I don't know how I even thought of this, but I like it.

I think this is the end or at least this is how I finished it. Since I have like one reviewer if you'd like another chapter where Travis meets Eli tell me. If not then...The end!

I own nothing. Talk about a mental disorder. Please review?

"Wes," Dr. Ryan stared at me in sympathy, "Does anyone know about your brother?"

"Alex does," I sighed turning to her, "But they only met a couple of times. I didn't want her to have to deal with his bad days. I know what I'm doing. She doesn't."

The entire room was silent after that. I guess no one had thought that maybe, just maybe I had a good reason. Not everything I did was because I was an ass.

In fact, a lot of the things I did was because I scheduled my life around Eli. I knew that it was stupid and there was nothing I could do, but I couldn't leave him alone. I wouldn't.

I can still remember how it was when the while things started. I remember sitting in this bleak, almost completely empty waiting room everyday for house while Eli talked to his doctor.

I actually spent most of my free time there. After the first time of just sitting there I started bringing my homework. Took over a little table they had by on of the couches. I got a lot of work done.

A few times his doctor had expressed worry about me. He hadn't seemed to understand that I had to do my job. No matter what happened I had to be there for my little brother. No matter what the new was.

I wasn't going to let him think that he was going to be alone through out this whole thing. Honestly, I didn't care what it took to make him feel even slightly better about everything. I would do it.

Then he was diagnosed and things got pretty bad. Saying that Eli was afraid was an understatement. He hid away for awhile refusing to even let me near him. I could hear him talking to someone through the door, but I could never tell what he was saying. I just knew that he was talking to someone only he could see.

After a few days I convinced Eli to go back to his doctor. At least I think I was the one to convince him. The entire time that we talked he kept looking to the side and I knew that he was seeing someone else.

In the end though he did end up talking to his doctor. It didn't get him on his meds. I don't know why, but I truly wasn't surprised that the first thing out of his mouth was about that.

Eli flat out refused to take any medication and there was nothing anyone could do about it. He was old enough to decide for himself. And he chose not to take meds or to go into the hospital. So it was decided that we'd get a small apartment and he'd stay with me.

I don't know why I bothered, but I ended up calling our parents to tell them what was going on. In return, probably to ease their own guilt, they paid the rest on a fairly nice apartment for us.

It was difficult to take care of Eli and go to school. Not that I really had to watch over the man. He had a few symptoms, but for the most part nothing had really changed. Except that I now had a real reason to worry about my little brother.

Everything was fine for awhile. We worked together to make our home nice and the worst thing that came from Eli was him talking to himself. It was things that we could handle fairly easily. There really was no trouble working around all the little things that needed to be done to keep him calm.

That was when he had his first bad day. I had just come home from a date with Alex and there was yelling coming from inside. Worry filled me as I heard Eli screaming in anger. I'd never heard him sound like that. I had gone in to see what was going on and saw Eli was alone. He was having an episode.

I tried to talk to him, to calm him down, but whatever he was seeing was getting to him. Before I could even think I found myself on the ground, Eli using his legs to pin me, his fists continuingly hitting my face.

As soon as blood started to fall from my nose and mouth I closed my eyes tightly knowing what I was going to have to do. I didn't want to do this, but I doubted he'd stop anytime soon.

It took two punches for me to have Eli knocked out on the floor. I hated myself for that. I did everything to protect him and no I was the one hurting him. I couldn't deal with another episode like this. I couldn't hurt him to stop him from hurting me.

So I called his doctor and had him admitted. He fought for awhile, until he found out that he was the one that hurt me. It was like time froze for him before he quietly agreed.

"Wes," Travis whispered staring at me, "You can't blame yourself."

"I don't," I growled.

"Bull. You always blame yourself. You couldn't stop this from happening to him."

"Is that supposed to make all this better somehow?"

"No, but it does help a little. Listen to me. You can't blame yourself."


"You're way too stubborn, man. Always doing everything yourself. Always carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You don't control everything no matter how hard you try."

"He's my brother."

"I know. I get that. I'm not telling you to walk away or let it go. I'm saying that you can't let this be the only thing in your life."

"Then what do I do, Travis? We both know I have nothing else. We both know that."

"Wrong, Wes. You have me and I'll help you. Just like you'd help me. We're partners, baby. It's what we do. And I'm not letting you do this alone. Not anymore.