By mid-August, after experiencing my most boring summer ever, I watched MU for the first time. It caused my old obsession for Randall Boggs to come back and escalate towards new heights.

After seeing the movie in the cinema twice more I found out that I wasn`t the only one feeling the way I did; I discovered fan-art and fanfiction, and looking through it was like exploring a new land – there were people like me out there! ;) After watching the fandom wordlessly for a while, I felt like telling Randall`s tale myself. However, I wasn`t sure if I should; I didn`t think people would care, and thought it would be impossible for me catch anyone`s attention with my writing.

But eventually, at 3AM in the morning on a Saturday a week I was home alone, I told myself I should write the fic just to get it out of my head, and then forget everything about it.

Then everything happened.

I`ve received an incredible amount of positive feedback (thank you!), and met the most wonderful people ever; people I`ve really grown to care about.

I`m going all sentimental now, so I`m gonna stop. You`re here for the epilogue, I know, so go ahead, read, and please leave me a note with your thoughts when you`re done:)


Three weeks had passed.

Three weeks filled with different emotions.

There had been 21 visits to the cemetery.

18 visits to the playground.

13 days at work.

11 private moments in bed.

5 pancake-dinners.

2 visits to the court.

And lots of kissing.

It was Sunday night.

Randall had never been this happy.

Ever since the day he had officially gained custody for Rex, Sulley found the lizard smiling out of nothing. Sure, Randall was still Randall; he still pretended to be tougher than he was, and he still tried his best to hide his feelings away from other monsters, but there had been a noticeable change in his behaviour everybody seemed to like.

He was friendlier, warmer and a bit more open; although it didn`t take much to become more open than what he`d used to be.

The scaly monster leaned against a furry chest as he let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Their co-workers didn`t know yet. They knew Randall had adopted his late sister`s son, and they knew he and Sullivan were friends, but they didn`t know there was something more going on between them; they didn`t know that the reason for Randall to pay daily visits to the boss` office was because he was so badly in love with him that he couldn`t last an entire day at work without feeling his lips against his own for a little while.

Sulley placed a warm hand on Randall`s back.

They still didn`t live together. Their relationship was only three weeks old, so it was a little early for that. Sulley was still living with Mike, and Randall still lived across the hall from Mrs Lorenzo; who had been more than happy when she had learned that her sweet, little Randy had found himself a decent boyfriend.

And she loved having Rex around; according to her, the little monster helped bring life to the neighbourhood, which was mostly populated by elderly citizens. Three weeks after moving in permanently, Rex was the building`s pet; the one everyone showered in candy and head-patting. And his uncle was more than happy about that last part; finally the neighbours had someone younger than him they could worship and pinch in the cheeks.

Randall ran his fingers through the soft fur he had learned to love so much.

He and Sullivan were together most days after work. Sometimes they were alone with Rex, and sometimes Mike came along to hang out with them. They had even arranged for Rex to meet Mike`s nephew Joey, but that had only happened once; the adults could hardly believe the noise two kids that young at age had been able to make.

But overall, life was good, and things were working fine.

Randall buried his face in his boyfriend`s fur and closed his eyes; he still had bad days now and then, but there were also perfect ones - like this one.

He and Sullivan lay close together. Rex was sleeping in his own room. Sulley had spent all weekend with them, and it had been just as wonderful as all the other days they`d spent together as a tiny family.

"…a family I didn`t even dare to dream about…" Randall thought to himself without lifting his head from the blue one`s chest.

His long tail was still wrapped around Sulley`s left ankle, and the blue monster used one of the fingers on his free hand to caress the other`s cheek, giving him a brief smile;

"I love it when that happens..!"

"When what happens..?"

"You know -" Sulley gestured towards Randall`s body;

"…you putting on my colours the moment you -"

"I don`t mean to..!" Randall quickly changed his scales from blue with purple polkadots back to their usual shades of purple;

"It just happens. I loose control."

"Well, I love it. It`s really cute."

Randall frowned as he lifted his head;

"I`m not cute..!"

"I think you`re cute; especially when you do that!"

"I told you I can`t help it, and I`m not cute!"

"I`m not saying you`re always cute, I just -"

"I said I`m not cute!"

Randall rolled over and crossed all four of his arms; he hated it when Sullivan told him he was cute. He was a monster, a monster who used to be the second top-scarer, and cute wasn`t exactly a word he liked to identify himself with.

"I`m sorry, Randall…" The lizard felt a furry hand on his shoulder and looked at his boyfriend through the corner of his eye;

"I should`ve picked a different word! You taking on my colours every time you come isn`t cute, it`s…adorable..!"

"Screw you."

The big monster chuckled; maybe now wasn`t the time to tell Randall, but he actually found this behaviour of his kinda cute as well. He had learned to know the lizard by now, and knew his ways of protecting his image. Therefore, he allowed himself to keep on teasing;

"How`s precious, Randall?"

"How`s fuck you..?"


Randall rolled over in order to face his boyfriend again;

"Do I have to kick you out?"

Sulley`s smile grew even wider, and Randall rolled his bright emerald eyes;

"This is my bed you know, and I can throw you out whenever I want!"

"I`m sorry -" Sulley ran a hand through the fronds on Randall`s head, and although he tried to pull away at first, the lizard eventually gave in and received the kiss the bigger monster planted on his lips;

"You`re a real jerk Sullivan, have I ever told you that..?"

"Yeah, you`ve mentioned it..! I`m sorry, Randall..!" He kissed him again;

"I`m really sorry…cutie..!"

Randall frowned again as he withdrew his face from his lover`s. He didn`t turn around again, though. And when Sulley reached out to put his arm around him again, the scaly one answered by moving a little closer and seek comfort against the warm, furry chest;

"You`re such an idiot…"

He lay down his head again, closed his eyes, and mumbled quietly down in the blue fur;

"…and I hate you, Sullivan…"

Sulley smiled with his eyes shut. He carefully stroke the slender, purple figure that was curled up against his own body, and sighed happily when he felt the long tail caress his leg;

"I love you too, Randall..!"


That`s it! It`s oveeeeeer..!

I can`t believe it.

I`m gonna miss working on this story, I`m gonna miss posting the chapters, I`m gonna miss receiving feedback from you guys… I`m gonna miss everything. I seriously can`t believe how quickly this fall has passed.

Thank you all so much for following, favouring and reviewing my story! I couldn`t have made it without you *group hug* Please leave me a note now that it`s all over and tell me what you think about the way I ended it – and what your thoughts are about the story as a whole; your favourite parts, your least favourite parts – everything. I will keep all of your feedback in mind for my next story:)

I`m going to take a little break now, but I will definitely return! I have some short-stories planned out (one of them is even M-rated!), and I`m also considering something longer. I haven`t decided anything yet, though – we`ll just have to wait and see!

but you might wanna check out my account again around Friday – just saying;)

I will still be around, so you can all PM me if you have any questions, ideas, or just want to talk to me:) You can also contact me on my tumblr-account, I`m called Autumnnprincess there as well. I love hearing from you, so don`t hesitate:)

Oh, and remember this the next time you`re watching "Monsters Inc.": this story took place between the day Randall was banished and the day Mike surprised Sulley with Boo`s door. So that means that in the last scene in the film (according to my story), Sulley and Randall are a couple ;)

Okay, I think that`s it…I have nothing more to say now.

Once again, thanks for following, and thanks for making this a wonderful experience for me! Everyone take care now, I can`t wait to hear from you again on another occasion!

Bye for now..!