Disclaimer: I don't own batman or anyone in DC comics. If I did, you can bet I'd take everything in another direction. So walk away lawyerman! I ain't makin' money on this.

Anywho, been a while since I posted something completely new. Been writing these Selina "romantic" shorts for a group tournament lately so I felt like sharing. You're gonna get a lot of pairings, some you've never heard of. Mostly comical (hey, this is me) and sometimes Selina doesn't make an appearance, but it all revolves around her. not a part of any continuity so don't link to anything else. Timeline's all screwy too so just enjoy the shorts as they are. will mark as complete when the tournament ends. Enjoy!

Set up

"Father, you are going out tonight."

Bruce looked over to his son, wondering what he was talking about. "Naturally..."

"I recommend a combination of primrose, gardenias, Chinese aster, jasmine, and red carnations for the bouquet."

Again he wondered about the boy. "Why would I bring a bouquet on patrol?"

Damian gave his father a withering look. "You are not going on patrol. Grayson is. You are meeting Kyle at the Cultural Museum for dinner at seven, taking her to the premier of RED 2 at eight fifteen, then taking her for a walk at the reserve at midnight. You are not allowed home until two am at the earliest. Any attempt to escape this will result in very uncomfortable undergarments for at least a week."

With a snap, the little assassin turned back through the doorway and out of sight. "I will place the order for the flowers at Wilson for you to pick up on your way there."

A bit in shock, Bruce looked over to Alfred cleaning up not too far away. "Since when do my sons set me up on dates?"

"Since Harvey Bullock started vying for Ms. Kyle's affections." The butler gave him a knowing look. "And she started humoring him. They do hate to see you lose out to people."

Instantly the man's body felt cold. Bullock... He shook his head as ideas flew through his head. "Better head off Damian's order. She'll prefer a single rose to all of that."

"Very good sir.