Title: Home

Author: Megan Faye

Rated: PG

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who

Author's Note: This started out as a small one-shot, and snowballed. Here's hoping for another good story!

Rose stepped back into the TARDIS. She explained to Bradley, who laughed heartily, pressed a few buttons, and gestured to the door. This time when Rose opened the door, it was morning, and Jackie was ready to go. Tony was awake and dressed, and her father wore a fine suit. They followed her into the wardrobe.

"This is so beautiful! Tony, look at the dolphin!"

"Fissy!" the little boy called, pointing at the creatures. "Mee-mo!"

"Yeah, Nemo!"

"Good morning. Welcome to TARDIS airlines. I'm Bradley, your grandson, host, and pilot. We're expecting a smooth flight today, with no turbulence, and no atmosphere. Hold on to the railing for take-off and landing in 3...2...1." The TARDIS shook for a second.

"Nice take-off," Pete commented.

"That was the landing. We're here."

Jackie took a deep breath. The three seconds before she opened the door, an eternity passed in her mind. She'd never stepped on another planet. She was now the alien. The sky would be different. Four years earlier, her daughter's workplace was blown up, and that was what started all of this. Four years earlier, she'd offered her bed to the person who is now her son-in-law. She now had grandchildren, who could fly a TARDIS. Her grandchildren weren't the same species as she was. She was now in an alternate demention, married to her dead husband, with a second child, and they were discussing more children. Her mother thought she was dead, and her counter-part in this world lost both parents years ago. The Doctor had a very handsome son who was a pilot. The Doctor was directly responsible for her current situation, from about to take her first step onto an alien world, to happily married to the love of her life, to Rose and Tony's happy lives. It was a round-a-bout way to get there, but she would have to thank him for getting them there. He saved them from being ordinary.

"Mum? All right, then?"

"Yeah. Just happy." She opened the door and stepped into red grass.

The meal had been so vast, and so delicious, it had taken 12 hours for the party to break up. The Doctor and his children told stories of their adventures, with Rose adding in commentary. Pete and The Doctor's father discussed what traditions would be passed down to this child that was expected. Jackie and The Doctor's daughter got to know one another. The party fell silent when a loud bell started to ring in a tower. The servants came and began cleaning up the party.

"What's going on?" Rose asked.

"The best way to explain it is...well...they have to go to church. Today is a holiday, and they have to go pray to the Gods for the next 3 hours. Kind of like the Mormons in America do." Rose nodded. "I'm the hippie. Left the church as a youngster and never looked back.


"Because, it wasn't me. Only 4 of my children attend. My father only went for my mother, who was human, and Mormon. Breakfast with the two of them was hilarious. He'd fallen in-love with Earth coffee, and it is absolutely against the Mormon religion. He'd try and sneak it, but she could smell it on him from a kilometer away."

"Son," his father called. "We'd love for you to join us."

"No thanks. Ever the free-spirited will-o-the-wisp. I'll return often," he offered. His father hugged him tightly.

"It is so good to have you home, even if you aren't him, who still wasn't him." The old man winked. "You're still him." The old man hugged his boy once more.

"Now what?" Rose asked The Doctor.

"We get a proper TARDIS and see the universe? Together?" His family started filing out of the building to begin the walk to the temple.

"Wife. Pregnant. Not up to planet-hoping."

"Are you staying here, Father?" one of his children asked. The Doctor shook his head.

"I'm going back to Earth," he told them. "I'm taking a vacation for the next 20 years or so. Maybe we'll watch the moon landing in this universe. See what all is so different." Rose rolled her eyes.

"Enjoy yourself, son. Visit us." The Doctor smiled as his father tossed him a set of keys. "We still have that rattle-trap you "borrowed" from your grandmother. It's in storage. It might need an upgrade or two before it is flight-worth."

It had been powered down for thirty years. Upon his entering, The Doctor winced. It had obviously crash-landed, very hard. His counterpart had apparently crashed it in the middle of the meeting room, where the Dalek leaders and the Time Lord ministers were in a screaming match. A Time Lord pulled a weapon, and The Doctor stopped it. He died, in front of his wife, father, and grandfather. The echo of his death was still ringing in the TARDIS.

"Hello, old friend," he said resting a hand on a panel. "I'm not him, but I'm him. If you'll let me, I'll take you on a few adventures again. We'll scare up some troubles. You were a happy little TARDIS on Earth. We'll go back to the beach." The TARDIS started to glow weakly. He used his sonic screwdriver to help it power up. The engines whined. "I'll even take the brake off. Get some real speed for you, you sexy TARDIS!" The lights came on, and the interior starts to repair itself and rebuild. "How about that Coral one? It has always been my favorite!"

Rose and Jenny took that time to get to know The Doctor's children, who hadn't gone to the temple. Jenny looked very much like one of her brothers, who had never regenerated. Several of his children were within their first body.

"What did he look like?" Rose asked. "When he was a boy, what color were his eyes?"

"Oh, he looked remarkably like me," a man said. "He had sandy brown hair, big brown eyes-"

"And a nose a mile long! But don't worry. Even if he hadn't been human when you decided to have a baby, the baby would look like his current form. Everything changes, down to the DNA." The man, whose name Rose couldn't possibly pronounce without a second tongue, looked about 90. He was well into his 400's and on his 5th regeneration.

"Do you always come back as a man?"

"No, I've been a woman, and a gender that doesn't typically exist in a humanoid body. Regeneration in a TARDIS can be a bit tricky. Dad's was always set to human. We're typically human form. Those that aren't, well, that's what the perception filter is for. He," the old man said, pointing to one of his brothers. "He is in the form of a male Cat nurse/ priest. But there's a perception filter that makes him look human to humans."


"Rose, Jenny!" The Doctor called. He was back in his suit, tie, long brown coat, and Converse shoes.

"I supposed we're off then."

"Oh, my children," The Doctor murmured, looking at them all. "I love you, and I'll be back. Come out to Earth and meet your sister when she arrives!" There was a hum of agreement. Long hugs all around were had, and then he opened the door to the TARDIS. Rose felt the rush of anticipation that came only when following The Doctor onto the ship. It looked almost the same, but without the worn-out chairs, and bolts everywhere. It was clean. "So, shall we go home, my lovely wife?"

"Not yet." The Doctor smiled. "I want another adventure."

"Well, then. Let's have another adventure! ALLONS-Y!"

Author's Note:Thank for reading! I'm already working on a sequel, tentatively titled "Return to Grace." Allons-y!

Also, I couldn't resist putting in a "Jenny? Jenny Who?" in there.