I don't know who he was or even how old he was. All I saw was his dark black hair and eyes the color of clear jade, frightened. Lights, sounds, a scream, darkness…

Why is everything so dark? Why is everything so numb? Where is..-?






I'm noticing pain when I wake up now. How long was I out? Why is it still dark..? Why is my hand empty? Darkness slips into my mind again and asleep is where I am.

How do I describe him? Ah.. His hair, its amazing. Soft like the way those puffball flowers are, the ones you make wishes on? Those beautiful eyes… Such dark shimmering orbs of green, resembling a never ending forest of trees and life. I can feel myself smile, (am I really smiling, or am I wishing I could smile?) those damned eyebrows. The ones he hates so much, the way they get mussed after sleep and love, the way they accent his eyes and facial expressions. I want to tell him I love him. I want to see him. Why is my hand empty?






"We called as soon as we heard, it only happened about five minutes ago, I'm sorry-"

"Let me be with him!"

A warm hand clasps my own and suddenly its like a veil has been lifted. Those eyes are all I see, full of sadness and pain, full of love.

"I'm here with you, I won't leave you"

I can't talk, only stare, everything is blurry except for eyes.

"He's ok, you saved him, he's ok"

Those eyes are crying, but they are not tears of happiness.

This wasn't supposed to happen

He was supposed to call me a hero and laugh

I thought I did good.

I guess not

"Alfred you'r going to be ok. They will fix you, ok?"

I don't want to be

I just want to be

with you

but im so sleepy

and all i want is


i wonder if you

could come with me

is that selfish to ask?

i dont




"Arthur" I gasp out, the single word is like a thousand splinters of glass in my throat.

"Al?" Arthur is sobbing, holding my hand as the sirens wail above us

"Am I still your hero?"