Deceiver: I should really get this out of the way before the anime starts, especially after Novel V came out with the plots and the trio's childhood.

Thanks for reading everyone!


Chapter 3: Dream of our Future


A curtain of sunlight had shone through the thin layers of clouds, making the rain drops that still clung to the plants and buildings shine like tiny crystals. Kano was never really an early bird since he preferred late night strolls in the city, but today he actually enjoyed it. If he ignored how tired everyone was, including him.

"Sleepy," Tsubomi mumbled while rubbing her eyes. Kano was holding her hand while Kido had Shuuya's. That was actually the first time the small girl said something, while Kano's younger self kept on yawning and tugging at Kido's hand to carry him. While she was frustrated from the lack of sleep, he was also suffering from it. Right after his talk with her little self, Kano had been having trouble with talking to Kido properly all of a sudden. He didn't understand why. Was it to do with Kido possibly remembering the conversation she had with him? Or was it something else he didn't realize yet?

"Just a bit further, Tsubomi-chan," he encouraged her, ignoring how Kido shot a glare at him. She had been doing that a lot, especially when they walked passed an old lady who commented on them being a lovely family. Before Shuuya and Tsubomi could say anything, both the young adults dragged them around the next corner before Kido delivered a blow at the back of Kano's head for laughing.

But to be honest, it would be nice to have a family with Kido. Thinking of a little Tsubomi running around for him to spoil, and maybe a small him for Kido to take care of, he grinned. Kido looked like the type to be good with kids, and it actually surprised him that he didn't tear his younger self apart with how he insisted on wanting to sleep with Tsubomi last night, with all of them as well.

"Onii-chan's grin is creepy," Shuuya snickered. Tsubomi made a frightened sound until Kido slapped the back of his head again.

"Ignore him, he's like that. Don't be like onii-chan," she added to the small boy.

"Sure," he shrugged and went along with her.

While they continued to walked, Kido and Kano gave them some advice. Some on how to behave, how to be great heroes, and the rest on tips on what was to come for them. The kids listened intently, but Kido had to cut in on some of Kano's comments when she didn't like them.

"And don't be afraid of anything," Kido finalized. "Trust and look out for each other, okay?"

"We will," the kids chorused together, but Shuuya quickly turned to Tsubomi in surprise. "No, Kido, I will look after you!"

"I-I can try too!" she replied with a huff. Shuuya stared at her in awe until Kano laughed, "Well, try to get along still. No matter what happens, you'll still be friends I believe."

"That's what I intend to stay as!" Shuuya snapped in confidence and let go of Kido's hand for Tsubomi's. After they separated from the adults, they turned back to them with grateful smiles. "Well, we're off!"

"Think you can make it back from here?" Kano asked, fringing ignorance.

"We can look after ourselves just fine!" feeling a small tug at his hand, Shuuya turned to his friend. "Kido?"

"Look," Tsubomi pointed at something behind them. Everyone looked to see what it was, and they saw a huge heat wave surrounding the forest. It almost seemed abnormal to appear this early in the morning when clouds were still present, and it looked as if it was distorting the forest before them. "It's still there."

"Oh yeah," Shuuya whistled, getting nearer with her. "Strange isn't it?"

Kano and Kido watched them quietly, not saying anything as they got closer to the rip. Their younger selves looked back at them for a second, and Kano saw Kido couldn't help it but wave at them, saying good bye. Her younger self did the same, smiling brightly, making Kido's breath hitched for a second.

"We'll see you again someday!" Shuuya called out before he and Tsubomi walked into the haze. For a split second, there was the sound of something breaking apart, before the haze suddenly warped once it swallowed the two children. Kano and Kido had to step back when it wrenched towards them, its colours turning into the familiar dark shade of red, its shape turning into the mouth of a snake. It grew wider, as if wanting to eat more, before snapping shut and made a loud popping sound, leaving the two staring at a normal forest basking in the sun.

"They're gone," Kido said. Kano could only nod, walking up to where their younger selves were.

"They'll be alright," he said, as if answering an unspoken question. They knew what would happen next. Ayaka and Ayano would someday be trapped in Kagerou Daze, Kano would begin to keep secrets from everyone while Kido had to beat him till he stopped, then they would meet Mary, followed by them dying and repeat those same summer days over and over until Shintaro understood everything and put an end to it with Ayano's help.

Kido stepped up next to him, only nodding silently. It would be tough. But that girl was her, and that boy was him, so it should be okay as they faced forward towards their future. A moment of silence passed, with the birds chirping and vehicles running in the background, before Kano broke it with a laugh.

"What?" she glared at him.

"Nothing, nothing," he tried to hide it, but couldn't. Kido gave him a good minute before she decided to hit him again. He breathed in to calm down. "Just…the you now…and then…are so different."

She scoffed. "Excuse you," she crossed her arms. "Then you haven't changed much yourself. Always worried about others and using your Eyes to make us think everything's okay."

He rolled his eyes playfully at her. "Hmmm, well what had happen happened already. But really, cry baby Tsubomi-chan," he cooed at her. "You act all tough but you're scared all the time."

"Shut it," she sneered. "You're always dependant on other's company yourself."

Both of them remained silent, feeling the atmosphere becoming heavy. Kano looked away, focused on the patch of dirt beside him while Kido stared angrily at the sky.

"You've really changed."

"And you haven't."

They both sighed. It was either they stay together or go now. Today was another August 15th, where everyone was going to meet up, but they knew this might as well be their last. Kido remembered that promise he made with the younger Kano, a bit saddened that the answer seemed obvious now.

"Do you remember why you wanted to become stronger?" Kano suddenly asked. Kido turned to him.


He looked at her hopefully. "Remember it yourself."

She stared at her incredulously. "Oh yeah? Well remember that promise you made with me last night."

"I…made a promise with you?"

"Remember it yourself."

Both of them looked away, getting more frustrated than before. What was the point in remembering? It meant nothing if the other couldn't remember what they said exactly to the other when they were little. Both of them mentally groaned, remembering how they talked to the other's younger self last night.

"I talked to you when I met you."

"That's obvious."

Right, they talked, feeling comfortable with the other's presence, like how they used to and still was. Kano blinked at the memory of talking to the older Kido, trying to grasp at the faint memory. "I think…I promised I would meet her…you again?" he turned to Kido for answer. The green haired girl nodded.

"Yeah, back then your kiddie crush made you all so confident that…you…wouldn't…" she blinked as she recalled what she said to Kano that day, of why she wanted be stronger to begin with…and the confessions they forgotten. The empathy of what happened hit them at the same time.

Back then when I was little…I said I love… … …and then when I met the little us again again last nightI said I love Both their faces went red at once. Doesn't that mean…!?

They turned to each other, Kano's cat eyes wide from shock and face just as red as Kido's, who was covering her mouth with her hands.

"You…you actually…"


Both of them were speechless of the love confessions they made to each other over ten years ago and last night. They didn't realize it when they first met their older selves back then, thinking they were nothing but strangers. And then this time when they talked to their younger selves, they thought they would forget all about this little incident.

They didn't. Those memories were still there as they remembered them.

Kido made an indignant scream as she turned away and tried to cover her face with her hood and hair, not wanting to see Kano at all. Even though he was still embarrassed, he tried to get her to talk to him.

"Ki…Kido…back then…and then…you still…you lo-"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it!" she turned away from him again when he tried to look at her, covering her ears. "What about you though? Your feelings…are they even real to begin with?" she bit her lips, couldn't believe she said that.

Kano stared at her helplessly. She wasn't angry; embarrassed, yet unsure of his answer to the promise they made and that love confession he told her. She didn't want to hear him now that he remembered, afraid that this would all be over today..

"That promise…I remember now," he began to say. She turned her head slightly to let him know she's listening. "I said if we meet again, I would tell you if I have left you or not; while you said you will tell me not to…leave…" She nodded her head quietly, getting more anxious by the minute. "Honestly, Kido…what you said to me is right. Everyone is splitting up. First our family, then the gang, and now Seto and Mary-chan too," he laughed. "And I really was planning to leave when you find someone."

She glared at him. "I…don't want to."

He smiled. "I don't want to either. I never wanted to," he reached out, making her turn to him. "I don't want to leave you and possibly never see you again, because those feelings I said to you still remain the same all those years." He laughed slightly. "So my answer is: yes, I'm still staying with you."

Kido's eyes went wide from his words, face getting brighter as she ducked her head to hide behind her hood and bangs. After a while. she murmured, "You're…really…an idiot!" she snapped her head up to glare at him. "What about you though? Last night you promised you wouldn't tell anyone that I love you, didn't I!?"

He stared at her, stunned by her outburst, but laughed. "Yes, well, the you then and now are the same person anyway, so I didn't break any promise to begin with."

She groaned and looked away. "You're…I'm…" she sighed. "We're both so stupid."

He nodded. "We both are," he placed his hands on her shoulders. "I should have known that you were worried about this…"

"Same with me," she muttered, finally looking up at him and frowning. "You did change a bit, I guess…"

He blinked. "Did I?"

"Maybe because your Eyes are gone…but…" he brushed his bangs aside. "You…do seem different…"

He blinked at her, but grinned. "Maybe I've grown taller than you?"

"Fat chance," she tried to shove him away, but his hands still stayed on her shoulders. "Let go of me already."

"No," he purred and before she knew it, he hugged her. Kido spluttered sudden show of affection and tried to push him away, but, "Now that I know we love each other, then I can stay close to you as much as I want. And," he nuzzled his forehead to the crook of her neck, "you don't want me to leave, right?"

She froze at his words. "Whatever…" she mumbled before deciding to hug him back. With this, they both started to feel content. Everything they thought was going to happen to them disappeared, with the hopes of a better future together. They smiled at this, glad they didn't have to say good bye in the end.

"You know," Kano began with a snicker. Kido gave him a look as he continued. "You never told me you love me directly."

Her face went red again. "I-I said it twice already! I'm not saying it again."

"But the you now didn't say it to me," he pouted.

"Sh-Shut up! You didn't say it to me too! So I'm not-"

"I love you, Tsubomi."

That came quicker than how it ended. "Goddammit…Shuuya you jerk," she grumbled, resisting the urge to hit him.

He laughed giddily. "Come on, your turn."

She gave him a look, before sighing in defeat. Might as well get this over with now he's like this. Pulling back, she looked into his eyes, silent for a second before she opened her mouth to say…

"Oh, what are you two doing here?"

Both Kano and Kido jumped at the voice, separating as they saw Seto and Mary coming out of the forest. The medusa looked surprised that her dear friends were here, and so close as well. "Did…something happen?" she asked, sensing something was strange about them.

"N-Nothing!" Kido shoved Kano aside, face flushed. She didn't buy it though.

But Seto knew what was going on. "Were you waiting for us?" he asked, giving them a reason to be here to begin with.

"Y-Yeah," Kido said hesitantly. "That's it."

"It's better to check on you guys after that rain storm ended before picking up Hibiya-kun," Kano added. Mary nodded her head in understanding, but then tilted her head.

"Umm…what happened to your clothes?"

Both of them didn't know what she meant, before looking down at what they were wearing. Instead of the familiar attire they wore during that endless summer and at their annual meetings, they wore the clothes from last night. Maybe the reason was because they didn't want their younger selves question their similar clothes, but really it was…

"We don't need them anymore," they said together. Seto stared at his close close siblings with wide eyes, shocked at first, before he smiled at them. So it finally happened.

"Well, we better get going. Everyone's waiting for us," they all agreed and began to leave. Seto and Mary were at front with their hands connected. Kano and Kido watched them from behind, silent as they walked before the blond decided to be a copycat and took the green haired girl's hand.

Even though Seto and Mary turned to them and smiled, Kido didn't let go.

"Hey, Tsubomi, you still haven't said it to me yet."

All Kido did was glance at him, her hand tighten in his.

"I'll say it at a better time, Shuuya."

She was right, why should she rush it? They were together now and she was going to say it sooner or later. Smiling at each other, they were glad to have a future of them together at last.