"Goo Joon Pyo." She said breathily, as the curly-haired man turned around. Yet, he did not smile or show any signs of recognition, just languidly looking at her.

"Geum Jan Di." He stated, in the tone that one would use to say "The sky is blue. The grass is green." Mere facts, mere unimportant facts. "Why are you here?"

Jan Di felt a pang in her chest at the harsh words. Why was she here? To see her boyfriend, of course! To visit the man who said he loved her, who asked her to wait for him, who was willing to do anything, anything for her.

"I just wanted to know if you're... If you're doing okay."

"I'm okay." He replied, looking at her with minor interest. Jan Di furrowed her eyebrows. That was it? She flew all the way to Macau from Korea and all she gets from Joon Pyo is two words? As if reading her mind, he spoke again.

"What did you expect me to say? 'I'm not doing well without you'? 'I miss you', maybe. Or maybe even 'I love you'?" He said the three sentences so little emotion that frustrated tears rose to her eyes. What was wrong with him? Why was he acting in this manner? Was it something she had done?

"Goon Joon Pyo! What exactly am I to you?"

He smiled, but it wasn't a kind smile. It was an amused, malicious smirk. "What are you to me? Nothing. A thing of the past, at most."

Jan Di couldn't believe it. She had been dead excited to see him again, and this was the kind of crap she was receiving from him?

"So I'm just a... Just a...?"

"A stain I want to erase." He stated, again looking solemnly at her, with no hint of emotion whatsoever. Jan Di's chest tightened, and she couldn't swallow. Her nose suddenly had a sour feeling in it, and the scenery blurred before her.

"I'm okay. That's all you wanted to know, right? Then I'll be going." Joon Pyo turned and made his way down the steps, not even turning back.

Jan Di's legs felt weak, and she collapsed into a heap onto the white marble bridge. She stared at the ground, as the tears flowing in her eyes swarmed together and splattered onto the smooth floor in fat droplets. What just happened? How did she go from being the one he loved to someone he wanted to forget? What was wrong with him? What was wrong with her? What was wrong?! She was angry, frustrated, confused, hurt. She couldn't think straight, and for the longest time just sat there, sobbing her eyes and heart out. A cold wind blew across her, and she shivered. She tensed as warm arms enveloped her.

"Goo Joon Pyo?" She asked hopefully, but saw a head of light brown instead of black curls. "Oh, Jihoo Sunbae!" She said as she quickly wiped away her tears and plastered a smile onto her face.

"What happened?" He asked, concerned, looking at her worriedly.

She opened her mouth with a small smile, intending to say, 'nothing' when her tears and sobs burst free. She couldn't help it. She hung on to his jacket and buried her face against his chest. He willingly pulled her closer and held her tight.

Jan Di was vaguely aware that she was ruining Jihoo's expensive white coat, what with her tears and mucus streaming all over the place, but she just couldn't stop crying, and Jihoo didn't seem to mind. Or at least didn't show it. When she had calmed down, he smiled kindly at her, then bent down to piggyback her.

"I can walk." She protested weakly, but he just raised his eyebrows, disbelieving, and carried her onto his back. She sighed at the rhythm of his walking, then sunk into the softness of his down-lined outerjacket. As he walked, tears started to flow as she recalled memories of Goo Joon Pyo. What caused the change in him? Then again, it wasn't the first time something like this had happened. Joon Pyo seemed to fluctuate between affection and resentment towards her. She was honestly getting tired of it. Always making her happy then disappointing her, it was like bringing her to see the beautiful view atop the cliff only to kick her down. And Jihoo? Jihoo was always there at the bottom of the cliff, catching her in his arms just before she fell, yet she still went away with Joon Pyo when he came to bring her to the top again.

Perhaps staying at the bottom would be better for her? Sure, she wouldn't get to see the beautiful view, but at least her feet were always on solid ground, and she would be with someone who would always love her.

But one more night, just one more night of missing Joon Pyo. Then tomorrow, she'll ask Jihoo out.