It had been some months since the final battle against the Apostles of the stars lead by Train's ex-partner / possible gay stalker and everything had been more or less peaceful for the team of sweepers. During this time they had been staying at the house of the woman responsible for the creation of Eve's powers through the use of nanomachines. The group was sitting down to breakfast when Sven came running in with a flyer for a new job and the look on his face told them this job would be worth a ton of money.

"What's up Sven? You look like you just won every lottery in the world at once" said Train commenting on the huge grin on his friends face.

"In a way I might have, you wouldn't believe how much money this job is worth." Sven replied.

"Really, how much is it?" asked Rinslet, the teams resident 'infiltration expert' (aka thief), with stars in her eyes imagining the amount of money it would take to make the normally calm Sven act the way he was.

"This is worth so much that it covers pretty much all our debts ever!" Sven proclaimed excitedly as he held the paper out, puffing out his chest as if to say 'bow to me, for I am awesome'.

Hearing this everyone at the table dropped their jaws in shock. "So what kind of job is it, who are we going after, and how dangerous are they?" Asked Eve, pulling the others out of their stunned silence, making them realize that if someone really was offering so much money for a job they were either incredibly desperate, stupidly wealthy, or it was so dangerous they doubted anyone would take it.

"As always you're right on top of the details aren't you, Eve?" asked Tearju looking at her creation/daughter.

Sven took a closer look at the paper and reading it aloud he said, "Well it appears to be a bodyguard job for some high-ranked man's daughter who is being targeted by what they refer to as 'Akatsuki' an organization made of s-class criminals, it says that while there are many people in the village who could do the job his daughter is headstrong and refuses to accept a bodyguard, not to mention this criminal group could get information on pretty much anyone from the village, but someone else would be a complete unknown for them."

"Who is the guy who posted the job Sven?" asked Rinslet imagining a king of some wealthy country. "It says here", said Sven, "that he's some guy called Minato Namikaze, Hokage of a village called Konohagakure."

When he heard this Train slammed his fist on the table and in a cold voice that none of them had heard him use before said "Throw away that paper Sven, and forget the job. We're not taking it." Shocked by the cold tone of his voice his friends didn't know what to say until Rinslet spoke up "What about the reward money Train? Don't you need to clear your debts?"

Train replied "we may need money but not the kind that he touched." Sven trying to reason with Train's better nature brought up who they were supposed to be protecting. "What about this girl who needs protecting, if the people after her are really so dangerous then it will take top class skills to do it"

While Sven had been talking Train was getting up and walking to the door, he looked over his shoulder and said, "If it's her, if it's the daughter of Minato Namikaze then she can burn in hell for all I care, her and her family."

Hearing this made everyone even more stunned than before, "What's gotten into you Train? You've never said anything like this about anyone, not to mention you're talking about these people like you know them personally?"

"Yes, I do know her after all, she is my sister." Train stated as he walked out of the house to cool off leaving the others to contemplate what they had just heard.

Authors note: This story is more to give someone else a place to start with. It was something I thought up on a spur of the moment that I am hoping someone else will be able to continue. However I may at least attempt to continue this story if people want me to.