"Henry?" Monica covered her eyes "Where did Henry go?" She smiled looking around as she sat on the floor across from her baby boy.

Monica and Chandler adopted Henry from his abandoned parents that were both alcoholics and lost custody of him. That was two years ago. Although Henry was adopted he still looked a little bit like Monica and Chandler with dark brown hair and tan skin. The only problem was he had green eyes and not blue.

The toddler laughed and tried to uncovered Monica's eyes "Mommy." He smiled

Monica moved her hands and saw him right in front of her "There you are!"

Henry then covered up his eyes. He spread his fingers seeing through them just a little bit as Monica looked around acting like she lost him.

Henry uncovered his eyes "Boo."

Monica pretended to jump "You scared me." She played along causing him to laugh.

"Hello? Anybody home?"

They heard Chandler call through the house and Henry's eyes went wide as he looked at his mom. "Who's that?" Monica asked causing Henry to smile and jump in his mothers lap "Is that daddy?"

Chandler put down his keys on the table right next to their wedding photo. He quietly made his way upstairs and peeked into his little boys room that he shared with their other son, Jack.

Henry darted his eyes from Monica to the door as he sat their quietly listening for his dad.

Chandler stepped in front of the door "Ahh!" He shouted softly

Henry giggled and tried to hide his face in Monica's chest.

Chandler moved closer smiling as he grabbed his son from Monica's embrace and picked him up.

Henry smiled as Chandler held him above his head and then blew on his stomach as he laughed and held onto Chandler's face.

He smiled and held him at his side "Where are the kids?"

Monica stood up "They went to Emma's, be back by dinner." She informed him giving him a welcome home kiss before they made their way back downstairs.

Chandler put Henry in his highchair while Monica got his snack. "How was work?" She asked

"It was interesting..." He went over to the fridge getting a drink out before continuing "George, my boss.." He took a drink "He is about sixty years old. He was carrying these boxes up the stairs to his office from his car since the elevators were down, and I felt sorry for the old man so I offered to help being the nice guy that I am and we got to talking and he offered me a raise." Chandler finished smiling

Monica grinned "Oh honey that's incredible!" She kissed him

Henry covered his eyes "Eww..."

Monica and Chandler broke apart smiling.

"Mom!...Dad!?" Erica and Jack shouted as they walked in the house returning from Emma's that night.

Henry came running out of the kitchen and to his siblings.

"Hey buddy." Jack smiled and picked him up "Where are mommy and daddy?"

Henry pointed to the closed door in the kitchen.

Jack and Erica looked at one another before walking that way.

Erica slowly opened the door and heard the music playing from the radio "The Way You Look Tonight." Filled the room as they all three looked towards their parents in the center of the kitchen floor dancing in each other's embrace.

Jack smiled as he thought about that day he was reunited with his family. The moment his mom and dad got back together he knew that this one was going to last.

The End! I know it was kind of short but as always, had nothing else to fill the spaces and make it longer...I think I've been writing too many stories and trying to make every one a little bit different. I need to get out more. Please review!