Weeeell, long time no post minna. Sorry for not updating early. I have many reasons and I know you don't want to hear it.

Thank you for reviewing and adding this story on you alerts list! I am so tooouched! Seriously people! I'm melting from happiness!



disclaimer: SnK and One Piece is not mine.

They reached a wall.

A rather huge wall. It loomed over them all, impossibly tall and casting the nine pirates in a dark shadow.

"What's with the shitty wall?" Sanji mused, the smoke from the smouldering cigarette inbetween his lips. Zoro, as usual, was quick to quip back,

"Ask yourself, dumbass."

"What did you say, marimo?!"

"We fucking don't know this place and yet you're going to ask that stupid question, you third-class cook?!"

"That's it! I'm going to kill you!" Sanji raged, tapping his right foot in irritation.

"You're going to die first, curly brows!" Zoro snapped.


The red haired navigator punched them both hard on the head, successfully shutting them up. Nami placed her slender hands on her hips, huffing at her impressive work.

"Seriously, stop acting like a kid! I've had enough of a stupid Captain to take care of!"

"Damn woman." Zoro muttered, earning a glare from the blonde cook.

"What did you just call Nami-san?!" Sanji shouted, standing up from the grass he just fell in.

"I don't want to repeat what I said, stupid cook."


"STOP IT!" Nami screeched.

"Hai! Nami-swaaaan!" The cook swooned, spewing love hearts everywhere and leaving the swordsman with a feeling of nausea at the display.

"What should we do Nami? Should we break the wall?" Usopp asked as he stared up to sky with his hand shielding his eyes as he scaled the impressive building work, "I think this is at least fifty meters high," He added.

"Yosh! I say we break it!" Luffy exclaimed and raised his hand excitedly in the air as he jigged up and down on the spot.

Nami glared at her Captain, "We can't break it! What if there are civilians behind this wall and its purpose is to protect?! They won't want you smashing your thick skull through it!"

Luffy pouted and replied. "But we didn't pass by anything dangerous!"

"Don't you think it's weird that there is nothing dangerous here?! This is New World for god's sake!"

"Nami is right, Luffy." Robin said and crossed her arms to her chest. She stared at the wall thoughtfully. "It's best to be careful for something could attack us unprepared."

"But I want to know what's behind this wall!" Luffy whined and collapsed onto the grass. Robin simply let out a small laugh while Nami sighed at her Captain's childishness.

"I can smell the breeze of fresh water!" Chopper suddenly exclaimed happily.

Hearing this, Nami perked up and whirled her head towards Chopper. "Really?"

Chopper nodded and pointed his hooves to where he could smell the water. "It's over there, it's not far."

"Ok minna! Let's go to where the river is!" Nami ordered and climbed aboard to sit on the back of the already transformed Chopper.

"Yosh Usopp! Let's race!" Luffy grinned at the smirking sniper.

"Don't go crying when you lose Luffy. I didn't train for nothing." Usopp proudly responded.

"Shishishi. I won't lose either."

And so they went away, passing by the grumpy Surgeon of Death, the smiling 'Violet Demon' Stellar, the annoyed Pirate Hunter and the swooning black leg.

"They're at it again." Stellar smiled as she walked side by side with the Heart Captain.

Law responded by sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose. The Straw Hat Captain was beginning to give him a headache with all his running and complaining. He'd been so energetic ever since they left the ship and didn't seem to show any signs of tiring soon as he continued to run in every available direction.

The river, just as Chopper had said, was not really that far. They reached it faster than they thought and Nami smiled cheerfully at the clear water in front of her.

"Our ship can pass here." Nami said then held her hand out to Sanji. "Den Den Mushi."

Sanji twirled, kneeled and gracefully took out the baby den den mushi from his coat's pocket. "For you, mademoiselle."

"Thank you, Sanji-kun."

"Ne, Usopp. What do you think is behind that wall?" Luffy asked aimlessly as he picked something up from the bank and tossed a pebble on the river.

Usopp shrugged and focused on throwing a pebble farther than Luffy. "A village, maybe."

"What kind of people do you think they are, Usopp?" Chopper asked while lying contentedly on the grass.

"I dunno." He replied.

"Franky and Brook will be here in a minute. We better stay here." Nami said, intentionally emphasizing the 'here' for Luffy.

Luffy groaned and slumped down on the grass. "It's so booooooring~"

"Let us rest, Luffy. We've been running all day just to catch up with you." Usopp complained and joined the two on the grass.

A loud rumble of noise was the only respond Usopp heard from Luffy.

"I'm hungry." He finally replied.

"You always are."

"I want food. Sanji~ I'm hungry!"

"Shut up, Luffy."


"Wait for Franky to come here and I'll cook for you, shitty Captain! So stop complaining!" Sanji growled as he struck up another cigarette and exhaled sharply, pushing the smoke into Zoro's direction and the swordsman wrinkled his nose at it. Luffy groaned again and shut his mouth. He stared at the sky and another loud grumbling noise was heard, earning an exasperated sigh from the navigator.

"What now, Luffy?"

"I saw a meat shaped cloud on the sky." He replied nonchalantly.

Robin chuckled and Stellar giggled at their Captain's antics as, finally, their ship arrived, Franky as usual, doing his trademark pose while Brook simply sipped his tea.

"Yohohoho! Glad you're all alive and well, minna-san!"

"We nearly died… from exhaustion." Usopp said and climbed up the ship.

"It seems like your adventure is fruitful, Luffy-san." Brook stated as he watched his crewmates climb up the ship.

"There's nothing fun." Luffy replied as he puffed his cheeks in disappointment.

"Don't worry Luffy. The other side of the wall is waiting for us." Stellar tried to cheer the Captain up and smiled brightly when Luffy grinned big at the mention of the wall.

"Yosh! Full speed ahead Franky!" Luffy ordered enthusiastically.

"Yow! You can SUUUUPER count on me!" Franky responded.

The Thousand Sunny leapt into a faster pace and Luffy's grin grew wider as they got nearer to the wall. In the distance, they saw a large wooden gate, blocking their way to the other side of the wall. It was rather old and quite wrecked. Luffy's normal punch could surely destroy it with ease.

"That's strange…" Nami said, observing the cracks and splinters on the wooden gate. If there is a wall to protect the people inside it, then why is the gate half destroyed and practically open?

Are the people on this island trying to protect themselves or not?

What's with this country?

"Gomu gomu noooo! Pistol!"

Luffy's powerful punch completely destroyed the gate, resulting a loud crash that echoed throughout the land on either side of the river, dust filled the air, making them unable to see ahead.

The ship continued moving forward and when the dust cloud finally vanished, the crew on were instantly on high alert.

Nami wiped her eyes with the back of her hands and when she could see, she couldn't help but gawk at the unexpected view in front of her. "What happened here?" Nami asked to no one in particular, her eyes wide as she took it all in.

The river continued through the village, dividing it in two. Well, what was left of it anyway. The houses they passed were destroyed, some right down to their foundations and there was no sign of life or movement anywhere. It was as if they'd walked straight into a warzone.

"This place is giving me the chills." Usopp commented as he rubbed his arms slowly.

"I hope the people living here didn't get eaten," Robin said calmly.

"I don't want to hear your thoughts Robin!" Usopp cried, immediately covering his ears.

"I don't like it, it smells like blood and gunpowder." Chopper whispered, sniffing at every direction before covering his little blue nose and dipping behind Sanji's leg, the blonde reaching down to rub his ear soothingly. Sanji huffed out a wisp of smoke, "What happened here? A war?"

"I doubt that a war happened here." Stellar uttered as she observed the dying village in front of her with keen pearl-like eyes. "War is more… messier than this. Besides... if it was a war, where are the bodies?"

"There's nothing fun here either…" Luffy whined childishly as he slumped on the rail board. He watched the village with uninterested eyes when suddenly a loud thud had the Sunny leaping into the air before crashing into the water again. The crew on board scrabbled to find secure footing. Nami and Robin held tightly onto the arms the Devil Fruit user had sprouted for them, Chopper and Usopp clutched the mast, Brook held onto the railings and Franky held onto the wheel. Trafalgar had ended upside down in an unfortunate tangle of Zoro and Sanji's limbs, the surgeon looking unimpressed as the cook and swordsman spat curse words at one another over who was to blame for their predicament. Stellar had crashed into some barrels, hissing at the pain in her back.

Luffy picked himself up from the stairs where he'd fallen and scrambled to get up on the railing of the ship. He looked up as an enormous figure, bigger than anything he'd ever seen stepped cleanly over a barely standing house and loomed over the ship. Luffy hummed thoughtfully as he looked it over, they way it blocked out the sun making it hard for him to see what it was clearly. He turned to face his crew who had, for some reason, been stunned into silence. Even the bickering between Sanji and Zoro had stopped and Trafalgar looked horrified and confused from his upside down position between them. Luffy pointed up to the figure above,

"What is that?"

So they reached the first wall so damn fast... Well, for me, I think there will be no titans roaming around outside Wall Maria since there is nothing to kill/eat. But there will be titans inside Wall Maria. It's my thoughts and this story will follow what I'm thinking. Hope you understand. This story will go in a slow pace. I don't want to hurry and make the Straw Hats meet Eren and the others quickly. There will be no thrill if they meet ASAP, right? haha, I want the Straw Hats to explore the country all by themselves until they meet 'them'. Also, there will be surprises here and romance. YES, ROMANCE! You'll know who THEY are. SOON.

About my OC... she has a VERY important role here. Like what I told you last Chapter, she will be just a side character. She'll not do anything important except for two or three chapters. It really depends on the story flow. I hope you will like her! Do you need more description of her? Tell me and I'll describe her more for you :)

on the next chapter, the Straw Hats will finally meet and fight the Titans! Woo! Fighting scene! I'll do my best! They will meet lots of different and unique titan faces! Will they survive? Stay tune!

I'll be updating next, NEXT week. I have my Finals and I need to study!