A few days later, the elementals were back to full health, and in the Fairy Tail spirit they obviously had to have a huge party to celebrate. They even invited the Blue Pegasus guild to the party as thanks for their help in Fairy Tail's time of need. Everyone eventually found out about Aria being with Eve, Zola hooking up with Hibiki, and Kai getting together with Erza. This was the fuel of playful teasing from both guilds and some major questions - the biggest one being if the Aria and Zola would leave Fairy Tail or not. Eve and Hibiki didn't push them to make a decision right away, and Fairy Tail suggested the option of the boys joining. In the end, Aria and Zola decided that they would create their own option and join Blue Pegasus while still being a part of Fairy Tail. When the two couples proposed the idea, Master Bob immediately agreed to the request. A week later, the girls traveled with the Blue Pegasus wizards back to their guildhall and Master Bob put the Blue Pegasus marks on the girls. Aria got a blue one on her right shoulder blade to match her Fairy Tail one, and Zola got hers on her left hip. The girls had many adventures and were able to visit their friends and family in Fairy Tail, all while making new friends and staying with their new boyfriends. Back at Fairy Tail, Kai eventually obtained the status of S-class wizard and continued going on jobs with Team Natsu. Kai and Erza also traveled to the Blue Pegasus guild from time-to-time to catch up with Aria and Zola. Kai and Erza became inseparable and even planned on getting married and having children in the future. Talk about a happily ever after.