
July 13th at 9:00pm

            "Push deary! Push!" ordered the nurse. The woman in the bed glared at her with disgust as she tried to push. Hermione screamed out as pain engulfed her in another contraction.

            "Almost there!" comforted Mrs. Weasley, who was helping with the birth of Hermione's first child. She dabbed Hermione's forehead of sweat before her hand was grabbed hard. "Get Harry now!!" Mrs. Weasley winced under the pressure of the grip Hermione had on her. She pulled away and went out the door as Hermione began to throw obscenities into the air.

            Harry was pacing his study, waiting for news. He was accompanied by Severus Snape and Ron.

            Harry rubbed his forehead. "What do you think is going on up there?"

            Ron was turning a shade of green. "I don't know but I think I am going to be sick."

            "You are sick? What about Harry? He is the one expecting a child any minute!" remarked Snape. Even he seemed paler than usual. Harry could only pace with worry. He had been by Hermione's side through the whole pregnancy up to now; the morning sickness, the late night cravings, the movements and all the other joyous and not so joyous moments of pregnancy. After they graduated in June, he helped her become more comfortable in their new home, Dumbledore's old manor. It had been such a wonderful time living here with her that now he wished he were up there with her. The nurse said that she would call him as soon at it was time for him to come or Hermione requested him earlier. He waited with baited breath at hopes to hear his name being called. And sure enough…

            "Harry! Harry, it's time!" called Mrs. Weasley as she trotted down the stairs halfway. He took the steps two at a time as he raced up to the room. He didn't even see Ron finally passing out from the news and Snape shaking his head at him.

            "It's almost here! Come on honey, you can do it!"

            "NO! I WANT HARRY!"

            He entered the room as she said this. "I am here Hermione."

            She took up his hand he offered her and squeezed tightly, almost breaking it. He winced as she glared at him. "YOU! You did this me! You and your little 'friend'! Well, I am going to never let your 'friend' touch me again, you asshole!!!"

            Harry looked at the nurse at these words and she just shook her head smiling. "It's the pain talking Harry. Just hold on to her, it's almost over."

            Harry was called every name in the book as Hermione battled the pain. She pushed hard, and finally the nurse smiled. "I have its head, so one more push will do it."

            Hermione cried out and pushed. "Oooooohhhhhh SHHHHHIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT!"

            Hermione heard a tiny cry that erupted into louder cries. She looked up as the nurse held up a beautiful baby with a full head of dark hair. It screamed at the top of its lungs as the nurse called out. "It's a boy!"

            Harry eyes were wild with excitement and tears as he looked at his son. He had a son! A beautiful son!

            Hermione looked at her child and sobbed. She had brought a life into this world, and it was her baby. Her child.

            "You can hold him once I clean him up," said the nurse as she wrapped the baby in a blanket and carried it to a cleaning table. Two more nurses came in and scuttled Harry out as they tended to Hermione.

            "Come back in 10 minutes Harry. You may see them both then."

            Harry smiled as they shut the door. He jumped for joy and ran down the stairs to get the others.

            Back in the study, Ron had come to and was now sitting in a chair, looking very sickly indeed. This was just too much for him, he was never having kids! He would just have to tell Lavender that he folds under the pressure. But a smile crept over his face at the thought of a little red hair girl running up to him and saying "Daddy!"

            "Ron! Ron! It's a boy! He's here!" screamed Harry as he ran into the room. Severus Snape stood and smiled. "Is she all right Harry?"

            "Mother and son are both perfect, we can see them in ten minutes."

            Snape went to the fireplace in the middle of the room and pulled out a bag of dust, spreading it onto the flames and saying, "It's a Boy! Mother and son are fine!"

            There was a rush as forms began to climb out of the fireplace. Within minutes, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Hagrid, Professor McGonagall, and the rest of the Weasley clan including the eldest brothers were all in the room, talking excitedly to Harry.

            "What does he look like?" ask Sirius, simply beaming.

            "Does he have green eyes?" asked Lupin.

            "Was he born with a Snitch in his hand? George and I had a bet going that any child of yours will probably already have his own Snitch!" laughed Fred Weasley, who was still the same as always, but had a goatee that finally separated him from George.

            Minerva was so emotional Harry thought she was going to faint. "What are you going to name him Harry?"

            Harry just smiled and nodded. "We had a name picked out for each if it was a girl or boy. But I will not tell you until we get up there. I promised my wife that."

            Hagrid ran up to Harry and gave him a hug; completely lifting him off his feet. Harry felt as if his lungs were going to explode as the grip tightened.

            "I am so happy fer ya! Yer a father!"

            "H…Hagrid….I…..can't…..b…BREATH!" gasped Harry.

            He released him and apologized as a voice came from upstairs. "You all may come and see them now, I have expanded the room so you all will fit."

            Harry let out a sigh of anticipation as the group climbed the stairs towards the room. Ron still was a little shaky as they all filed in. Hermione laid in the bed with fresh linens, all cleaned up from her labor. She held in her arms a tiny bundle wrapped in blue blankets. She looked very tired but really pleased as she kissed Harry who walked up beside her. He peered down at the tiny bundle and smiled.

            He was gorgeous. He definitely had Hermione's features, but he looked at the dark hair and hoped that his trait for untidy hair did not pass on to his son. His eyes were still closed, swollen a little as all babies are when they are born. He touched the tiny hand and it grasped his finger tightly. He chuckled.

            "Has a firm grip. Maybe he will be a seeker too?" he remarked as Hermione kissed his forehead. "He has a very big head, he must be really smart."

            Snape groaned and brought their attention to him. "Great, another know-it-all in the family."

            Hermione grinned. "Yes, and I bet he will be just like me and Harry at school."

            Snape smirked. "I might as well begin taking points now while I am ahead."

            The whole room laughed as Harry took the baby in his arms and carried him to the group. There were a lot of "Ooohs" and "Awws" as he was presented to everyone. Last was Snape, who Harry sneakily slipped his son into Snape's arms.

            "No Harry! I will hurt him!"

            "Don't be stupid! Now hold his head like that...yeah. See, you are a natural!"

            Snape sneered at Harry but his coldness completely melted as he looked down at two tiny eyes looking back at him. The baby had opened its eyes and was looking at Snape. And indeed, the baby had green eyes.

            "He has your eyes Harry! Look, they are green!" Snape looked happily down at the tiny bundle.

            "Well, of course he would open his eyes to his godfather," remarked Harry.

            Snape froze. He turned to Harry. "Wh…..what?"

            "Yeah, heard me Severus. You're his godfather. We wouldn't have it any other way. And we will not take No for an answer."

            Snape felt a tear slip from his cheek as he smiled at them. "Thank-you."

            "Your welcome you over-grown bat." The room chuckled and even Snape had to smile at himself. Harry took his son from his arms gently as he walked over to the bed, laying him back down beside Hermione.

            Ginny Weasley came from the back of the room and piped up. 'So what is his name you two? We're dying to know here!"

            The whole room agreed and waited for the name.

            Hermione smiled and kissed Harry. "You can tell them dear."

            Harry looked up at the room. All looked at him like he was going to explode, every face waiting to here the name of his newborn son.

            "We decided to call him Daniel Albus Potter in honor of the late Albus Dumbledore. I hope he grows up and brings honor to his name, Albus deserves it greatly for everything he has done for us and for the world."

            Minerva sobbed silently and Mrs. Weasley comforted her as the rest of the agreed and gave their approvals of such a fine name. The nurse then came in and told the group that the mother needed rest and they had to leave. They all filed out, giving their regards to the mother and shaking Harry's hand in congratulations. Ron was the last one to leave as he gave Harry a hug. "He is the spitting image of you, that's for sure. Thanks for letting me be a part of it."

            "Hey, you are his uncle you know. He will always call you uncle, because you live here and you are family. You and Lavender can be his Aunt and Uncle since neither Hermione nor I have any other siblings. You are like a brother to me Ron. I wouldn't have it any other way."

            Ron grinned and waved goodbye to Hermione as Harry shut the door. The nurse walked up to Harry. "You can stay with her, but she needs her rest, so don't excite her."

            He nodded as she left the room.

            "Harry?" whispered Hermione. He came over to her and lay beside her on the large bed. He looked into her eyes and down at the baby snuggled in her arms. She was so beautiful. He touched a soft curl of her hair as she caressed his cheek.

            "You are amazing Hermione. You are my wife, the mother of my child, and the love of my life. I have never felt more complete then I am now. You have made me whole, made me the happiest man alive."

            She kissed him. "I love you Harry James Potter."

            His heart never felt more full. He thought he was going to burst with happiness and emotion. He brushed his lips against hers as he spoke softly.

            "Forever my love…"

            She held him close.




            Well, there you are! It is finished! I hope you all like it! PLEASE SEND ME REVIEWS! I LOVE TO GET THEM! And I have a present for you all! A wonderful gift that may take a while, but I am sure the wait will be worth it! Read the Authors Final Thoughts and get your surprise!