"Oh, she's gorgeous," Esme whispered lovingly. "What's her name?"

I looked at Edward who smiled. "Europa Cleopatra Alessandra Charmion Cullen." He replied for me.

Europa's deep green eyes that she inherited from Edward brightened up when she heard her full name. I was surprised that she had his mortal eye color— I never thought I'd see them in my lifetime, but now I had the privilege to. Nothing was ever lost.

We were in Forks, visiting Edward's side of the family. Esme & Rosalie were the ones who were much more invested in the baby, unlike the rest who were more interested in what happened when I was in Othrys. Everyone was seated in the family room, quietly listening intently on every word I said.

"That's a long name," Rosalie commented as she gave a bright smile I had never seen ever since I'd met her, "but it suits her so well. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl."

"Hera managed to slow down her growth since she suspected that Europa would grow fast just like how she did during the pregnancy. She'll grow like a normal mortal child, but she will stop growing when she reached her third year, unless we have another child then she will grow the following year." I told them.

"So do you both plan to have another child?" Esme asked.

"Not at this moment. I'm still recovering from the birth days ago." I replied. "We'll see how parenting goes."

"So uh, Charmion looks great." Zeus suddenly said.

"Yes, she is." I told him.

After we visited the Cullens, we went back to Olympus and everyone there welcomed the birth of the newest addition to the family. The throne room was buzzing with excitement and the only uncomfortable-looking one was Zeus, and I knew why. The name Europa was also the name of his ex-fling. He preferred to call Europa, Charmion. Anyone who knew someone else who named their kid after their ex was enough to make the person squirm in their own seats.

"Can I carry her?" Athena asked, rubbing her palms together in anticipation.

I readily passed my daughter to Athena who expertly handled her in her arms. All Europa did was adjust a little and let out a little adorable coo. Edward enveloped me with an arm around me.

"Isabella!" My mother exclaimed as she approached us with my father. She grabbed me into a hug and didn't let me go for a minute or so. "Oh, you are not going to believe what just happened!"

"What happened?" I asked.

She let me go and my father placed an arm around her shoulders. I frowned at his action. She held her left hand up and my eyes pretty much popped out when I saw what she showed me.

A large cushion-cut diamond laid resting on her ring finger, attached to a platinum band. This surely wasn't there whenever I saw her.

"Your father and I are getting married!"

"What?" I spluttered. "How the hell did that happen? I thought you are still married to Hephaestus!"

"Actually, we divorced right before you went missing. We wanted it to be a surprise for you." She explained.

I then stared at Hades. "You're still married to Persephone!"

"We both divorced too— Zeus paid me back the dowry just last week and now Persephone lives with Adonis in Elysium." He responded. "I confessed to your mother that I love her and she said the same thing too."

"How about Ares?"

"We just were not working after a millennium. It wasn't about opposites attracting anymore— it was about finding the person that would take care of you for the rest of your life through the good and bad." Aphrodite said, her violet eyes staring into my father's brown ones lovingly.

I felt cold arms snake around my waist and I giggled when Edward kissed my cheek from behind. "I agree, My Lady." He said to Aphrodite.

"Anyways, it's good to see you both again." Hades smiled. "We shall take our leave. Take care, sweetheart." He kissed my forehead. "Edward, I will see you soon."

"Bye Daddy," I waved. "I love you both."

"We love you too, dahling." Aphrodite smiled a soft smile at me. They turned around and left together.

"They seem happy together. What an unusual match." Edward said.

"Unusual, but they fit together like puzzle pieces. Just. Like. Us." I told him. "Where's Europa? I want to go back home and sleep."

"Artemis & Athena are hogging her."

I rolled my eyes, then walked towards the goddesses holding my daughter. They kept staring at the baby wide-eyed.

"I think I change my mind," Artemis suddenly gasped. "I want kids."

"Okay, that's it ladies. Europa has obviously got you all wrapped around her tiny fingers." I spoke up and picked up Europa from Athena's arms. "It's time for her nap time now. Say bye-bye."

It was hard to pull them away from Europa who just stared at them wide. Edward & I went back to our home and we were greeted with sloppy kisses from our felines, including Grumpy. We realized that we didn't need babysitters to waste drachma a few days ago, so we left Europa with the felines, including the motherly ones. They accepted her as a part of their family.

The next day, I decided to go to Tartarus. It was so dark and evil that even I, goddess of mystery and destruction, was afraid. The water that dripped from the caves weren't drinkable and very acidic and the air was stale and stuffy. Europa was hiding her face in between the small opening of my arms as I stroked her small head, feeling her baby hair by my fingertips.

The only inviting warmth I could feel was from the East, where it was obviously Rhea radiating it. I walked towards it and and found myself entering a large room. Rhea sat in a golden sofa chair with her legs crossed. She looked so beautiful in a green sculptural pleated silk chiffon gown, featuring a fitted, dramatically shirred plunge-front bodice with a translucent beaded underlay panel. Her waist was banded with cutout sides complemented by a knife-pleated floor-pooling skirt with a wrap-effect, stair-step hemline and it was finished with a striking open back detail with multiple straps. Her hair was in elegant blond silky waves cascading down her chest.

As she sat, she stared at her husband in bars worriedly. She sighed in disappointment and Kronos was growling as he was shaking the bars furiously. He had a crazed look in his eyes and his head snapped up at me. He looked so much like an animal as he glared at me with his teeth bared.

Rhea also looked at me and she was in shock. "Isabella, oh!" She stood up from her seat and ran over to me. "What are you doing here?"

"I was here to visit you. I know how lonely you might be here in Tartarus— you don't deserve to be here, Grandmother."

"Isabella, I do deserve to be here. I have let my husband try to destroy the world and I have been ignorant about his actions. I take full responsibility of what he has done. I apologize greatly for what he did to you."

I shook my head in disagreement, but just let it slide. "I brought my daughter along so that you could meet her. Her name is Europa." I told Rhea, whose arms were already out when she saw her.

"She's so precious," she whispered as she cradled her in her arms after I passed her to Rhea. Europa responded with a small yawn and her arms stretched a bit.

"She absolutely is. If it wasn't for you, Europa might have never lived. Thank you, Grandmother." I smiled. I looked around and I caught Kronos's eyes. He was seething.

Rhea touched my arm, bringing me back from his hot glare. "Isabella, don't." She cautioned.

"I just need to talk to him."

"But his anger is still fresh. I suggest you don't provoke him more. Your presence already makes him furious." She said.

"Just a minute. Please. He's behind bars— he's not much of a threat anymore. Take care of Europa for me." I whispered before approaching Kronos.

I was face-to-face with him, standing right before him with the bars separating us. I held the tough metallic bar that was obviously strong enough to hold him in.

"You know what you've done, Kronos. That's why you're in here." I told him.

He rattled the bars. "I will get my hands on you once I am out." He hissed.

I sighed. "Kronos, your presence does not scare me anymore. I want you to change for the better. Being this way will not make you any happier. Darkness only makes the heart grow unhappy. Even if you succeed in ruling the whole world, it won't make you any better."

"How would you know about it?" He growled.

"I observe the people around me a lot. I see them change either for the better or worse. I care about you, and you probably don't think I do. Kronos, you said to yourself that you didn't want to hurt your children and be like Ouranos last time. You still have the chance to redeem yourself. This isn't the end for you." I replied, ready to leave. "Until we meet again. Peacefully." I backed away and scooped up Europa from Rhea's arms. I gave Rhea a daughterly kiss on the cheek. "I will take my leave now. We will meet again when I visit you soon."

"Alright, child. Have a safe trip back." She smiled, pushing the stray strands of hair behind my ear. "I'd love to see my great-grandchild again."

"You will. I promise." I vowed, before vanishing into thin air.