Some Kick One-shots, not connected to each other...ENJOY! P.s these are all during season 3, after Jack and Kim are dating!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kickin' it

Big Deal Kiss

Kim's P.O.V

Jack and I were walking to the mall courtyard -hand in hand- after a date, I had so much fun.

"Thanks for the amazing date, Jack!" I thanked him

Jack smiled at me in response

"But my mom's waiting for me outside." I informed him

"awe...will you at least walk with me into the dojo?" Jack asked while pouting

I giggle "fine..." I replied

Jack put his arm around my shoulders and we walked into the dojo, smiling.

Milton and Jerry were standing inside. Once they saw us together they started dancing around in circles, making kissy-faces.

"WHOOO! look at the lovebirds, kissing!" yelled Jerry

I smiled and giggled, it was funny, at least they're not grossed out. But I felt Jack's fist clench around my shoulders, when I looked up at him, he was shooting them a slight death glare. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but I decided to ask later.

"well, I gotta go, bye guys." I side hugged Jack, he hugged back "Bye Jack."

"bye, I'll see you later, k?

I nodded and headed for the door. when I walked out, Jerry and Milton were still dancing around, making kissy-faces at Jack.

Jack's P.O.V

The guys were really bothering me. I couldn't take it anymore.

"GUYS!" I yelled

Milton stopped dancing, but Jerry Kept going.

"Jerry!" I said sternly and loudly

Jerry stopped dancing, and looked usual.

"Yo! What's wrong, bro!?" Jerry asked

"Yea, why do you always get so annoyed when we talk about you and Kim kissing!?" Milton asked, curiously

"Ihaven'tkissedheryet" I whispered, really quickly

"what!?" they both ask in unison

"I haven't kissed her yet!" I said a little louder, getting even more annoyed

they burst out laughing, I was ready to tackle them!

"Well, how long have u been together?" Milton asked, after the laughter died down

"Two months..." I whisper, and they laugh again

"Just make your move bro!" Jerry advised

"Yea, I mean, it only took me a couple of weeks to kiss Julie, although I had to practice on Kim first" Milton said

he whispered the last part, not wanting me to hear it, but I did...and I was NOT happy!

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" I asked, angrily

"Nothing!" Milton answered, a little too quickly

I walk a few steps closer to him and lift him by his shirt, so he is looking me in the eye, and give him a death stare.


"Okay, Fine...Kim and I kissed..." Milton admitted. I was breathing heavily with anger.

"WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!?" I asked through gritted teeth, still holding my glare.

"About two years ago...But it was an accident, I swear!" Milton replied, terrified.

I clenched my other hand. Milton closed his eyes and winced, preparing for the pain he was going to experience...


I let go of Milton's shirt, he landed on his feet. I took a few steps back. Then he started straightening his shirt.

"Yo, Jack, what are you waiting for? Why didn't you kiss her yet?" asked Jerry

"Kim is special to me, I want to make sure our first kiss is amazing! I don't want to ruin everything with a bad kiss..."

"So you have to come up with a way to kiss her and make it special!" exclaimed Milton

"I know...I have a big plan!" I replied, Just then Rudy walks in from his office

"Hey, what are you guys talking about!?" Rudy asked curiously

"Jack's big plan for Kim." Jerry answered

I showed a proud smile!

"Oh, classy move, Once in 9th grade, I went over to my crush, Maria, I handed her a bunch of flowers and announced to the whole school that I wanted to go out with her!"

"Did she accept and you had lots of fun!?" Milton asked, hopeful for a 'yes'

"NO! She denied and made fun of me in front of everyone! I was the laughing stalk of the school for years!" Rudy cried

he started bawling his eyes out. He grabbed Jerry and rested his head on his shoulder still crying, Milton patted him on the back.

"Okay...Good Talk, Rudy..." I said with sarcasm, then walked out

A lady about Rudy's age walked in as I walked out

Jerry's P.O.V

Jack walked out and some smokin' lady walked in

"Excuse me, is Rudy here?" the mamacita asked

Rudy lifted his head off my shoulder. good Yo! he was stainin' Jerry's new jacket, Not cool, man! Not cool!

"Maria!?" Rudy asked, surprised

"Hi, Rudy!" the lady said. guess her name is Maria...

Rudy walks over to her.

"I can't believe your here! would you like to go out to-" Rudy said, excited.

"Rudy, listen, I've always loved..." Rudy had a huge smile on his face "Making fun of you!"

Rudy's face dropped "Ya Big LOSER!" Maria yelled, then walked out

Rudy came slumping back to me...I had my shoulder ready, Milton started patting his back again.

Later that day Jack's P.O.V

I'm supposed to meet Kim at Phil's soon. I can't wait for our first kiss I know-and hope- it'll be awesome! The truth is our first kiss will be MY first kiss. I've never told anyone...and I don't plan to. But if Kim asks (which I hope she doesn't) I'll be honest with her, I love Kim and I don't want to lie to her. Oh, better get to Phil's. I entered Falafel Phil's, and Kim wasn't there yet, so I got an idea!

I ordered Kim's usual for her and told Phil to send it to our usual booth. I wrote her a card that says :

Dear Kimmy, this is for you, hope you enjoy it! Love You!

From your Secret Admirer

Then I went to hide. I bet she'll love it! I wonder if she'll know it was me...

Kim's P.O.V

I walked into Phil's but Jack wasn't there, I was supposed to meet him there, instead I found some food at the booth we always sit at.

"Hey Phil, what's up with food?" I asked

"There card for the Kimz, look..." he explained, while pointing to the card

I pick up the card and read it. I'm really did this so called 'Secret Admirer' know my usual? (only Jack knows that) And Why did they call me Kimmy? (only Jack calls me that, and only when he is up to something) And Is that Jack's hair sticking out from behind the booth? oh, Jack...When will you learn...

and when will you realize that your too tall to duck under things...

I guess I should have some fun with this...

"awww! That's so sweet! Maybe I should go find this guy, Jack can wait..." I say trying to get Jack's attention

I can see Jack look up, jealousy in his eyes, let's push it more...

"I bet it's that guy over there, he's so cute! cuter than Jack too." I say looking over at a guy who isn't nearly as cute as Jack.

I can see Jack, anger and jealousy in his eyes. one more time...

"Jack is not even here, he must not care...I'll just go over to those guys." I say, and it works...

"WHAT!?" Jack yells as he jumps up.

I burst out laughing.

"Kim! of course I care! I was the one who did this, I can't believe-

"Jack! Don't worry. I knew it was you, I was just kidding!" I exclaimed

Jack calmed down, luckily my guy has a good sense of humor so he wasn't mad. in fact, he started cracking up.

"But how did you know it was me!?"

"Jack, come on...your the only guy I know who would do something this sweet. plus I could see your hair sticking out from behind the booth, and the card gave me a bunch of clues!" I explained giving him a big hug.

We sat down in the booth, and talked for a while. Then I remembered that I wanted to ask Jack something.

"Hey Jack?" I started

"Yeah?" Jack asked

"Why were you so angry when Jerry and Milton were talking about kissing?"

" reason..." Jack answered, I didn't believe him, something was bothering him.

"Jack..." I said while giving him a 'tell me the truth' look

"It's nothing Kim, I was just a little tired...don't worry about it." he assured me.

He is not the best liar, like me, but I trust Jack, and I know that when he is ready, he'll tell me.

"Ok, Jack. Oh, and don't worry, no guy is cuter than you." I replied, I smiled at him and he smiled back.

The Next Day Jack's P.O.V

I entered the school, with Kim by my side, my hand in hers.

I saw the guys by my locker, they were signaling me to walk over.

"I have to get to math, bye Jack." Kim says, I give her a quick hug before she goes.

I walk over to the guys, the are making kissy-faces...again.

"Guys..." I said sternly, reminding them of yesterday, so they stop.

"So what's up? why did you call me over?" I ask curiously

"Well, you said you have a plan so we wanna know what it is!" Milton exclaimed

"Guys, I gotta get to class, Kim is waiting for me, I'll tell you later." I replied

"UGH! Fine..." They both say in unison.

I walk off to class.

Milton's P.O.V

"Yo, class is starting, I gotta go, dude!" Jerry said excited

"Whoa! I'm glad to see you care about your education now, Jerry!" I said surprised

"I don't, But I sit next to a hot girl! WHOOO!" Jerry replied then rushes off to class.

Typical Jerry! How was I even fooled!? Well, I better go, don't wanna be late!

Kim's P.O.V

After a few classes, Jack and I head to the cafeteria, we saw the guys at our usual table so we went over to them.

"So Jack are you gonna tell us now!?" Jerry asked

I wonder what he's talking about.

I saw Jack glare at him and signal Milton to elbow him, and Milton did.

"OW! Not cool, man! not cool!" Jerry yelped.

Milton and Jack saw the confused look I had and I think Jack mouthed something to Milton, so he said "He is just asking if Jack was gonna tell him his grade on his last French test."

"Oh, ok..." I say still a little confused.

But Jack put his arm around me and whispered into my ear, "It's nothing, Jerry's just being...Jerry."

Now That, I understood.

Jack's P.O.V

I am gonna kill Jerry! He got Kim curious! That CAN'T happen again! I've got free period with the guys so I'll tell them then...

Thanks to Milton for covering up Jerry's slip! I'm still mad at him about the whole 'Kim kiss' thing...But I know Milton would't do that to me on purpose. I hope my plan will make Kim happy! Anyway, Free period is starting, I told the guys to wait for me by my locker.

"Hey Jack can you tell us now, bro!?" Jerry asked, a little scared of being hit again.

"Yea Jack, tell us! come on!" Milton agreed

"Ok, Fine! My plan is..." Jack started


Hope you liked it!