A/N: Hey guys. So I know I haven't updated in a while, and I am SO sorry. I've been incredibly busy with my classes this semester, and it's been very hard finding time to write. But thanks so much for your patience.

Miley was blown away by how perfect the rehearsal dinner was. From the food to the music to the decor. Everyone there looked like they had stepped off of the cover of a magazine. It was incredible to think that this was all for her and Nick. They were the ones being celebrated here. But she couldn't help but think they deserved it after everything that they had gone through to get to this point.

Everyone was chatting amongst themselves when Lilly stood up as Miley figured she would. "Okay, people. I want to make a toast."

All attention turned to the blonde. "So," she started, glancing at Miley. "I still haven't figured out whether I'm supposed to do this now or at the wedding reception, so I'll probably just do one at both."

That got a laugh from everyone.

"But seriously," she went on. "I've known Miley for a long time. She's not just my best friend. She's like my sister. We have gone through so much together. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I wouldn't trade any of it. There's nobody in the world that deserves happiness as much as Miley does. And I'm so glad she's finally found it. When I look at her and Nick, I can see how much they love each other. They can be in a crowd full of people, and it's like no one else matters. As long as they're together, they can make it through anything. That's really special."

Miley wiped along the edges of her eyes, trying desperately not to full-on cry. But it was becoming darn near impossible.

Lilly smiled. "I love you guys so much, and I am so honored to be a part of the most special day of your lives." She held up her glass. "To Miley and Nick."

Everyone repeated the sentiment, and then Joe reluctantly stood up. "Yeah, I'm not good at these speeches, but Lilly said that the best man's supposed to give one so..."

"Dude, you really don't have to," Nick said, his arm around Miley. She had already started crying, and he really didn't want to risk doing the same in front of all of his friends and family.

Joe shook his head. "No, I can give a speech too. Maybe not as well, but...anyway, I never thought my brother would be here, about to get married. Nick always said that when the right girl came along, he would know it. I thought he just didn't want the hassle of a wife and kids. But then Miley came along, and I realized that I was wrong. That he really had just been waiting for the right one. I'm really glad you found her, bro. And Miley, I'm pretty sure that we've told you this before, but we're making it official tomorrow. Welcome to the family, sis."

Tears were now falling freely down Miley's cheeks. She was just thankful that her mascara was water-proof. Nick gently held her hand in his.

"You ready for our announcement?" he asked softly.

She smiled and nodded, standing up beside him.

Nick looked at Lilly and Joe. "We really appreciate it, guys." Then he looked around at everyone else. "We appreciate all of you. You've all been so supportive of us, and it means a lot to Miley and me. And there's something important that we want to share with you. Some of you already know, but we want to let everyone in on the secret."

"We're having a baby," Miley said with a teary smile.

The next few minutes were a blur. People surrounding them with congratulatory hugs and smiles. Miley smiled when she saw her dad, who wrapped her in a hug.

"I'm so happy for you, Mile."

"Thank you, daddy."

She was pretty certain that she danced with everyone there afterwards. It was as amazing as she could've imagined. Finally, she ended up in Nick's arms.

"This was pretty awesome, wasn't it?" he asked as they swayed to the soft music.

Miley laughed. "Are you kidding? Lilly should be an event planner for a living. But I could've done without the speeches. It's easy enough to make me cry on a normal day."

"I think you're beautiful when you cry," Nick said, looking down into her beautiful blue eyes. "But I think you're even more beautiful when you smile. That's what I want to do every day for the rest of our lives. Just make you smile."

She brushed her lips softly against his. "I love you."

"I love you too."

But the evening had to come to an end. Miley checked herself into a hotel room, since she was still wary of superstition. The whole "bride and groom can't spend the night together" thing. So Nick went back home, where he spent the next hour going through every possible scenario for that night in his head. He had to make sure that they were prepared for anything. And he definitely had to make sure that Miley wasn't put in harm's way.

How he would be able to do that, he wasn't entirely sure. She was the one that the note was addressed to. Miley seemed sure that the woman only wanted money. He hoped she was right. That there wasn't anything else going on.

A loud ringing sound captured his attention, and he reached for his phone. "Hello?" he said, careful to keep his tone as normal as possible.

"Hey, man." It was Joe's voice on the other end. "Look, are you at home?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Belle forgot her toothbrush. I just wanted to make sure you were there before I came to pick it up."

"No, it's fine. I'll bring it," Nick said. He needed something to pass the time before he had to go pick Miley up. If not, he was worried that he might go crazy from anxiety.

"You sure?" Joe asked.

"Yeah. I'll be right over."

The radio helped. Music had a funny way of taking you out of one place and transporting you to somewhere completely different. It could take you to the lowest place you could ever imagine, but it could also take you to the highest. It could make you forget about your worries, even if it was temporary.

By the time he got to Joe's house, some of his anxiety had began to melt away. Though he was certain it would be back soon enough. After giving the ziploc bag containing the toothbrush to Lilly, he sat down in the living room with Joe.

"So, you ready for the big day?" his brother asked. "After tomorrow, your life will never be the same again."

"As I've been warned multiple times," Nick replied with a small smile. "But I love her, bro. I'm ready for this."

Joe nodded, taking a sip of his soda. "Well like I said, I am happy for you. And I'll be even happier if I never have to give a best man speech again."

"I thought you did a good job."

"Not compared to Lilly. She bests me at everything, dude. Well, except video games."

Nick smiled and resisted the urge to point out to his brother that Lilly probably let him win at video games so as not to damage his ego. And for just a moment, he let himself wonder if this could be the last conversation he ever had with his brother. He didn't want to think that way, but he couldn't help it. Not when he knew he was about to enter a dangerous situation.

"Joe?" he said slowly. "I know I don't say this very often, but I'm really glad you're my brother."

Joe smiled. "Same here, bro."

"Oh, you guys are too cute."

They looked up to see Lilly standing a few feet away, a tired smile on her face. Nick wondered how she always had such a sunny disposition when she obviously didn't allow herself enough rest. She was too busy making life happen for everyone else. They were going to make her take some time for herself after this wedding was over.

"Are the kids asleep yet?" Joe asked.

"All except Belle. And of course, since I told her that her daddy was here, she wants to tell you goodnight before you leave," Lilly told Nick.

He nodded and got up to head for the guest room, leaving Joe and Lilly alone. The blonde curled up on the couch next to her husband. "I can't wait for tomorrow," she said, smiling up at him. "It's going to be such an amazing day."

Joe smiled and slowly pressed his lips to hers. She pulled back after a moment. "What was that for?" she asked playfully.

"Because I love you," he answered, his expression growing more serious. "I know that our story isn't as dramatic or as crazy as Nick and Miley's, but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. You've had my heart since the day I met you, Lilly. And you've had it every day since."

"Weddings sure turn you into a romantic, don't they?" Lilly said, laughing a little as she wiped a tear from her eye. "But for the record, you have my heart too. You and the kids. And you always will."

He smiled and kissed her again.

Nick finally managed to get Belle tucked in, after reminding her that even flower girls need their beauty sleep. Though she was too excited about the wedding to care much about that.

"Mommy's gonna be so pretty," she told him. "Wait till you see her dress. She looks like a princess, daddy."

"I'm sure she does," he smiled, kissing her on the forehead. "Good night, honey."

"Will you sing me a song before you go?" she asked, looking up at him hopefully with those big blue eyes. She seemed to like his singing for whatever reason. He supposed he wasn't terrible, but he certainly wasn't Miley.

Nick sighed and sat down on the bed next to her. "One song," he said, holding up one finger. Belle smiled and nodded.

He didn't even make it through an entire song before her eyelids had closed. Then he took a deep breath, knowing what he had to do. He told Joe and Lilly goodbye, and then he got into his car and left.

It was time.