A/N: Here's the final bit.

ReelaReela and Lizzie1498: Sorry for making you two cry!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Sherlock took a deep breath to compose himself once the woman left the room. The effects of the sodium penthanol were gradually starting to subside and his emotions were settling down again.

He breathed a sigh of relieve – the sobbing had been exhausting. He had never let himself cry like that before and he felt oddly empty and hollow. But even he had to admit that the crying had helped him feel slightly better.

After a few minutes of staring blankly at the wall, the door opened and Sherlock looked up curiously. His blue eyes narrowed and darkened dangerously.

"Fuck off, Mycroft."

"Manners, Sherlock. Let's not get too emotional now, shall we?" he said, sitting down on the vacated chair calmly, apparently unperturbed by Sherlock's current state.

Sherlock glared at his brother, furious that he had him tied to a chair in a dreary room. It certainly did not help that his cheeks were still stained with his tears and he knew that Mycroft would be able to notice them. He despised himself for looking so vulnerable and weak in front of his brother.

"What do you want?"

"I have news about Moran."

"What about?"

"We found him. He's dead. My man shot him ."

Sherlock sat up straighter. He had been dreaming about this day for three months - ever since that bastard set off the explosion that killed Molly. The only thing that bothered Sherlock about his death was that he wasn't the one to kill him. He had fantasised too many times about breaking Moran's neck and watching his body go limp in his hands.

"John and Mrs Hudson can come out of hiding now. They're safe," Mycroft added.


"I have something important to tell you. Try not to break your bonds while I'm at it."

Sherlock narrowed his eyes at his brother but remained silent. He was getting tired of Mycroft's games. His giddiness was returning and he desperately wanted to lie down.

"We received a tip that Moran was planning an explosion the day Miss Hooper died. We only knew of it a few minutes before it was set to go off, so there was nothing much that we could do. I immediately knew that he wanted her dead. Everybody who saw you during the last nine months knew that there was something going on between the both of you. You must try to be less…obvious, Sherlock."

Sherlock gripped his bonds tighter, wishing that he could free himself and lunge at his brother's condescending face.

"Killing her will destroy you. Not physically of course, although you seem to be doing a rather fine job of that yourself. When was the last time you ate something?"

"Get on with it!" Sherlock spat.

"Patience, Sherlock. As I was saying, he wanted to destroy you – mentally destroy you. He knew that you wanted him dead since he was the last piece in Moriarty's criminal network. With you completely useless…" Sherlock glowered at his brother, who just smiled calmly back. "…he would be able to start rebuilding it without you breathing down his neck."

"Wouldn't it be easier if he just killed me?"

"He was a sick man, Sherlock. Your death didn't satisfy him. He preferred to see you suffer and disintegrate. Unfortunately for him, he was just as arrogant as Moriarty was. It did not occur to him that other people knew about him as well. He thought you worked alone, see?"

"What are you getting at?"

"My god, you've really lost your reasoning skills, haven't you? Think Sherlock! I said that I already knew about Moran's bomb plot."

"But you only knew about it a few minutes before it went off."

"You can get some things done in a few minutes if you're efficient. And I am efficient."

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "So you did something then?"

"Of course," Mycroft smirked. "I engineered a plan to make Moran think that he had really destroyed you mentally. That way, he would be even more arrogant and make mistakes. I'm sure you remember James Moriarty shooting himself before actually seeing you die. Moran's exactly the same as his mentor. They are both prone to being overconfident."

Sherlock stared at his brother in disbelief. An idea was forming rapidly in his head. "You mean to say…you mean to say that my current state for the past three months was engineered?"

"Good, you're getting there. Go on."

"If you engineered it, it means that it was fake."


"That means that Molly's not dead."

"No, she's not."

Sherlock thought that his heart might stop. He couldn't do much except stare at his brother.

Mycroft sighed. "I just needed you to think that she was dead. That way, Moran would think that he had won and become less scrupulous, which was what happened. That was how my people were able to track him down. The entire network is now finally dissolved, all due to the negligence of an arrogant man."

"What?" Sherlock whispered.

"Miss Hooper is not dead. I managed to get her out of Bart's before it happened. But she had to be sent away to make it seem more realistic."

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Sherlock choked.

"As I said, you are too obvious. You always give things away, so I couldn't tell you. She's been in hiding for the past three months. She wanted to contact you but naturally, she was forbidden to."

"If she's alive, why all this?" Sherlock asked, gesturing to his bonds with his head.

"The bonds weren't exactly necessary, but knowing your temper, it was a precaution. I couldn't have you harming the psychiatrist while she attempted to find out the truth."

"The truth about what?" he snarled, his anger rising dangerously again.

"Whether you loved Miss Hooper. I can't have you in a relationship with her and turning her into a target for your enemies if you didn't really love her. I had to be sure – too much work taking care of the both of you. And I think you needed to be sure too. Am I wrong?"

Sherlock was finding it a bit difficult to breathe. "Where is she?" he demanded.

"In a room beside yours. I'm going to untie your bonds. Don't hit me," Mycroft warned.

Sherlock glared at his brother as he released his bonds. The minute his hands were free, he sprinted out of the ugly room and burst open the door of the other room.


Her voice was like music to his ears. He didn't say anything. He couldn't bring himself to. Otherwise, the tears burning at the back of his eyes would spill out. He went over to her and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, burying his face in her hair, revelling in the familiarity of her heady scent, of her hands around his neck, of her body pressed close to his.

"I've missed you," she whispered. "I'm so sorry I couldn't say anything. Mycroft didn't allow it." She pressed light kisses all along his neck and jawline, igniting a fire within him. He had never felt more alive than in that moment.

He pressed his lips to hers, giving in to his instincts. He ran his tongue along her lower lip, teasing her lips open. When they parted, he pushed his tongue in, exploring every part of her mouth as if it was the first time he was kissing her. She sighed contentedly, her fingers finding their way to his curls. He smiled against her lips when he felt her tugging gently at his hair. He thought that he was never going to be able to feel it again. She nibbled lightly on his lips and he moaned softly, which only motivated her to pull him closer, her hands clutching the front of his shirt tightly.

They finally broke apart when they couldn't breathe. He laid his head on her forehead, enjoying the feel of her skin on his. He remembered that he had to do something. He'd be (as John would say) an idiotic arse if he didn't do this.


"Yes?" She was leaning against his chest, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

He bent his head so that it was close to her ear. "I love you."

Molly looked up at him in surprise, her warm brown eyes bright with happiness.

"I know," she smiled.

"You...you knew?"

"Of course, silly. You didn't say it but you showed me that you loved me."

Sherlock was so relieved that he pressed his lips to hers again, seeking the addictive feeling that only her mouth could provide.

"Sherlock?" she murmured.


"Love you too."

That's it folks! Hope you all enjoyed this story.

I just couldn't bring myself to kill Molly! Too many feels to handle.

Please leave a review! :)