I know Rob, Sarah, Tim and Geordie if we ever meet him, would be the first to tell you not to dwell on that. You had nothing to do with the Russian spy nor the FBI. "

"You aren't going to say it was all coincidence, are you?"

"And violate my own rule? No, I think everything that's happened is more tied to Fate than coincidence."

"I've always suspected you're a romantic."

Gibbs snorted, "Been married four times, Duck, what was your first clue?"

Both men chuckled at that. They passed the time, finishing their beverages and Jethro showing his friend his latest wood-working project, aside from his work for the shelter. Ducky didn't stay long after that, he wanted to stop at his favorite florist on the way home and then start his preparations for this evening.

When he arrived home, he looked around with a critical eye. The house was ready, his cleaning lady had been yesterday rather than earlier in the week and understanding this was a special occasion, left the house not only spotless as usual, but also shining from top to bottom. She had also washed his mother's best china and polished the silver, leaving him with just the final details to handle.

Arranging the flowers, he set them on the tablecloth he retrieved from the cleaners yesterday. His clothes were ready, he was happy to find he had in his wardrobe a close approximation to the outfit he'd worn that night nearly 50 years ago. He smiled happily, although he was also a bit nervous. Lunch out was one thing, dinner in was another, although he had no expectations other than a pleasant evening.

Tim called, offering his services as chauffeur for the evening. Although Ducky considered it, he thanked Timothy as he declined. He wanted this evening to be as much about reconnecting with Maisie as possible and time alone in his car would be part of that.

In her room, Maisie took out the dress she, Claire and young Ainsley had found for this special evening. While it was not the same style as the one she'd worn so many years ago, it was very close to the same color and did wonders for her hair, eyes and skin. Earlier in the week Ainsley had helped her look for her scarf; they'd found it in a box of her old clothes in the attic. She thought to just air it out, but Claire insisted on taking it to the dry cleaners and picked it up yesterday. Now she tried it on, very proud to find it still fit around her waist.

She frowned as she heard the doorbell, it was entirely too early for Donald, and then she heard her granddaughters giggling and smiled. Ah, the girls had come to help her. Still in her luncheon clothes, she popped down the hall to find Sarah, Ainsley and Ziva giggling with each other. Looking outside, she saw Tim, Rob, Callum and Jim sitting at the picnic table with cold drinks. Claire, where was Claire?

She jumped at a tap on her shoulder, "I'm here, Mum. The girls called and asked if they could come over, the boys just showed up with them." Maisie smiled, while she didn't mind a send-off she hoped Donald wouldn't be intimidated. Claire must have read her mind, saying with a smile, "He may as well get used to it now, Mum, some or all of this lot will likely always be around." Maisie agreed and entering into the living room, greeted her girls and blew a kiss outside to her boys.

She motioned for the girls to come with her and they oohed and ahhed over her outfit, congratulating Ainsley on her eye for the perfect dress, for she had been the one to spot it. Maisie watched them affectionately and then looked at her vanity, knowing it was time to start. She sat down and first laid out her jewelry, remembering that night.

Maisie put the finishing touches on her outfit as she prepared for her first ever celebration of "Burns' Night" in London. A native of Edinburgh, after finishing school she had moved to London for a new job just after Boxing Day four weeks ago and was terribly homesick. Having heard from a friend about the annual gathering of ex-pats to celebrate the birthday of their national treasure Robert Burns; she determined to go with the hope that hearing familiar accents would help ease her ache for home. And perhaps she would make some new friends. Her new flat-mate Jocelyn agreed to go with her, each encouraging the other with the thought that there would be some handsome and promising young men there. Carefully locking the door of their flat behind them, the two young women walked swiftly through the evening strollers to their Tube stop.

Line Break

After speaking with Ducky, Tim called his dad to let him know they'd be at the Hubbards for awhile. Jethro got a kick out of the idea the kids wanted to see Gram Maisie and Ducky all decked out on their first formal date since their parting. He also thought he'd let his old friend know, not wanting him to have an unwelcome surprise. He didn't think it would be a bad thing, but understood the unspoken request from Tim. So he did his duty as Dad and friend and called Ducky to let him know and found the older man was just as happy to find out beforehand.

Now Ducky dressed carefully, remembering that long ago night. As he'd told Timothy and Ziva, Drew had shown up quite early.

Donald opened the door to find Drew in his kilt and tartan. "You're early, Drew, I thought I had more time!"

"Didn't want you to cut out on me, Donald. Or hide in the library."

Donald opened his mouth for a sharp retort and then closed it, the thought of hiding in the library had crossed his mind. Making a face at his friend, he turned toward the only closet in his one room accommodation, known as a bedsit. Taking out his kilt, dress shirt and shoes, along with the accessories that would complete his outfit he chased Drew out to wait for him in the lounge downstairs. As he dressed, he hummed tunelessly, wondering if there would be any bonny lasses there this evening. Or just dried up ex-pats desperate to hear an accent and news from home. Carefully combing his hair and adjusting his tartan, he finally felt he was presentable for this special evening and locking his door, went downstairs to find his friend.

Now he finished dressing in the same kilt he'd worn that night and completed his outfit. Taking a comb through his hair, he reflected that he was damn lucky to have so much hair left. Many fellows his age had none at all, or patches here and there. He looked in the mirror and was glad that his clothing hid that 15 pounds that despite his best efforts appeared to be home to stay on his belly. He stood straight and mimicked holding out his arm for his lady. Then smiling at his foolishness he grabbed his wallet and keys and left to pick up Maisie.

Reaching the Hubbard home, he walked to the front door and knocked. The door opened and they stood, each drinking in the beauty of the other.

He walked into the party with Drew and looked around. Although there were plenty of people there, the first one that caught his attention was a beautiful young woman with hair the color of sunlight and dancing blue eyes. Her dress, which Donald thought clung rather nicely to her, was accented at her waist by a clan sash. She was perfection and he felt himself immediately drawn to her. He knew he walked because suddenly he was in front of her but he never remembered the actual movement.

"Hello," he managed to say, "Happy Burns' Night! My name is Donald Mallard, please tell me yours." He reached out his hand and she took it. "Hello, Happy Burns' Night to you as well. I'm Maisie, Maisie Stirling." He took her hand and kissed it, then tucked it under his arm, intending to never let go.

The End

Hope the cultural references are correct, all from online sources. While I've been to Edinburgh and London (and love them both!), I never looked at them with an eye to writing a story with either as the backdrop or backstory. Silly me!

Stay tuned, our next story, "Oh Brother" will be up Thursday.