Okay, so this one will probably be rushed a little like the last one. (My mom will find out I'm still on the computer soon.) Just a warning, so sorry if it sucks. Please comment on it!

*Ciel's POV*

I turned around to face the Host Club as soon as we entered the manor, who were looking anywhere but me and my butler. "Why don't we head off for tonight, it's been a long day. If need be dinner can be arranged to come to your rooms."

"But it's only five o'clock!" objected Hikaru "We still need answers."

I glared at the twin, I was in no mood for this. "You are in no position to be making demands. May I remind you that you are in my estate, and I don't have to give you a justification of any sort. I could simply send you back home without an explanation."

Hikaru turned away, red with anger and embarrassment.

I turned away from the hosts, heading for my room. "Very well then. Sebastian, I trust you can handle the arrangements, along with the other servants."

Sebastian bowed. "Yes, my Lord."

My mind began to wander as Sebastian began to undress me. My first thought was that I hoped the servants didn't cause any more mayhem, I was already tired enough as it is. But, my thoughts turned darker. I needed to find the Aurora Society before they created more monsters. Would they bring back someone else from my past? What had happened to those children that had flooded the Music room? Did I loose the trust of the Host Club members? I would never say this out loud, but I the Host Club had grown on me.

"Young Master," Sebastian said, shaking me from my thoughts. "Would you require some tea before you sleep?"

I sled under the plus covers, shaking my head. "No. But I do have a request."


"Stay with me until I'm asleep,"

"Yes, my Lord," my butler gave a nod, before moving to the side of the room and blowing out the candle.

After a few minutes, sleep had dragged me into it's cold arms.

*Sebastian's POV*

The door clicked gently behind me as I left my master's room. Slumber had claimed him in a matter of minutes.

Bile spattered the floor as the boy was crushed under the memories of the two months.

"Se-Se-Seba-Sebastian! I command you, kill them all!"

I put a finger to my lips, stifling a chuckle. What a delectable soul his would be.


I ran down a long dark corridor, trying to escape the red eyes that had been following me. My destination was close ahead, a lone door at the very end.

I stretched out my arm, only to be snatched back by a dark figure. A cold hand wrapped around my waist, another on my shoulder. An icy voice whispered into my ear, as I gasped for my breath. "Come now, do really think it would be so easy to escape?"

*Kyouya's POV*

I buried my self deeper into the bed, ignoring the knock at the door.

"Sir, it's time to wake up. Breakfast will be served soon." a familiar voice announced.

I growled, pulling the covers over my head.

"Now, now, it could be rude to stand up the young master."

I chucked a nearby lamp at the butler's head, who caught it with ease. Tch, of course. "Fine..."

"Very good,"

I sat myself down at the table, in between the Tamaki and Honey. "Pardon me for the wait,"

Ciel waved his hand, "It does not matter, we all had just arrived ourselves. And it is common knowledge that you are difficult to arouse. Anyways, shall we discuss yesterday's... incident over breakfast."

"Yay!" Honey cried with excitement.

In rolled Sebastian, pushing a cart of various foods. After filling up on pastries and other cuisines, explanations were made.

"So, where would you like to begin?" questioned Ciel.

Honey spoke first, worry in his small voice. "How exactly did you form a..."


"Yeah, a contract, with Seb-chan?"

Ciel sighed, fiddling with his blue ring. "As you know, the Phantomhive estate was burned down when I was ten, my mother and father dying in it."

We all nodded.

"As I was calling for my parents, I was kidnapped and sold to a cult. I was kept there for two months, before I finally broke. I called for help, and Sebastian answered. I ordered him to kill everybody that was there and burn the place. I continue to seek revenge on those who disgraced me."

So there was some truth to Ciel's and Sebastian explanation at the beach...

"The man in the wheel chair that arrived in the music room was one of the people responsible for the torture."

"Then why did you... kill that other man, the Joker?" Haruhi questioned.

"He was in the way. Sided with the old man and sent his friends out to kill my servants."

"If you killed them, then how were they alive?"

"I'm as clueless as you. The only information I had is the one he gave, that he was bought back by the Aurora Society."

Kaoru and Hikaru spoke up. "So what was the real reason why you were in Japan? To get your revenge?"

Ciel shook his head. "I was sent here by the Queen on a missing persons case, which quickly escalated. As I discussed with Sebastian, the children that attacked were also kidnapped. It appears that the Aurora Society took the children and attempted to revive them as well, but obviously failed."

"What will you do now?" I asked my glasses gleaming in the light. "I presume that your original missing child was killed along with the others. So, your case is closed."

Ciel smirked. "I would expect nothing less from you. But, yes, the case is now closed. So Sebastian and I will be returning back to England and giving my news to the Queen."

Tamaki stood abruptly. "What?! What about the Host Club? We're a family, you can't just leave."

Ciel looked shocked and confused by Tamaki's actions. "A family?"

"Of course, it's an automatic win if you join. Hehe..."

"I... I must decline, I have other businesses."

Tamaki's face fell.

Ciel gave a snobbish glance up from his tea. "Though I cannot confirm that my orders will not bring me to Japan again."

Everybody broke out in wide, hopeful smiles. Ciel and Sebastian were tackled by joyful hosts, but I simply continued writing in my black book with a smile.

After a few annoyed sighs, twitching eyebrows, crushed backs, and laughs, we took our leave.

"Don't worry Ci-chan!" Honey cried out the car window. "We'll call you everyday! Be sure to eats lots of cake!"

The twins offered crooked grins. "You better watch out for out little Ciel, Sebastian! And make sure he drinks lots of milk, he'll never grow at that rate."

The dark butler chuckled, bowing his head. "Of course,"

Tamaki stuck half his body out the window, "Call us as soon as you get back!"

We all waved as the car drove off.

It seems Ciel isn't the heartless boy he wanted everyone to believe.

*Ciel's POV*

Honey did keep his promise, the Host club called everyday to tell about how the girls missed Sebastian and I, as well as their latest adventure.

I sighed, hanging up the phone. One call wore me out quickly. And I couldn't avoid the phone calls or else it would ring forever and annoying messages would build up.

My butler chuckled as he poured tea. "It seems that the Host club will keep in touch for quite a while."

I ignored his tease. "I am surprised by the Queen. I doubt she believed the story of Rita Anderson being found dead in an alley, and yet she did nothing about it... Her Majesty must have something planned for me in the future."

"It seems that way. Only time will tell..."

O.O Oh god... It's finished! Yay! *Does happy dance* My dream has been fulfilled! (I did have ice cream, thank you very much) Hope you liked it! May you see the Host Club in your dreams! *Flies away on unicorn pulling the characters* WHEEE!