The station wagon pulled into Circle Park after about 5 minutes of driving. Dipper's knotted stomach pulled to a strangling tightness when he saw that the whole town really did show up. And most of them were wearing Team V shirts.

There were two sets of bleachers set up, one on the left and one on the right. The people in the left bleachers were clad in Team Dippingsauce shirts (which gave Dipper a little bit of pride and hope), and the people in the right bleachers were clad in Team V shirts.

The Team V shirts were black with the same symbol on Robbie's sweatshirt. In gothic print, 'Team' was written above the symbol, and 'V' was written below. Dipper chuckled as Mabel started yelling about Robbie stealing their idea.

In the Team Dippingsauce bleachers were:

Lazy Susan, Sherriff Blubs, Deputy Durland, Grunkle Stan, Mabel, Candy, and Grenda.

In the Team V bleachers were:

Wendy, Mrs. V, Johnny V, Manly Dan, Tyler, the Corduroy boys, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Johansen, Thompson's mother and father (he wasn't sure of Thompson's last name), Mrs. Peralaski (the woman that works at the diner), and pretty much everyone else in town.

Dipper's heart sank, and his stomach was so painfully knotted he wanted to cry. He only had 7 supporters, while Robbie had about 35. Not to mention Nate, Lee, Tambry, and Thompson.

Dipper could see Nate and Lee up in the announcer stand, seeming to be having a conversation. He saw Nate give Lee a little punch in the arm, making Lee laugh. He saw the two boys kiss and give each other a tight hug before settling into their chairs. There were microphones and buttons coating the tables in front of them. "There has to be loads of microphones so that everyone can hear the announcers over the cheering and hollers." Grunkle Stan explained.

Tambry was seated in a box office just below the two boys' announcer room. There were dozens of computer screens and buttons and scorekeeping sheets in front of her.

Thompson was in a black and white striped shirt, a whistle around his neck. He wore a black trucker's hat and black shorts.

Nate, Lee, and Tambry were all wearing Team v shirts. Dipper thought this to be unfair, because that made it seem like they were helping him cheat or something. The announcers and scorekeepers weren't supposed to choose a team.

Dipper sighed. "Well_ I'm royally screwed."

He stepped up to the circle of dirt where the fight was going to take place. He could see Wendy on the other side, rubbing Robbie's shoulders. She was indeed in a pretty sexy outfit. She was in a red bra and black booty shorts, with boots that tied up to the knees. Her hair was tied into a ponytail on the very back of her head. Dipper started to obtain some dirty thoughts, but quickly shook them away. Now was not the time.

He yelped when he heard a deep voice in his ear. "Hey, little dude." He snapped around to find Lee, clad in the Team V shirt.

"Lee? What are you doing? Shouldn't you be up there with Nate?" he asked.

"I should. But he said that I should probably come down here and give you some advice, since it's your first fight, ya know? C'mon over here, I'll show you some stuff." Lee said.

"Why do we have to go behind the trees?"

"Because if Robbie saw me helping the 'enemy', he'd go ballistic."

"Oh, I didn't think of that. OK."

Dipper followed the taller boy to a clearing behind several trees. "Lee, I have another question."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"Why are you and Nate trying to help me?"

Lee just laughed. "Why do you THINK? You practically saved our lives in that convenience store. Don't you agree that we kinda owe you one?"

Dipper smiled up at him. "Yeah. I guess you kinda do."

Lee kneeled down behind him and wrapped his arms around him. He grabbed both of Dipper's wrists. "OK, this is how you punch. You'll wanna take your arm, and make sure that the insides of your forearms are facing each other. Then, when you actually hit, you rotate your arm so that your knuckles are facing up and down. Like this." He took Dipper's right arm and moved it through the positions of a punch. "Same thing with your left." He did the same motion with Dipper's left arm.

"Now you try."

Dipper looked around. "On what?"

"Uh…you can use my stomach. Yeah, that works." Lee said, kneeling down to Dipper's level. "C'mon, little dude. Hit me with your best shot."

"But…won't I hurt you?"

Lee laughed. "Dude, do you know how many times a day Nate mercilessly socks me in the stomach? I'm totally used to it, I'll be fine. Go ahead." His face lit up. "And you wanna know a little secret about Robbie?"


Lee smiled mischievously and whispered "He's got the most sensitive stomach EVER. So this'll be great practice. Once you give him a good blow to the gut, he's OUT."

Dipper's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Oh yeah. He's a wimp when it comes to his stomach. Nate gave him a punch yesterday_" he stifled a laugh "_ he cried for 15 minutes." Lee finally couldn't take it anymore and busted out laughing. Dipper laughed along with him.

Lee took a deep breath to stop laughing. "OK. Now give me a real, Grade A, manly punch. A MANLY DAN level punch."

Dipper laughed again. "Yeah, like THAT'LL happen."

He slowly raised his hand, pulled his arm back as far as he could, then rotated his arm, blowing Lee in the stomach. Lee wheezed and doubled over, rolling to his side. "Holy crap, Dipper." he wheezed. "You've got Nate beat by a mile."

Dipper smiled. "Really?! I mean, you're not just SAYING THAT?"

"Absolutely not! I guess it's because Nate gives me a joking punch. But that was a REAL punch! You're gonna, like, damage Robbie's insides!"


"Yeah, bro! Now all we've gotta do is teach you how to kick those tiny legs!"

xxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxx XXxxXXxx

Robbie was stomping up to the announcer's stand, blistering with rage. He flung the door open and stomped inside, up to the table where Nate was sitting, enjoying his coffee. "NATE, WHERE IS DIPPER?! YOU TOLD HIM 3:00, DIDN'T YOU?!" Robbie barked.

Nate's stomach fluttered. His lying skills had BETTER be working well right now. "Yeah, I told him 3:00." he said calmly.


"Robbie, you need to chill. You'll never win the fight if you stay tense like this."


Nate gulped. "Uh…he's…he went to go get us some burgers. He'll be back in a few minutes." Nate lied.

Robbie eyed him suspiciously. "OK. But he'd better be back by the time DipSquirt shows up." He scowled at Nate and trudged out of the room, his fists clenched.

Nate looked out the stand's window, chuckling at all the screaming fans. It was hard to believe that in just minutes, his voice would be booming in the microphones for all to hear.

He jumped in his chair as Lee burst through the door, Dipper at his heels. Nate's eyes filled with horror. Lee was clutching his stomach, and there were bruises dotting his shins. He still wore a smile, though. "Lee, what happened?! Did Robbie find out?!"

Lee smiled proudly and patted Dipper's back. "Nope. These are all from Dipper. This kid can really pack a punch."

Nate's eyes went even wider. "Woah! I'll bet you destroy Robbie!"


"Yeah, man!"

"Awesome! Thanks, guys."

"Oh, it's no problem. Now go out there and cream Robbie." Lee said.

Nate nodded, smiling cruelly. "This will be payback for calling us that word in front of everyone yesterday." Lee grew the same cruel smile Nate had. "Oh, absolutely." he said.

Dipper raised an eyebrow. "What word did he call you?"

"The f-word."

"What, f-u-c-k?" he spelled out.

"No, the other one. F-a-g-g-o-t-s." Nate spelled out.

Dipper's eyes widened and he scowled. "OK, that's the bottom line! Nobody calls my friends the 2nd f-word! NOBODY!" he shouted. "I'm gonna cream Robbie into a pulp! For you guys!" He rubbed his knuckles as he paraded out the door, down toward the circle.

Lee smiled. "He's such a cool guy, for a 12 year-old."

Nate nodded, smiling. "Yup. What he's doing for us_"

Both boys said in unison "_ really following the Bro Code."