Pre-Prologue (Prequel Summary)

Because of a review I received early on in the posting of the story, I will chronicle the events that happened in the prequel. Feel free to skip this part or leave it for later since it won't be much storytelling, and just a lot of dictation.

Following the events of Battle of the Labyrinth, Kronos' army is crushed and Percy is beginning to feel his magic grow stronger. Percy than fights Kronos on the Princess Andromeda, and Beckendorf seemingly dies. Eventually, Percy goes to the Styx to assure he can learn more powerful magic. He faces Hades there and reunites Nico and Hades as a family. After gaining the trust of the god of the underworld, Percy learned advanced magic from Oranos.

Zeus holds a festival in order to boost the morale of the campers and Olympians. Percy enters and faces off against the Athena cabin, only to end up losing by a slim margin because Athena used Percy's affection for Annabeth to her advantage. Athena then threatens Percy, who was trying to be humble. Enraged, Percy storms out of the arena.

While traveling the backstreets of Olympus, Percy is approached by a mysterious cloaked figure. This turns out to be Jeff, the first human ever created and Oranos' assistant and long-time friend. He leads Percy to Oranos, who then strikes a deal with him: He will teach Percy to hone his skills to fight Kronos, and in return Oranos will help Percy get on Athena's good side. Percy accepts and begins training in secret.

Seeking revenge, Percy arrives at the annual immortal games to see a victorious Athena having won the tournament once again. He challenges her on spot, and after a rigorous battle, Athena sends him off a cliff, believing herself to be the winner. But Percy uses his newfound magical abilities to fly and battle Athena, using an illegal magical skill to finish her off. This nets him $100,000 and drachma, but also lands him in front of the Olympian court. The last vote comes down to Athena, and, having been threatened, she votes in favor of Percy's life. The two strike an uneasy alliance.

As the battles with Kronos grow in number, Percy finds himself practicing/studying more and more, and eventually his friends grow worried. Annabeth begins to grow angry, and after an emotionally charged conversation, the two of them break up.

Percy then requests control over the Olympian forces. The gods agree, and Percy sets out to find the spy. He determines that it is Silena, and using magic he transforms his voice to fool Kronos into an attack on a gorge. While Kronos' army is inside the gorge, the Olympian troops and demigods fire down on them. After this battle Percy confronts Silena, and she agrees to start fooling Kronos. Silena sets a trap for Kronos, and the army moves to that area. The night before, Percy and Silena decide to become a couple.

Kronos meets them at the battle site. Seeing he is ambushed and has been betrayed by Silena, he grows incredibly angry and confused. He then calms himself and bargains again with Silena, showing how he has been keeping Beckendorf alive (Beckendorf is sleeping at the time). Silena struggles between losing her boyfriend and also the fact that she and Percy began romantic relations, but at the last moment Beckendorf wakes up and tells Silena to give him up. Kronos angrily brings Beckendorf out of sight, and the Olympian army attacks him again at risk of Beckendorf's death.

Eventually Kronos defeats the wind gods and arrives on a small field outside the main city of Olympus. He creates an arena of fire and challenges Percy to battle, all while hiding Beckendorf (who is still alive) behind his army lines. He explains to Percy how he saw potential in him and wished he could have joined him. In a last ditch effort to convert Percy, Kronos cites how the gods will betray because he is too powerful. When Percy refuses, Kronos grows angry, stating how he will have to succeed in order to fix Olympus and bring about an era of peace. Percy defeats him and sends him down to the Earth after hearing a warning from the titan, and Kronos lies in a coma in the center of Central Park. Since Beckendorf is tied to his lifeline, the cage which contained him is also thrown to the ground, and Beckendorf is badly injured. Meanwhile, the heroes rejoice.

Percy wakes up at the Olympian Council meeting, and soon the gods begin to vote to have him destroyed. The vote comes to 6-6, without Athena having voted.

(Tally of Votes- Save Percy: Poseidon, Hades, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus. Kill Percy: Demeter, Zeus, Aphrodite, Hera, Dionysus, Ares). Athena votes to kill Percy, breaking his trust. Zeus tries to revoke his vote, but Percy ignores him. Enraged, Percy states that Kronos was right and seemingly commits suicide. Zeus, finally changed, defiantly votes to have a funeral commemorating Percy's death. The vote passes, and the gods proceed with their lives. The prequel ends there.

Other notable changes: Percy meets with Silena's godfather/uncle before the 3rd book, and also is closer friends with Silena to begin with.