I wasn't going to write this so soon after finishing 'In the Aftermath' but these two have clung to me like a burr and decided they had more of a story to tell. In just a few weeks I had nine chapters down so I thought let's get this out there. Just so you know, I'm going straight to an 'M' rating as I've decided to explore the couple's more intimate relationship which I decided to keep out of 'In the Aftermath' mainly because of the backstory, but I feel enough time has passed within the context of this story to do it.

Servants scattered like startled chickens, stepping aside and bowing, as the Queen of Ferelden marched determinedly though the halls of the Royal Palace of Denerim, her personal guards trailing in her wake as she made her way to the apartments within the palace set aside for the Teryn of Highever. Elissa had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of her older brother for over a week; ever since she had received a missive of great personal importance. Now that he had arrived, she wasted no time in seeking him out so that she could become fully abreast of the situation. The sudden and unexpected news that he intended to remarry had left Elissa with a great sense of disquiet, despite Fergus' assurances that he was happy with the match. The murder of his first wife and their child had left Fergus devastated, not least because he felt that he should have been there to protect them when their home had been sacked by Rendon Howe, who had conspired with their late and unlamented younger brother to slay the rest of the Cousland family. Both surviving Cousland siblings had suffered a year of trials during the Blight, and both bore scars, physical and emotional, as the result of their experiences.

Their respective recoveries had been slow and often fraught with pain. Elissa had been blessed enough to find a loving husband in the new King of Ferelden, but it had taken Fergus a lot longer to come to terms with what had happened to their family. Still, the Teyrn of Highever had made an excellent choice in his new bride and Elissa had not missed the court gossip over the summer surrounding his new interest, despite being mostly preoccupied by the birth of her son. Bann Alfstanna of Waking Sea was a sharp witted woman who was a talented ruler in her own right and not some husband hunting noble who looked to marry so she could advance her status. At least Elissa had been able to take some solace from that fact.

Still, it would not hurt to just check in with her brother, and to see if the thought of marriage at least drew a smile to his face. He had been so reticent about the idea of remarrying that Elissa had wondered whether he ever would. It was this sudden change of heart that concerned her; was Fergus really ready to start a new family with a new wife, or was he simply bowing to duty and doing what was required of him? If it was the latter, then she hoped that she could dissuade him for a bit, lest he end up trapped in a hollow, loveless marriage. Neither he, nor Bann Alfstanna, deserved an unhappy union in the name of quieting a few ambitious lords who were already looking at the Cousland lands and pondering what would become of them if new heir was not born.

Elissa reached the residence of the Teyrn of Highever, and as she always did when she reached the rooms, she paused for a moment to remember Oren and Oriana and her beloved parents. She remembered staying in these rooms with her parents when she was formally introduced to court life in her fifteenth summer. She recalled the seemingly grand and exciting luxury of being received by the King at court for her first season among the adult nobility; that was before she discovered her blood was nothing more than a bargaining chip in the never ending quest for nobles to gain more power and wealth. Still, she had happy memories of this place with her family. She remembered each of the deceased members of her family, even her younger brother despite the circumstances of his death and her hand in it. Sometimes, she prayed more for him and his redemption than she did for the memory of the rest of them.

She sighed, pushing away the difficult and conflicting thoughts that always followed her around when it came to Aedan. She needed to focus on Fergus and Alfstanna so she could satisfy her concerns for her brother and his prospective bride.

'Fergus?' she called out as she made her way to the study. Given that it took the better part of two weeks to travel from Highever to Denerim, and as Fergus took his duties as Teyrn seriously, Elissa had little doubt that he would be in the study going over whatever correspondence had been diverted since his departure from home. 'Fergus?' she called again.

She pushed the door to the study open with only the barest hint of a knock. Having called out several times to announce her presence, she assumed she had given him enough warning but she immediately regretted barging in on him. Elissa walked in to find her brother entangled in a passionate embrace with the woman he planned to present to the king as his betrothed. Her interruption caused them to spring apart as she looked away to disguise the smirk that forced its way onto her face. Seeing her otherwise stoic brother looking as flustered as he had done as a youth when she had caught him in a similar tryst with Oriana was quite amusing.

'Elissa,' he said, righting his clothes as she glanced back at him to check it was safe to fully engage him in conversation. 'To what do I owe the pleasure?'

Elissa bit down on her lip, trying not to laugh at the fact that two grown adults currently looked as if they had been caught behaving in some illicit manner by their parents. Alfstanna curtseyed low to Elissa, bowing her head and acknowledging her demurely by her title, while Fergus simply crossed his arms and glowered at her. It had always been a relief to her that Fergus was not in the least bit intimidated by her status as Queen and only ever used her titles when they were at formal gatherings. The rest of the time they were merely siblings who adored and frustrated each other in equal measure.

'My apologies,' she said, smiling slightly. 'Should I give you both a few more moments?'

Fergus gave her a pointed look, which only served to make her smile all the wider. 'No, not at all,' he said, not adding that whatever moment they had been engaged in had been ruined by his younger sister just barging in. 'I was not expecting to see you so soon after my arrival.'

'Well, you can't just inform me of your intention to marry without getting a swift response upon your arrival,' she replied in a mildly chiding manner that was slightly reminiscent of their mother. Next to him, Alfstanna prepared to excuse herself, but Elissa turned and smiled at the Bann. 'Please, don't leave on my account. I must confess I only came to see whether my brother was truly happy with the union. I didn't intend to interrupt anything.'

Alfstanna smiled a little shyly. Although the King and Queen of Ferelden held her in high esteem and was on favourable terms with the monarchs, she had never engaged with them in matters that could be considered as personal. Elissa didn't really know much about the Bann of Waking Sea, save for the fact that she had given Alistair her support before the Landsmeet that made him King after he had discovered the whereabouts of her captive brother, and had since remained a staunch ally. However, right now, she appeared a little tongue tied by Elissa's presence and seemed content to let Fergus do all the talking.

Fergus's annoyance dimmed a little as he caught Elissa's tone of voice; the evident concern and her regret on intruding on such a personal moment were so sincere he could not fault his sister's actions. 'All is well, dear sister,' he said warmly. 'Now unless there was some other matter of great import…?'

'None at all,' she assured him, shaking her head and smiling. 'I must be getting back, but we'll see you both for dinner tonight?'

'Of that you can be sure,' replied Fergus with a warm smile, reaching over and taking Alfstanna's hand.

Elissa nodded, smiling as she turned away, looking forward to passing this bit of information on to Alistair.

Alistair could not believe what he was reading, well he could, but it didn't make stomaching any of it any easier. He knew this issue had been looming on the horizon, but he had not thought that Eamon would push the matter so soon, particularly as Alistair had already made his thoughts on the matter known to the Arl of Redcliffe in no uncertain terms. When Elissa found out, which she would when she returned from wherever she had vanished to, she would not take the suggestion in front of him well at all. In fact, he could very well see her stepping out of her usual role as his consort to address the matter herself, as it was a personal issue that Eamon was attempting to advise upon. He'd actually pay good money to see Elissa tear strips off the interfering Arl.

He glanced up at the sound of the door to his private apartments open to see his wife, clad in an ivory and gold gown, step across the threshold with a rapidly diminishing smile on her face – did he really look that angry about the letter in his hand? Without a word, she walked over to the other entrance to the study used by the chamberlain and any guests attending an audience with him, and swiftly locked it. Safe from interruptions, she turned with a concerned look on her face.

'What is it, my love?' she asked as she walked over to join him at the desk.

Alistair leant back in his chair and held up the letter he had been reading. 'Eamon,' he said simply.

Elissa's eyes narrowed; she was highly suspicious of the Arl and his motives. Whatever warmth that had started to develop between them after death of Arlessa Isolde had rapidly diminished following the birth of their son, and then frozen over the moment Eamon had suggested they start thinking about a betrothal for Eóin. According to the Arl, it was all in the name of securing Eóin's future succession. However, Alistair suspected that Eamon was just keen to regain some level of influence over the monarchs at any cost. With Alistair having ousted him as the chancellor, the Arl was simply looking at other means in reintegrate himself into life at court, despite having a young daughter to look after. Betrothing his daughter to the Crown Prince would go a long way towards restoring his lost prestige among the nobility, and assure him of greater political influence in the years to come.

Elissa took the letter from him and sat down in a chair on the opposite side of the desk as she unfolded the vellum. The last of her initial good humour visibly faded from her face, leaving her blue eyes as hard as ice. 'I thought you told him that our plans for Eóin didn't include an early betrothal,' she said as she folded the letter back up and gave it back to her husband.

'I did,' said Alistair, 'he didn't listen.'

Elissa got up and walked over to the window to gaze out over the snow covered garden. 'Now there's a surprise,' she said sardonically. 'You know why he is pushing the matter, don't you?'

'Of course I do,' replied Alistair.

'I want to protect him from being nothing more than a stepping stone to power as long as we can,' said Elissa, turning to face her husband and leaning against the window ledge. 'I want him to have as normal an upbringing as we can give him in these circumstances, and that doesn't include 'selling' him to the daughter of the highest bidder.'

'I know that, Elissa,' he reminded her gently as he got out of his chair. 'And I agree with you.'

She smiled sadly; they had discussed their plans for their son and how they wanted to conduct the affairs that would be linked to him as the heir to the throne of Ferelden. A childhood betrothal had been one of the first things they had decided against. They were both aware that their relationship was a rarity in the higher echelons of the nobility, based as it was on love and not simply an arrangement for political advantage through marriage. Despite that, their union was politically advantageous for Alistair, as it put Ferelden's most powerful and respected noble house firmly in support of the Crown. Few nobles would actively speak out against any measure that was supported by both the sitting monarchs and the Teyrn of Highever, meaning Alistair's decisions largely passed through the Landsmeet without any major objection. However, in spite of the political advantages that could undoubtedly be achieved through betrothing their son to the daughter of another noble family, Alistair and Elissa had agreed that their son would at least have half a chance at finding the same sort of happiness they had, or at least make an informed decision as to who would rule the country with him and bear his heirs.

Alistair joined her, slowly sliding his hands over her waist and pressing a kiss behind her ear which made her shiver. He smirked as he did it again, this time gently sucking the sensitive spot as her arms came up around his neck and head rolled back with a soft sigh escaping her lips. He pulled back, pressing a kiss to her nose and trying not to laugh that she looked a little put out by the fact that he had stopped.

'Tease,' she muttered under her breath as she kissed him back, wishing that he would take her back to their bed for a few hours. Judging by the pile of unopened missives sat on his desk, it was unlikely; such was the lot of a King. The run up to First Day was always busy as the nobles returned to the city for the festivities.

He tucked a stray lock of her ebony hair behind her ear as he smiled. 'What were you in such a good mood about?' he asked her.

'Oh,' she said, 'I just had some news from my brother.'

'So soon after his arrival?' he asked teasingly.

'You know full well that I've known of this news for over a week,' she pointed out.

Alistair smiled one of those charming, lopsided grins that made his eyes sparkle with mischief. 'Soooo?' he asked. 'What's this news that you've painstakingly kept secret and now want to tell me?'

Elissa couldn't help but return the smile, particularly as she was happy about the news she was about to relay to him. 'Fergus wishes to present Bann Alfstanna to the court as his betrothed.'

'About time,' Alistair replied, leaving his wife astounded. 'You think I didn't know about it? The court was literally buzzing with the news over the summer, not to mention your brother and I talked about it when he was last here.'

'And you didn't tell me?' she pouted.

'Fergus didn't want you to worry and you were busy with Eóin,' he pointed out. 'Besides, he hadn't made a final decision and he worried you would be moved to fretting if you knew he was thinking about it.'

Elissa crossed her arms over her chest and glowered at him. 'Fret? Me? I do not fret!' she replied haughtily.

'Right, yes,' said Alistair in mock seriousness as he nodded his head. 'So that's not what I've been witnessing over the past week? So sorry.'

Elissa stared at him, her mouth open. 'I hate you,' she said without heat, amusement dancing in her eyes.

'No you don't,' he said, his hands sliding up her back again before stroking her neck as he leant in to kiss her over her crossed arms.

She unlocked her arms and slid her hands over his waist, going to her tip toes to continue kissing him as he left a trail of blazing hot kisses over her jaw. Elissa hummed contentedly as his hands slide down her front cupping her breasts through the fabric of her gown. She wanted him now, like a hungry and wanton woman, kissing him back enthusiastically. Alistair had unlocked something in her over the course of their marriage, freeing her of the horrors of her past. He loved her, utterly and completely, as if she were the only thing he could see under the Maker's Sun. Well, the only thing besides their beloved son Eóin, and truly, how could she mind sharing that space with their beautiful prince?

Alistair gathered her in his arms, lifting her off her feet so that she was right on the tips of her toes. While passionate, his kisses were still tender and sweet never once crossing over the point where her joy at these intimate moments could become something close to fear. However, Elissa doubted she could ever feel fear when she was in his arms, not now, not ever.

Then a soft cry from their private quarters broke the moment. They didn't let go of one another but they turned together to look at the door. Alistair chuckled at their son's timing, knowing that now he was awake any passion that had been building between them would have to wait until later. Still, it didn't stop him stealing one last kiss from his beloved.

Elissa smiled, her blue eyes sparkling at him. 'I dismissed Ari for a few hours,' she said, regretfully pulling away from him. 'You should join us if you have a spare hour.'

Alistair looked back at the pile of unopened letters and documents on his desk that he hadn't even gotten around to despite it being the early afternoon. 'Why not,' he decided, 'it's not as if the great and good of Ferelden are going to fall to ruin if I don't read their banal requests now. Which is a pity, really, I'd like less of a workload.'

Elissa's smile brightened as she disengaged herself from him. He followed her out into their private quarters, locking the door to the study behind him so that no one would disturb them. It was the simplest way to send the message that he was not to be bothered by anything as he spent a few hours doing what he wished as opposed to what other people expected of him.

'What are we going to do about Eamon?' he asked Elissa, taking her hand as they walked to the nursery.

'Public declaration before the entire Landsmeet,' she replied bluntly, 'With any luck, that way the whole Bannorn will get the idea as well.'

'If I'm still standing at the next Landsmeet,' said Alistair wryly. 'More than a few lords are after my head for assenting to the Empress's visit in the summer.'

Elissa squeezed her husband's hand. 'A few voices of discontent are not enough to raise a rebellion against you,' she said. 'You'd have more reason to be worried if they weren't complaining, because that would mean they were actively plotting against you.'

'And here I was hoping for an excuse to escape to the country and enjoy a life of peace and quiet with you and Eóin, eating cheese and sipping fine wine,' he said wistfully.

Elissa gave him an amused, but exasperated, look. 'We will still be here come the next Landsmeet,' she said, 'most of the Bannorn actually agree that our continuing peace with Orlais is the best way forward instead of giving them a good reason to bring troops to their borders. It is not as if you are inviting her with the intention of marrying her.'

'No,' he said slowly, 'I think I'll leave that potential mistake dead and buried at Ostagar with my brother.'

The Queen of Ferelden paused and turned to look at her husband. 'What do you mean?'

Alistair paused and sighed. 'Cailan was considering putting Anora aside and marrying the Empress to make a more permanent alliance between Ferelden and Orlais.'

Elissa looked aghast at the mere suggestion of the path their late king had once considered. She was a true born noble, brought up aware of the depth of hatred that most Fereldans still held for their neighbours following the brutal occupation of the Blessed Age. 'It would have caused a division within Ferelden that I fear would never have been healed and tainted the Theirin name forever. Maker be praised that it did not come to that.'

'Indeed,' agreed Alistair as they continued walking to the nursery.

When duty permitted it, they were a happy, normal family together, content to while away hours at a time in each other's company. Alistair remained mesmerised by his young son, watching with great fondness and amusement as the little boy waved his rattle around enthusiastically. Elissa had sat him down on the floor of their private solar with a few cushions behind him should he topple over in his excitement, and some of his favourite toys from the nursery. There was a small ball that Elissa had been rolling to him with chuckles of delight and a pull a-long horse that Eóin liked to push.

Eóin was a beautiful boy in the eyes of his father; his eyes were the same shade of brown as Alistair's, but Eóin had inherited Elissa's black hair. While it was too early to see who Eóin looked like, Alistair was sure that with a mother like Elissa and uncle like Fergus the young boy would grow up to be a handsome child who would eventually have every woman a court vying for his affection. He chuckled at the thought, wondering if it would be a curse or a blessing. Alistair had certainly found the months before his betrothal to Elissa slightly traumatic as he navigated his way through the ranks of the pathologically eager daughters of the Bannorn, all of whom wanted to sit beside him on the throne and provide him with a battalion of heirs. Elissa had been the exception, living more or less as a recluse within in the guest wing of the Royal Palace after a yearlong ordeal at the hands of vicious bandits. She had never shown the slightest interest in pursuing him or in being pursued during the summer she had spent here. However, as the months passed he watched her grow more confident and physically heal from the trauma she had experienced and he fell in love with her. He became so enamoured with her easy grace, sparkling wit, beautiful blue eyes, and soft voice, that he had practically pleaded with her to marry him. Even to this day, nearly two years after she had agreed to become his wife, he wasn't entirely sure that he hadn't been killed by the Archdemon and this was all some blissful afterlife.

The little boy abandoned his rattle and pulled himself up on his father's knee, holding his hands out. Alistair smiled broadly and willingly obliged, picking his son up so he could sit in his lap.

Elissa smiled as she watched them together, Alistair putting his hand over the little boy's eyes so they could play peek-a-boo. She remembered how worried he had been about becoming a father. His own status as the bastard son of the King had led him to unwillingly train as a Templar before becoming a Grey Warden. Alistair had then claimed the throne in a dramatic duel between himself and Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir. Yet he was such an affectionate man that she had never worried about him becoming a father. The look on his face when he had first held the little miracle of life between them had said it all and he had cried. That day had been like the sun breaking through the dark clouds as she was finally cleansed of the last vestiges of her tainted past. This was happiness, the three of them, together like this, the family they had once given up hope of ever having.

However, time was whittling away. Soon enough Alistair would have no choice but to return to work and she had some details regarding the First Day Celebrations to look over before the day was out. Besides, these moments would not be so special were they able to indulge in them every single day.

As if she had summoned it by thought alone, there was a knock on the door and Elissa got to her feet, smoothing her dress as she called for whoever it was, likely Rhia, to enter. Her maid entered, curtseying to the Royal family.

'Your Majesties,' she said, 'Ari has returned from being off duty and Thomas is wandering around decrying His Majesty's inability to complete his duties before indulging in leisure activities.'

In comparison to the vast majority of the servants that worked in the Royal Palace, Rhia enjoyed something of a unique relationship the King and Queen. She was not just Elissa's Lady's Maid, but also the Queen's friend and occasional confidant, and as such, was welcome in areas of the royal couple's life where most other servants would be forbidden. Elissa and Alistair guarded their privacy jealously, especially since the birth of Eóin, and allowed only a few trusted servants such as Rhia to enter their private sanctum, preferring to make their quarters as much like a normal home for their son as possible.

Alistair sighed heavily at the call back to work and Elissa lifted Eóin off his lap, the small boy fussing for his father.

'Thank you, Rhia,' Alistair said, getting to his feet. Rhia curtseyed in response to the dismissal and withdrew, leaving the family in privacy. Alistair turned back to his wife and son. 'Back to the grindstone then,' he said, pressing a kiss to Eóin forehead. 'Do we have anything scheduled for this evening?'

'Dinner with Fergus and Alfstanna,' she said. 'I doubt it will be a late affair.'

Alistair smiled, pressing a kiss to his wife's lips. 'Until later, then, my love,' he said, pulling back to brush her cheek with his thumb affectionately.