To awaken a Furyan whose very nature has been suppressed for years… that will require life-threatening danger and anger enough to ignite that legendary Furyan temper. Sorry Taniar, but it's time to wake up.

Thanks to everyone who favorited/alerted, and a special thanks to Annika Sparks, Swirlypasta, Rosmund Chadwick, mel (Guest, two?), Gothika (Guest), Champion of Justice, Flowerchild23, .1656, and Shadow315 for the reviews. I hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry it's short (I might come back and lengthen it a bit).

I hope everyone has a happy winter holiday!

Let me know what you think of the chapter, please?


Chapter 3: Instinct? Dead.

The first thing he felt was pain.

Several of his ribs were cracked or broken, and his whole right forearm was shattered, as was the corresponding hand. He had felt pain before, broken bones were simply a matter of fact for the people in his business, but this was on a level that was new to him. He didn't like it.

Blindly, the fingers of his left hand scrabbled for the emergency release; it wasn't until the glass lifted with a sickening wet squelch and a shooting pain went through his abdomen that he realized he'd been impaled by shrapnel.

It was agony, and he wanted so badly to not move, not even to breathe, but he knew that if he continued to simply lay there he would bleed out. His good hand clamped onto the edge of the chamber and he slowly pulled himself into a sitting position- he could not stop the pained cry from leaving his lips as he did so. For a time he sat there, in the heat, waiting for his vision to return from the pain-darkened, white star-burst studded thing his movements had turned it into.

The first thing he did when he could see was examine his surroundings.

His cryo chamber was horribly damaged and he quickly realized that it was by luck alone that he had survived- certainly the others surrounding him where not so fortunate. They were scattered across what appeared to be a desert, most of them in a wide furrow of sand that he quickly realized was a crash trail. There was blood and fire and what he very much suspected to be body parts littering the ground.

The stench of burning flesh filled the air.

He looked for, and quickly found, his Brothers- there was no doubt in his mind that both were dead. Unlike him, their injuries were too great to walk away from- to even wake from. They were dead. Then again- so was he, it would just take him a little longer to get there.

Dèvo smiled grimly.

Riddick was moving almost the instant the ship had come to a stop, throwing himself against already cracked glass until it shattered under his attack. He stepped out coolly and was immediately on the prowl. He had a merc to kill.

The scent of blood pulled him up short, and he tilted his head back slightly, taking deep pulls from the air. He would have ignored it altogether, he had things to do, but the source was just on the other side of his cryotube. He crouched over her unmoving body, taking a moment to study her curiously.

The amount of blood he was smelling told him that she was not heavily injured, but the lack of reaction to his presence let him know that she was unconscious. He took the opportunity to study her scent more deeply.

The change that had occurred during the purge was so drastic that he almost didn't believe it had happened, but he could still smell it on her. It was fading though. She was beginning to smell weak again.

He rose to full height. The woman was odd, but he could examine it later.

-(Look At How Time Flies)-

He was in the middle of strangling Johns when he realized she was awake. His first conscious thought was that she was pissed, his second being: 'What the fuck?'

Because, seriously-




He was in the middle killing Johns and his animal was more interested in the fact that she was awake than in the prey right before him? Why? She was weird, but he'd met oddities before without it catching his attention so completely. And the oddities only ever seemed to interest the man, but it was the animal in him that took note of her first.

If he even remotely doubted it- the thought was banished when he automatically tensed at the scent of complete terror that was suddenly coming from her. He was even tense enough that it slowed his reaction time, so when the pipe he was hanging from snapped, he bashed his head on his way down. Even as he was dazed on the ground with Johns wailing on him, he was aware of her terror. And it unsettled him.





Taniar was hovering. She was aware of this fact, but that wasn't enough to stop her from doing it. At least she was pretty subtle about it, no one really seemed to notice that she was staying relatively close to Jack, or that the kid was always in her line of sight. And it wasn't like she was being unproductive- she was searching for anything useful just like everyone else.

But when the sudden screaming started- her first reaction was to keep the kid safe, and it was only after the boy was firmly by her side that she allowed herself to satisfy her curiosity. That was why she and Jack were the last to gather around what was once the pilot, the scent of blood so strong in the air that she had to hold her breath to keep from gagging. The man was begging, shocked and panicking at the sight of the foreign object protruding from his chest- Taniar didn't need anyone to tell her that he was dead. The diameter of the object, in combination with the number of damaged organs he would have suffered, was more than enough to tell her his fate.

It was the arguments that had her subconsciously wedging herself between the boy and the other survivors.

And it was the odd look he shot her that made her realize how strangely she was acting... She had known the boy for an hour, maybe two- this behavior was extreme, even for her. A glance at all the faces in the room, and a long look at the boy she was hovering around- she fought a deep part of her mind, but managed to slink away.

Taniar could only hope that her pills kicked in quickly.