"Teme, I'm bored" Naruto wined loudly.

"Do something then" Sasuke replied nonchalantly, without looking up from his book.

"I want to do you" Naruto whined making his way over to Sasuke, and shaking him so hard his teeth rattled.

Once Sasuke's teeth were securely back in place, he waved a hand in front of Naruto's face. "I'm Luke Skywaker, use the force Luke. USE IT DAMNIT"

"T-teme? Are you okay? Do you have, like, a fever, or something?" Naruto asked backing away slowly.

"No" Sasuke yelled standing up suddenly "I'm sick of Nyquill!"

"S-Sasu-ke" Naruto stuttered "w-what's wr-wrong"

"No Elephant-San, i said I wanted a Unicorn RAINBOW Panda Monkey. Not a Unicorn BLACK Panda Monkey!" Sasuke yelled shaking his fist at thin air.

"Sasuke?" Naruto questioned, "...are you high?" Naruto doubted it could ever happen, but anything was possible with this kid. Naruto expected him to say 'oh HELL NO' or something along those lines, but the Uchiha said the thing he least expected to hear coming from the usually stoic black haired child in front of him:

"Dance party" Sasuke yelled randomly, as he started doing the 'sprinkler'

"C'mon, dance with me" Sasuke yelled 'raising the roof'

Suddenly, and without warning Sasuke slumped forward into Naruto's arms.

Naruto was taken aback, what was he supposed to do? This had never happened before. "Help! I need a medic-nin!" Naruto screamed, hopping that someone, anyone, would hear his desperate cry for help.

Sasuke suddenly reached up and poked Naruto between the eyes. "I'm a medic-nin!" He mumbled. Then he stuck his hand out, palm up. "That'll be 500yen, stat!"

Somewhere in the trees outside the house, Itachi Uchiha was laughing his ass off. In fact, he was laughing so hard he almost fell off the branch he was perched on. Earlier, Itachi had spiked the soda he left on his brother's door step with sake. The blonde had persuaded the raven to drink one, but he drank 5. The blonde also had had that many, but turns out he could really hold his liqueur.

Itachi smirked. He would have to do this more often. Cause even murders need to laugh.