A/N-Okay so I couldn't update The Boy Next Door without updating this fic and This Man. So please be patient my lovely readers! I will be wrapping up this installment in the next few chapters. Also sorry about that awful typo, I ment that it will be 5 installments. So don't flip out if you don't understand everything. Theres 4 installments for you guys to understand everything~


Chapter Eighteen

Silver eyes snapped open and immediately scanned the room. She felt as if she had just been jerked out of a long induced sleep. It was quiet, eerily silent in her small room.

A harsh breath left her lungs as the hollow smirked down at her. She had heard about this thing. No studied about his kind for so long. But looking at it now made her feel like she was in shock. She had never seen such a thing before, but yet she had been warned about it. So when a blue tongue flicked out playfully at her she knew instantly it was him. A slight tug hand tears brimming her eyes. And she bit her lip to keep the whimpering at bay. Long blond treases were being snapped from her scalp.

Her usually sharp silver eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head. It was…interesting how the usually cool face girl looked nothing more than a scared rabbit in front of him. His eyes shifted over to Orihime. She was staring heatedly at him from her spot on futon. One hand cupping her round belly protectively and the other bent behind her to support her weight.

He need to speak to the kid. He needed to find out what exactly was her plan for Orihime and the child.

The child deserved to die his eyes. Urahara kid had done more than enough meddling in his perspective of things. And she was so sneaky about it- scratch that- Orihime was too stupid to realize that Yukiko was planning out everything from the moment Orihime was became pregnant. Probably before that.

He need to speak to the kid. He needed to find out what exactly was her plan for Orihime and the child.

He sneered.

To think he had trusted the foolish king to take care of this by now.

Lazily he turned, tighten his grip on long blond locks.

"Let go someplace private, hmm?"

He faintly heard Orihimes scream for him to stop. But that was all background noise as he disappeared with Yukiko in tow.


Kiyone watched as Rangiku placed an orange daffodil on top the closed casket and continue her loud sobbing. She looked down as Ukitake continued to forward only stopping to pat her on her back trying to comfort her. She had yet to shed a tear since arriving here with Yachiru and Rukia. She was standing in between her friend and role model. But she could feel nothing. Just a hollow emptiness as she watched Rangiku dropped to the floor in a sobbing crumbled heap.

"IT'S NOT FAIR! NO! SHE CANT-"She choked up, and Kiyone could feel it. She could feel the burn of tears on the corner of her eyes. "ISANE! Oh my god! PLEASE!" She could feel Yachiru stiffen next to her as Rangiku broke down in loud wails.

None of the captains moved to pick her up or comfort her. Because they knew this feeling. This pain, they were familiar with. Isane was just another body to bury. And that made Kiyone angry. She could feel her hands ball up into tight fists at her sides. Not Isane. Isane didn't deserve this, Isane wasn't just some replaceable lieutenant. Her loyalty was not replaceable. There wasn't anyone in the whole damn sereiti that had even half the heart her sister did. Her sister made so much sacrifices to get her title and it was being buried away with her like it didn't fucking matter.

She glared ahead of her at all the captains. They were standing straight and tall as if this was merely a captains meeting.

Her eyes shifted over to Rangiku. They only person who could not stand through the entire burial with a stone straight face. The only one who was letting her emotions swallow her up.

Shunsui stepped out of the crowd and crouched next to her, trying to help her off the ground. She slapped him away angrily. She yelled out her older sister name again. And she flinched. She could feel it. Feel the raw pain. The sadness, the anger. It was starting to suffocate her now. The one thing she had been dreading. Loneliness. She tried to take a deep breath, but it felt like her lungs were filled with water. Christ. She wished Rangiku would stop. It hurt too much.

Tears feel to the ground and she stared down at them in anger and amazement. When had she started crying? She didn't think she would even have any tears left after the long cold week had passes by. She remembered the stabbing feeling of cold fright when they had brought her sister back.

She was trying not to feel it though. She had numbed herself for past week so she wouldn't feel this. This pain. She clutched her chest and wheezed loudly. Why did it feel like there wasn't any air? Like she wasn't breathing.




She dropped to her knees writhing.

She hadn't thought about it till now…

What was she supposed to do without Isane? Her older sister?

Isane was the only family she had left…

And she had just been murdered by Tomakazu.

She wasn't coming back….This was it

It seemed strange when they had brought back her lifeless body. And odd feeling…hope had blossomed within her. Hope that Orihime would have returned to heal the gashing wound in her chest. But she didn't. Her eyes narrowed in hatred. She did not come back- not even for her own lieutenant. She abandoned her captain duties to run off with her husband and that damned arrancar. She abandoned Isane.

Her precious older sister who was just doing her job. Holding up to the lieutenants duties with honor. Helping her captain when she was nothing but a filthy traitor.

And where had that gotten her?

In a damn casket

Faintly she could feel her crumpled form being lifted. Looking up she watched as her captain carried her away from the burial grounds. She couldn't handle this. It felt as if it was yesterday she was sitting in the dango shop with Isane and Yachiru talking about nothing and everything. It was finally hitting her.

Isane wasn't coming back.

Isane…was dead

Kiyone snatched her captains' coat and yanked it to her like a lifeline.

A blood curling shrill scream echoed in the funeral that had every head turning her away in shock.


Ichigo growled as he pushed ahead of Renji and Byakuya. 'How could I let this happen?' he thought taking another large leap that left him a good mile or so ahead of Renji. 'I told her to stay put dammit!'

"Look Ichigo, I know you're pissed right now-but we have a mission to take care of."

Ichigo ignored him. He only had one mission on his mind right now, and that was to get Orihime away from the battle field and then throttle her for being so damn careless. Brown eyes were set in determination. And right now he didn't give a rats ass about whatever mission head captain and Byakuya's squad on. He was a substitute soul reaper. He was not a part of Byakuyas squad.

His purpose was to protect Karakura town all the people in it. Including his madding girlfriend who thought it was okay to sneak off into the battle of greater foe. He could feel his hand bleeding where he had clenched too tighly onto Zangetsu.

He was in the middle of a meeting with the head captain when Rukia had inturupted to give her report. And when she said that Ukitake, Komura, and Orihime were in the battle field Zangetsu had almost sliced through all his fingers. It was ridiculous, sending little Orihime off to war. When they were dismissed Rukia had simply pat him on the back and said, "Orihimes stronger then you think." And with promise to look after her she was off.

That had been hours ago. What was the stat report now?

Ichigo looked over his shoulder at Byakuya and his third seat. Byakuya simply sighed and shook his head.

"Ichigo Kurosaki."

The orange haired male waited.

"You have my permission to join the battle."

Renji sputtered. And Ichigo almost forgot that he would be worried about his fiancée too.

"Renji, you will accompany him."

Ichigo stopped and looked at Byakuya and a steady understanding passed by them. Although Byakuya didn't have a wife or fiancée to look out for anymore. He still knew what it felt like. The odd twinge of fear a man felt when his woman was in danger. The irritation to be felt when you didn't trust anyone to look after her except you. And usually he would disregard these petty feelings but…

He smirked as Ichigo turned around swiftly ready to take off with Renji.

" ."

They both turned back.

"If anything happens to Rukia."

Renji flinched, and Ichigo stiffened.

"I will kill you."

With both of them running off with their tails between their legs he smiled.

He smiled.

He didn't trust anyone with Rukias safety.

But if he had to, it would be them.


Yukiko yelped as she was practically thrown across the roof. She skidded and rolled onto her legs using her hands to stop her from free falling of the building.

Her eyes snapped around the surroundings trying to calculate how far away from home the hallow thing had taken her.

They were downtown. In the heart of Karakura city. On the tallest building. She looked up at him now dressed in his white shihaksho with Zangetsu hanging from his shoulder. His back was facing her as he looked out into the bright city lights. He was a safe distance away from her, but it did nothing to reassure her. He was fast. She knew if he wanted to he could snap her neck quicker than a nano second. And with his temper, and fly-off-the-handle personality she did not want to be on his bad side.

She let out a humorless laugh.

'Too late for that' she thought before looking back up at him. Only to fall on her rear with a shriek. The hollow crouched down in front of her. His eyes staring into hers fearlessly. So unlike the way everyone else coward before the silver orbs.

Shiro watched her warily as she continued to back up to the edge off the roof and wondered if she thought she would stand a better chance falling then have a polite conversation with him. He shrugged. If she wanted to die so badly then so be it.

Maybe after she finished answering his questions he would throw her off. He grinned.

If he still had time that is.

Ever since he had left the dingy run down shop the kido spell had been released. Which meant Yoruichi and Urahara would come looking for him. Shiro sighed.

"whats your plan kid?"


Shiro growled as she inched backward again. She must really want to get thrown off this damn roof.

Fine then.

He heard her gasp as he snatched her wrist and yanked her up in one movement.

Golden orbs watched. Obviously bored as Yukiko let out a scream.

He watched her uninterestedly as she thrashed and turned. And he wondered if she was trying to get out of his grasp, or trying to get back on the building she seemed so eager to leave a few seconds ago.

He swung her around until she stopped moving, fearful he would drop her. She gulped as she closed her eyes trying not to look down at the bustling cars that seemed like ants from up her.


"Where is Tsubaki?"

The terrified girl gulped and immediately started to recollect herself. She look down.

"Tsubaki is in H-Hueco Mundo."

No surprise. Shiro scratched his head


"I don't know-"

Shiro let go of her and she didn't have time to scream as gravity did its work.

Shiro looked down at her, and at the last minute caught her by her wrist. He crouched down holding onto the wrist lightly. As if he didn't really mind if she slipped out of his grasp. Her other hand came up to clamp on his wrist in blind panic. "Are you crazy?!"

"I don't have time for games."

She looked back up, tears burning the corners of her eyes.


"I know you don't" He snorted, "But you have a theory."

He looked down into her tear stricken face.

"Let's hear it."

Yukiko gulped. She had thought that Ichigos hollow was only meant for fighting. That he wouldn't be so intelligent. That he wouldn't be able to talk like he was with her now. She looked down catching a glimpse of a death that would surely be painful. And she wondered if she would hopefully die before she hit the ground. Gulping she looked back up to him.

She didn't want anyone to know her plan for Orihime and the baby. Not even her father knew. Although maybe he did…and just wasn't interfering because he wanted to see the outcome. He was a scientist like herself.

Yukiko looked down at the floor beneath her. She frowned. Yes. She would probably pick death over letting her plan burst to shreds right now. Either way she would probably be dead. If she told the manic her plans now surely he would kill her before she could execute it.

Yukikos heart leapt out of her chest when the hollow let go of her and swiftly drew his sword. She didnt even know who was screaming so loud and shrill as she tried to hold on to something. Anything that would keep her from her death. Her hair whipped around her now loose from a pony tail and she faintly got a glimpse of the ground below. Oddly it felt like it was getting farther away. Her body flaied and thrashed wildly and she began to register that the loud ear screeching scream belonged to her.

She was going to die.

Everything that she worked so hard for was all done for.


She held onto her throat as her lungs burned for air. She wasn't breathing. There wasn't any air. She would die of suffocation before she hit the ground.


She didn't know why she was calling for her mother right now.

She opened her mouth and nothing came out. She looked like a gaping fish. She no longer had strength the toss her body about in the air. And as the ground grew closer she closed her eyes and succumbed to her fate.

That's when she felt it. Warmth.

Nice comforting warmth. And she smiled a little as she felt the warming off her mother hold crushing her to her. She opened her chapped blue lips to say something to her. But she couldn't. Oddly she began wondering if she was in shock.

"Yukiko. Are you okay? Speak to me! Are you alright?!" Yorucihi growled as her daughters silver eyes began to close. She pressed her ear against her chest and sighed in relief. She was fine.

She was a tough girl.

Yoruichi stood and looked up towards the roof where she had bearded witness to her daughter being dangled from only a few moments ago.

Urahara was up there.

She looked down at Yukiko and sighed.

She would leave this battle to him then. Right now she had to get her daughter to Orihime so she could assess the damage.

A/N- Cool…I brought Gotei 13 into 2015 with me. Now a lot of you are probably wondering about that little flash back piece I stuffed in there. Well its Ichigo an Orihimes long awaited death scene. The rest will show up in the next chapter. All of it. So get ready. And I know. Is everyone pissed off about Yukiko not telling even THE HOLLOW what her little devious plan is? Well don't worry…that in the next chapter too. She will now get away with it!

-sigh- anyone else feel bad for Kiyone?
