Her head ached horribly.

Rousing from yet another tear induced sleep Hermione sighed. She needed to stop this... but... Well in her own room she supposed she was entitled to a little personal breakdown. She wasn't sure what time it was, but the curtains over the one window where dark... probably late. She sat up looking around, getting a better look at the room. it was larger then her head girl rooms, the sizeof a shared dorm, but all of the space just for her. A smell caught her attention and she saw a tray loaded with food o the ornate desk.

She must have missed dinner then. Standing She gasped falling from her was a thin blanket. She picked it up fingering it a moment, it was thin, but quiet fluffy, she smiled wrapping it around herself. She had a hard time imagining her stern portions professor covering her with a blanket while she slept, but then again... She didn't know him very well... Instead of being upset she needed to approach this in a different way. it was done. so rather then being angry she needed to make the best of the situation. especially since she wasn't the only one in it.

Walking to the desk she picked idally at the roast chicken and vegetables eating a little. Her system was just to stressed to stomach much more then that. licking her fingers and holding the blanket around her with her other hand she walked to the door hesitating only a moment before stepping out, glancing around nervously. The main room was larger then she'd first thought with a circular tower room branching off, inside crystals hung not with magic but silver wire. She walked over, looking up at the unexpected but pretty decoration. Reaching up she wanted to touch one, they almost seemed to glow in the silvery cast of moon light coming through the windows that surrounded the entire tower

"Please don't touch those." the words where short but not sharp, however Hermione flinched anyway turning quickly as the door next to hers closed. There he stood, her husband, Watching her a moment "It's quartz, Moonlight purifies the crystals, it makes them cleaner for using in potions." he explained stepping forward watching as a look crossed her face. one of learning, absorbing. he'd seen that look so many times in her recognized it.

"We haven't used crystals before..." Hermione said fascinated while Severus nodded "Crystal based potions are learned in master potions classes. Most people buy theirs precleaned and ground, but I prefer to do it myself." he explained slowly. unknown to her he had come to the same conclusion. they where stuck in this mess together, being annoyed at the situation wasn't going to help anyone. and considering everything, he could do worse then having such an educated girl in his company, for however long this took.

"I didn't know Crystals where used like this, I mean... I know crystal healing is really popular Outside the wizarding world, reiki and energy, but I didn't think..." she trailed noticing a few different colors now.

"What about those? She asked pointing, Looking up Severus smiled faintly, so she didn't know everything, but she still wanted to learn

"The ones that are pink are still quartz, It's rose quartz, I was down in wales for a while a few years ago, I collected a lot." he said then pointed "Above that the green and purple ones? Those are fluorite The cube shape is their natural formation." Slowly he pointed higher and higher explaining the crystals and their uses in potions and even some complex spell work. it was fascinating.

"The thing about crystal based magic is a lot of it is very natural. That's why Muggles could pick up on it so easily. Witches and wizards would use Crystal and earthly based magics to try and show that We weren't 'evil' or against things like the church." he explained gesturing "By teaching crystal based magics, The idea was, the knowledge was supposed to set people at ease and make them less frightened. Even though we had spells to protect ourselves from fire and hanging, Muggles where accused at times, and it became a mission to try and play on the idea that our world, didn't exist and what ever magic that had been seen, was based in science, and natural effects of the planet." Despite his teaching it didn't feel like his usual lecture, he seemed, relaxed for lack of a better term, there wasn't the sense of snide cynicism that e displayed in class.

"You really enjoy teaching huh?" Hermione said looking up with a warm smile. Surprise crossed his features, then his expression closed, stepping back he let his arm fall to his side he turned to head for his desk "Just don't touch any of it." he sad curtly, the ease was gone. Hermione sighed stepping away from the round room and back into the main living area Looking over the shelves and books knew, old, Wizard Muggle. so many diffrent topics, even casual novels, Classics, like dickens, and to her surprise, a few noir style mysteries, she wouldn't have pegged him for a muggle crime novel.

"Um, could I... Read some of your books?" she asked finally when the silence got to thick, The qill he held paused only a moment while marking before he continued. "Yes you may, Just put them back when your done, and don't lay them Open, it damages the spines." he said never lifting his gaze from the papers before him. Hermione nodded grabbing one of the crime novels and settled to read. She barely got two pages in before she set the book down

"Why are you mad?" she demanded finally, even though she knew she shouldn't she knew not to kick a bees nest but she couldn't understand!

"That was nice, I like learning and you seemed almost, relaxed god forbid, Now your mad I thought..." she scowled looking down, pushing her hair away from her face with a frustrated hand she sighed, these outbursts where becoming more common then she'd like, she needed to get a grip.

"Never mind, I apologize, I don't blame you for being frustrated, Really what grown man wants some kid thrust on him at the whim of someone else? I asked a stupid question.. I think, I should go to bed." she said heading for her door. as her hand rested on the door handle, then, he spoke.

"Hermione." Just her name, one single word, enough to stop her in her tracks. She looked back at him surprised, she never would have expected him, professor Snape, to use her first name, even in this situation.

"Your right, I am frustrated at the situation... but, It's nothing you've done wrong. Your comment surprised me. Your right, I enjoy teaching. Having someone so eager to learn..." he trailed his expression was annoyed but there was a faint hint in his cheeks, maybe, was he blushing? embarrassed? "Having a student pin that so well. one who paid attention enough to notice. I'm not used to that." he said finally looking her in the eye. "Rest assured, nothing you've done has, annoyed me, yet." with that she saw the faintest smirk and could stop the bubble of laughter calm settling again

"Yeah? Well I guess my know it all Nature will come back to bother you before long." she said lightly, more then happy to pick up on the little joke if it meant sharing a relaxed moment. "Though, I really am Tired. I'll settle, and then I guess tomorrow we can sit down and discuss, well... what we should do." she said turning

"Hermione." again his voice, her name, strange how it gave her a small and giddy feeling in her belly, perhaps, being privy to this private part of him, she saw the potential for another friendship.

"You can take the book with you if you like, I don't mind it in your room." he said before returning to his papers. She smiled surprised and pleased. Grabbing the book she softly murmured her thanks before stepping from the room. This wasn't going to be an easy marriage, and easy situation, but after that briefe encounter she felt light, Lighter then she had in a long while. the hope and potential of good things that she hadn't dared imagine before came to the surface, so many wonderful things.

Sitting at his desk watching the door close Severus frowned glancing at his arm, it stung, not badly, not yet, The Dark Lord was aware of the situation and knew that By now the wedding was over, he Expected the Potion masters presence, and soon. Assured Hermione wouldn't reemerge he strode to his rooms and donned the black robes. they where heavy, not just physically, but with his duties. These robes, it was like they bore everything he had done in the blackness. On the slim chance her survived this war he'd take great pleasure in burning them... But he highly doubted that outcome. Heading to the fire place he flooed to the head masters office mask in hand, tucking it into his robes for now, he wouldn't put it on until beyond the gates.

"He will not wait for me much longer." he said Simply. watching him Dumbledore nodded He knew it would be quick, but every time Severus left The old headmaster felt a pag of regret, this man gave a lot as a spy, and each time her left. though Dumbledore and he both accepted the risks, He worried each time, might be the last, it wasn't that he thought Snape would betray them, far from it, but Each summons, He wondered if somehow The creature once Tom riddle, would know of The true Loyalties of the potions master and hurt him... brutalize him... kill him... it was a constant fear for all who fought under him. the thick and heavy worries he buried deeply. As a leader he needed to be strong to show he had no fears, had confidence in all his people, and he did, but. in quiet moments, in silent places. He felt a bone deep fear and regret for all the lives lost, wasted in ways that hadn't been against other dark wizards.

While one thing Dumbledore wanted to avoid was making To Riddle seem to important, give him to much power. he honestly knew more blood had been spilled battling him then any other dark wizard in recent times.

As Severus Appareated into a mist laden graveyard he carefully schooled his thoughts, He was Severus Snape, a death eater, loyal to only the Dark Lord. HE went immediately to his knees as the figure emerged from the mists, skeletal thin and wraith like in his misty clocks the creature that stood before his minions could no longer rightfully be considered human, with his snake like face and inhuman form.

"I humbly apologize for being late, That man requested I at least eat dinner with my... Wife." he said sneering the word in disgust a chuckle rippling through the air, slowly other death eaters emerged from the darkness the quiet clap of long thin hands stilled the laughter as the man stepped forward. "Very good Severus." he said, his words where wispy but no less dangerous if they needed to be. despite his appearance no one could ever claim the dark lord lacked substance.

"The meddlesome old man has signed his own death warrant, he thinks giving her to you protects her. We'll use this. You can earn her trust, do what ever it takes, gain everything you can from her, even Potter seems to think his friends will be his triumph against me, Perhaps once we control it, he will understand that Nothing he does will ever truly defeat me." he said the faintest dragging of his S' only adding to his snake like visage.

Seemingly satisfied Severus was dismissed to join his brethren as The dark lord explained his next plan laying out exactly what he wanted. As the details washed over him Severus knew it would be a long night, and for a moment, he wondered if he should have enjoyed teaching that eager mind, before she saw the monster everyone else did.

Sunday morning Found Hermione in the great hall nibbling at toast sleepy and heavy eyed. honestly she hadn't wanted to come to breakfast but the idea of staying in her room so close to where her 'husband' slept she just hadn't been able to settle, so she'd come up. The food before them was decadent, and to everyone else the smell was as alluring as the look, but Hermione seemed numb to it, it was growing, She could feel it, something inside. With each passing day it took over new parts of her. Oh she accepted the conditions, she accepted the risks, but at times like this, when her body felt heavy and her head felt like it was stuffed with cotton instead of brains she wondered if her research was worth it, if it would even help.

A screech caught her attention as well as everyone elses. it was to early for post but owls swept down, to everyone who subscribed to the Daily Prophet. taking hers from the delivery owl she nodded thanks before it swooped up and off again. Unfolding the paper she skimmed the headline, and felt her blood run cold. The bold headline was only two words Muggel Slaughter! there where gasps among the students as the new quickly spread and papers where passed along tables.

'Early this morning at approximately two thirty death eaters swarmed Little Winging, a small Town in Surrey. Currently Muggle and Magical prime ministers are working together to handle the tragedy, while no wizards are known to be among the deaths at this time, this attack echos attacks undertaken during the first Reign of he-who-must-not-be-named. For now muggle authorities are declaring the incident as a case of teenage rioting, however survivors are being taken in by Wizarding officials to be questioned and Obliviated and relocated for their safety...'

The article went on and on about the first war and mass muggle killings. How the ministry's had worked together to keep things secret. On the back page was a list of the current confirmed casualties, among them, where three pudgy and familiar faces. Hermione looked up at Harry who sat across from her he was staring down at the paper stunned his hands shaking. With out a word he stood and walked from the great hall, Ron and Hermione Glanced at each other and then followed him quickly. He was already out the door and past the courtyard going out into the grass He collapsed to his knees with a hiss fighting back tears

"H-harry?" Hermione ventured carefully shocked as he started pounding the dirt with a fist quick rythmic movements

"I shouldn't care!" he shouted suddenly shocking his friend into a quick back peddle "I shouldn't After all the things they did to me how they neglected me I shouldn't care at all." but his voice wobbled as tears fell, his whole body shaking as he fought back the grief Hermione moved settling next to him and hugging him tightly rubbing his back she made gentle soothing noises. It was Ron, surprisingly, who spoke.

"Of course you care, that's how you are, even if they where a bunch of nutters... sorry, But you do care 'cause they where your family." he said crouching beside Harry and pulling at the grass. he wasn't sure what to do or what to say but an approving smile from hermione set him a little more at ease before they both refocused their attention on their friend.

"He's right Harry, You care, because your to compassionate not to care when someone dies. You care because despite it all they where your blood family, You care because now, now you can never ask them all the important questions, The most important, Why." she said gently, Harry nodded quietly staring off towards the south as if he could see all the way to surrey.

"They treated me like shit... but they took me in. They could have dumped me in a home, but they took me in. They didn't hate 'me' as a wizard they hated the magic, because at least I think, because it was 'big' it was this concept they couldn't touch and it frightened them. I started to realize that a few years ago... I wish... he it's stupid, but I wish I could just sit and talk with them, even just for a little bit, and ask if that's true." he said softly.

Hermione and ron nodded quietly sitting with there friend hermione not letting him out of her firm hug. at one point ron lifted a hand to settle it on Harrys shoulder, completing the connection. Three dear friends, needing a moment to grieve for the lost 'Why?'s