Together Again

Chapter 1: Birth

Did you know? They say that the reason a newborn cries is because they are remembering their past life.

"I can see his head," a nurse called out and Vivian groaned as another powerful contraction made its way through her body. Her fingers tightened on Louis's hand, crushing his fingers together, but even that couldn't wipe off the expression of apprehension and barely suppressed excitement from his face.

"Alright Mrs. Rivaille, one more push now. Give it everything you've got," the doctor instructed. Vivian threw her head back on the bed and her face screwed up, pain, exhaustion, concentration, and perhaps even fear mixing on her face. "He's out!" the nurse from before said, holding the child up as the other nurses hustled over, carrying soft towels and water over

Seconds passed as they waited for the child to start crying. They waited for what had felt like an eternity, but it was more akin to approximately two minutes, the child began to cry. The cries were loud from the get-go, ringing through the room and audible, even in the hall. Louis blinked in confusion; did a newborn's cry usual sound so distraught, so empty, or was he just imagining things?

"Date of birth is October third, nineteen-ninety-one at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. So, Mr. Rivaille, would you like to cut the cord?"

Louis stroked his wife's cheek as they gaze at their newborn son who was snuggled up against his mother. The little boy, despite being born nearly three weeks prematurely, was healthy, albeit he was a little small. Vivian turned and kissed Louis gently on the mouth, her face exhausted but glowing. "He's perfect," she murmured, "Our little Levi." Louis smiled and nodded, "You're mother said she couldn't wait to meet him. She said that she would be here in an hour." Vivian smiled, "I take that the weather in Norway cleared up enough." Louis nodded, "Not much, but it was enough for takeoff." Vivian smiled and leaned her head on Louis's shoulder, her eyes closing as she joined her son in sleep.

In the week since Levi had been born, Levi and Vivian had been cleared to leave the hospital. Vivian's mother had come to see Levi, something that brightened the dying woman's spirits. The door opened slowly and a man with brown hair and glasses peered in, "I hope now is a good time because I'm not sure Carla is willing to wait any longer to see the little Levi.

Louis grinned and the door was thrown further open before he could reply. Carla strode into the room, smiling broadly. "Oh Vivian, Louis, he's so beautiful!" she squeaked, moving in for a closer look. "Oh, he's going to be a hit with the ladies alright!" Carla declared, "Who wouldn't love those lovely gray eyes?"

Grisha and Louis exchanged grins while Vivian smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Would you like to hold him Carla?" Carla smiled shyly, suddenly nervous and timid, "Um, I'm not really sure how-" Vivian lifted Levi from the crook of her arm where he had been sleeping peacefully and cradled Levi demonstratively. "Like this," she said encouragingly before holding Levi out.

Carla took Levi into her arms gently, her face softening as she gazed down at the little boy. Vivian smiled and leaned back. Louis absently reached down and stroked her hand as he turned to Grisha, his face serious. "Grisha, Vivian and I have been talking and we've decided upon something." Grisha raised an eyebrow, his hazel eyes questioning.

"If you two are willing, would you like to become Levi's godfather?" Carla's head snapped up, her eyes wide with shock, Grisha's face mimicking his fiancée's expression. "Louis, are you sure about that?" Grisha inquired after a moment, "I mean, have you two really thought about that choice." "Oh don't be stupid," Vivian said, waving her hand in the air, "Of course we've discussed it. I wouldn't want anyone but you two to be Levi's godparents," Vivian said with a grin.

"But I do have one request." With that sentence, her usual humorous manner disappeared, becoming startlingly serious. "If anything ever happens to us, would you two be willing to raise Levi as your own son? We all know that my mother's chemo isn't working; she won't be with us for much longer. Since neither have any other relations, we would like for Levi to go into your care should anything happen to us."

Silence followed her words. Grisha and Carla looked at each other, startled by Vivian's words, but Louis simply nodded in agreement. "Well…" Grisha began, "Carla and I would need to talk about this because I don't want to make a decision she won't agree with. We'll have an answer by tonight, I promise." Louis stood, a grin breaking out on his face, "Grisha my friend, take all the time in the world."

The papers had been signed, the affairs had been settled, the funerals had been arranged, and the burials had taken place. Carla and Grisha stood before the shared tombstone, tears leaking from their eyes and falling to the cold, unforgiving, freshly-upturned earth. Grisha squeezed Carla's hand fighting to keep it together as he looked at the shared grave, trying hard no to cry and failing miserably.

"At… at least they died together," Carla whispered as she adjusted her hold on the small child in her arms. The child looked up at her, his gray-blue eyes oddly expressionless; the look on his face looked like someone who understood the pain of death, even though someone of his age couldn't possibly understand.

Here lies Louis and Vivian Rivaille.

12/09/1950 – 12/10/1991

05/21/1948 – 12/10/1991

A loving couple that died long before their time. We will miss you forever and keep your memory alive.

Notre promesse est notre lien.

Levi was barely two months old when his life was torn apart and put back together, one piece still missing.

Chapter 1: End

Alright I am finally back to writing (and posting...) Some notes for the story:


Louis is a French name, just thought I'd clarify that for you guys. It's pronounced 'Louie.'

Eren will eventually make his debut, but don't ask when or how.

Rating may eventually go up depending on what kind of turns go in this...

Notre promesse est notre lien means 'Our promise is our link,' in French. Although I was using Google Translate...

This is based off of a doujin I read while on Tumblr but if I told you which one and linked it that would give the story away! I'll link it on the veeeeery last chapter.

Thank you for reading.