Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.

A/N: Pangaea was never in Hetalia. The main reason is that the supercontinent is only a theory. Also, there were probably no humans at the time.

Please R&R.

Pangaea was just the kind of woman you'd imagine when you hear the word 'motherly'.

Her hazel eyes full of love, caring, and a touch of protectiveness. A body that was not skinny nor fat, but just in the middle of the two. Dark brown hair that was long and slightly curly. Olive skin that proved how much she loved being outside. Fingers that were slim, but a little tough from hard work. And a mouth that was almost always forming a reassuring smile.

Perhaps that's one reason why she is called 'The Mother Of All Nations'. Or maybe that title came from the fact that she created every country and empire known. How? That is not really sure to say. Maybe that 'ought to stay a secret.

Pangaea did not exactly die when her land broke into pieces. She rather gave up herself in order to make room for all her children. Yet she still stuck around to watch them.

Watch as they grew strong. Some stayed small, while others became big. Their cultures and personalities were all different.

Then they began to fight. Pangaea could only watch with disappointment as wars came up. Watch as the damage ate away at them until eventually, some of her children faded from existence. Her heart would break a little every time.

But things got better. Much to her happiness. Wars ceased for a long period of time. And in that time, friends were made. Even marriages. This was almost enough to heal her heart.

She smiled at the uniqueness of her children. How some were silly, playful, and loud. While others were mature, shy, and quiet. A few were arrogant or melodramatic, and a couple were optimistic or care-free.

Yes, Pangaea is nearly never seen. Unless she wants to be. But she doesn't show herself to regular humans. Only her children. And only a couple of them have had a glimpse of her.

Just because she isn't seen doesn't mean she isn't there. She always is. Watching over every nation that has, is, and will exist.